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 Trio Honored With 2008 Cotton Genetics Research Award 01/07/2009
SAN ANTONIO, TX – The team of Drs. Al Bell, Forest Robinson and Dave Stelly received the 2008 Cotton Genetics Award by accomplishing a major breakthrough in transferring resistance to reniform nematode from a wild cotton species to upland cotton.
 2009 High Cotton Winners Display Environmental Ethic in Communities 01/06/2009
Jimmy Dodson uses border strips to avoid drifting pesticides onto his neighbors’ lawns. Mike Tate is considered to be a “preferred” neighbor among residents in his community. Jason Luckey spends hours telling agriculture’s story to community organizations. Danny Locke shows small groups of other farmers what he’s doing to make his operation more environmentally friendly.
 “Improving Our Farm, Future and World” Is 2009 Beltwide Cotton Conferences’ Theme 12/31/2008
Producers and others with a vested interest in the U.S. cotton industry are invited to attend the world’s annual premier cotton information forum – the Beltwide Cotton Conferences – on Jan. 5-8 at the Marriott Rivercenter/Riverwalk in San Antonio, TX.
Sunbelt Agriculture's Challenges Must Be Understood 12/17/2008
In response to President-elect Obama's nomination of Iowa governor Tom Vilsack as next Secretary of Agriculture, the NCC said US cotton leaders are awaiting the nomination of individuals to serve in key positions at USDA and other agencies who are familiar with Sunbelt agriculture and who understand the challenges of diverse crop production on commercially viable farms capable of competing in domestic and international markets.
Textile Mills Economic Assistance Clears Hurdle 12/12/2008
USDA made available the User Agreement for textile mills participating in the Economic Adjustment Assistance Program authorized by the Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008.
Commodity and General Farm Organizations Urge Immediate Release of Farm Law Regulations 12/09/2008
The NCC joined every major commodity and farm organization in conveying serious concerns about the significant delay in publishing the regulations implementing numerous commodity and conservation provisions of the Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008.
Cotton Newsline: December 19, 2008 12/19/08
The Director General of the WTO announced that there will not be a ministerial in 2008.
Cotton Newsline: December 17, 2008 12/17/08
The Advancing Cotton Education or ACE website was created to provide a single access point for cotton management practices.
AgDay TV: December 16, 2008 12/16/08
In the height of the information age, it is becoming more important for people to access information quicker and easier. In this report, Tran Bui will tell us about a website that puts cotton production information at your finger tips.
Cotton Newsline: Decemer 12, 2008 12/12/08
The National Cotton Council joined major commodity and farm organizations urging immediate release of farm law regulations.
Cotton Newsline: December 10, 2008 12/10/08
The National Cotton Council is in the early stages of getting ready to send out the Planting Intentions Survey for 2009 and what was planted in 2008 for cotton as well as other crops.
AgDay TV: December 9, 2008 12/09/08
Spider mites are becoming more problematic in the Missouri region. In this report, Tran Bui will update us on some of the current issues with this pest.

Daily Cotton eNews

Friday eNews 1/2/09

Wednesday eNews 12/31/08

Tuesday eNews 12/30/08

Monday eNews 12/29/08

Thursday eNews 12/18/08