The Cotton Foundation
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The Cotton Foundation was created in 1955 as a 501(c)3 organization to give U.S. cotton’s agribusiness allies opportunities to support the U.S. cotton industry over and above the products and services these firms provide.

Beginning with only a handful of members, the Foundation consistently has more than 60 member firms. Membership includes banks, seed companies, chemical and equipment manufacturers, publishers and others whose success depends at least in part on U.S. cotton and who share a common concern for a healthy industry.


With these agribusiness members' dues, their special project grants and through other support, the Foundation now is able to channel more than $1,750,000 exclusively to support cotton research and education. That, in turn, helps the Foundation carry out its mission of strengthening cotton's position in the highly competitive fiber market.

To achieve this mission, the Foundation is pursuing these major goals:

  • support present Foundation leadership and member education programs;
  • provide educational programs that improve safety, productivity and environmental stewardship of the industry work force;
  • identify short and longer term issues facing the cotton industry and then develop and implement projects to address issues or needs;
  • develop and provide funding for programs to help influence industry and government research;
  • identify long-term, industrywide strategic issues that will impact the cotton industry; and
  • identify in a timely manner and assess the impact of proposed regulations.

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