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Welcome to the
Adams County Website

Adams County was established in 1911 and named for America's second president, John Adams. It is comprised of 1,376 square miles of mountains, forests, rivers, high desert and is bordered on the west by Hells Canyon.

This website was established to assist County residents and to inform visitors and future residents as well. It includes information on County government and services as well as general information of interest. You can also take a look back at our history as a county and learn about our communities.

Adams County -- Following the traditions of its hard-working and steadfast settlers.

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© Adams County, Idaho. All rights reserved
Site Design by: High Desert Design, Mesa ID

Disclaimer: The content of this Site is intended for informational purposes. No information contained in this Site should be construed as authoritative nor as rendering legal advice. Every effort is made to keep the content of this site as up-to-date as possible. However, there may be instances where changes in rules, regulations or ordinations may render a portion of the Site outdated until the changes are incorporated.

Additionally, since Adams County has no control over any content that may be accessed through a link on this Site to the Internet, it does not vouch for nor endorse the accuracy or authenticity of such information.