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CRA building blocks logo links to CRA home page Wholesale and Limited Purpose Designations under the Community Reinvestment Act

Return to CRA Home Page Under the Community Reinvestment Act, a bank may submit a request to its primary federal regulator to be designated a wholesale bank or a limited purpose bank. Such banks are evaluated for performance under standards found at 12 CFR 228.25. The regulation offers the following definitions:
  • Wholesale bank - A bank that is not in the business of extending home mortgage, small business, small farm, or consumer loans to retail customers and for which a designation as a wholesale bank is in effect.
  • Limited purpose bank - A bank that offers only a narrow product line (such as credit card or motor vehicle loans) to a regional or broader market and for which a designation as a limited purpose bank is in effect.
The following banks have been designated as wholesale or limited purpose banks by the Federal Reserve:

Wholesale Banks
Bank name Bank location Effective date Reserve Bank
State Street Bank and Trust Company Boston, Massachusetts May 8, 1996 Boston
Mizuho Corporate Bank- USA New York, New York April 10, 1997 New York
Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas New York, New York August 18, 1997 New York
BPD Bank New York, New York February 5, 2004 New York
The Bank of New York New York, New York October 23, 2006 New York
Limited Purpose Banks
Bank name Bank location Effective date Reserve Bank

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