National Wild & Scenic Rivers


Limpkin, Wekiva River, Florida

We've recently completed new maps for the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System. Here, you can view the National System online, download a printable copy of map (you'll need access to a plotter, or download the GIS files used to create the map.

Please let us know if you have any problems, but please, no questions about the GIS file—none of the Wild & Scenic Rivers Council members are well versed in GIS. Instead, please contact your own GIS specialist. And please note that, as with any mapping exercise, some of these files are quite large.

Please note that you'll likely have to "right click" on the link and save the file to your computer for files other than PDFs. And you may have to save the larger PDFs in the same manner. Acrobat and Acrobat Reader occasionally freeze when trying to open large PDFs directly from a web site.

View the Alaska Map

View the Continental United States Map

Download the Alaska Map - 72 dpi (728KB PDF)
Download the Alaska Map - 150 dpi (2.58MB PDF)
Download the Alaska Map - 200 dpi (4.13MB PDF)
Download the U.S. Map - 72 dpi (1.72MB PDF)
Download the U.S. Map - 150 dpi (7.26MB PDF)
Download the U.S. Map - 200 dpi (11.60MB PDF)
Download the Alaska Base Map - Adobe Illustrator (2.93MB)
Download the Alaska Base Map - Adobe PhotoShop (47.67MB)
Download the Alaska Base Map - TIF (10.71MB)
Download the U.S. Base Map - Adobe Illustrator (6.97MB)
Download the U.S. Base Map - Adobe PhotoShop (207.31MB)
Download the U.S. Base Map - TIF (56.11MB)
Download the Alaska Plotting Instructions (PDF) Download the U.S. Plotting Instructions (PDF)
Download the GIS file (3.4MB Zip File) Download the Agency Logos for GIS (2.89MB Zip File)
Download the Puerto Rico Base Map - Adobe PhotoShop (23.72MB) Download the Puerto Rico Base Map - TIF (1.99MB)

Kid's Site GIS and Mapping WSR Display
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Created on:  1/1/2007