Supreme Neem Oil 100% Pure Wild-Crafted Neem Oil, 1800 ppm Azadirachtin
Seeds for the 2009 growing season are now available

Free seed pack with every order: Heirloom Tomato, Genovese Basil or Arugula



Site Map

The following is a hierarchical listing of all the pages in this site that can be reached by following links here or from the home page and main menu bar and a break down of all the sub pages of each category. If you get lost, click on Site Map in the main menu bar and come back here.

We have worked hard to compile all this data and research, a good portion of it is from our own work and experiments. There is quite a bit here so take your time and browse.

Home: Golden Harvest Organics Home Page

Contact Us: This links to a form you can fill out to send us and ask for information about our products, get a shipping quote, our FAX,  phone number, email address, mailing address etc.

Companion Planting: An alphabetical list of companion plants from alfalfa to larkspur to yarrow. Every entry tells how we can use them as companion plants in our landscapes. Many of the plants listed have individual links to homemade recipes for insects, disease and critter control. There are also links to additional information on:

Critter Trouble: Cats, dogs, deer, moles, rabbit, rats, mice, skunks, snakes and squirrels...Oh my!!! We have some strange but usually effective ways to deter some of our animal friends. A warning to you: some are last resorts! We also have a picture of our number one mice and snake controller: the one and only Tig! By the way Tig is 18 years old and as spirited as ever!

Disease: We cover general plant and soil diseases along with some unconventional control and prevention methods like: Apple Cider Vinegar Fungicide, Couch Grass Rhizome Tea, Hydrogen Peroxide Treatments. There is a cross reference chart for the recipes and the problems they may they help. Keep an open mind as many of these have worked for us. We don't promise miracle cures. We just want to share ideas for you to try out. Some of the diseases listed are: mildews, scab. blights, leaf spot, black spot etc.

Garden Tips: This is broad category you won't want to miss. On the garden tip main page we have some general tips and trivia along with phenology, home made rooting hormone, find your zone map and chart and some silly stuff too. The garden tips page menu links to:

  • Food Recipes that use edible weeds, native plants, flowers, fruits, herbs and veggies. Not only are these recipes bold, they are delicious! When we have time we hope to be adding some new recipes. There are currently two recipe collections:
    • Collection Number One has: Daylily Bud Sauté, Rose Petal Soup, Mixed Weed and Flower Salad and 10 other great recipes.
    • Collection Number Two has: Pinto Bean Fudge (no kidding), Sunchoke, Purslane and Radish Salad plus 8 more recipes.
  • Phenology: This is the study of periodic biological phenomena as in the time of flowering or migrating, and their relationship to climate and each other.
  • Seed and Plant Sellers: Resource of organic, heirloom, biodynamic, open pollinated, unusual, and rare seed companies. Phone numbers, addresses, catalog prices and e-mail addresses.
  • Rose RX: A basic guide to rose problems and solutions.
  • Seed Starting: Advice to get things growing
  • The Natural Gardeners First Aid Kit: Use herbs and other natural aids to help you.
  • Information Charts

Insects: The main insect page has an alphabetical menu that links to controls and descriptions of  common garden and some household insects. Some of the insect names link to their own pages as we compile more information on them for you. It also has links to the following:

  • Insect Treatments: This is a page with general homemade sprays, dusts etc. The menu on this page is cross referenced chart that lists insects targeted in the left column and the suggested treatments for them in the right column. We have recipes like Garlic-Oil Spray, Horseradish Pesticide, Yarrow Tea and much more.
  • Organic Pesticide Treatment Chart: This is a comprehensive cross referenced chart of botanical, biological, mineral insecticides and pheromones that are considered to be organically acceptable. The left column lists the insects, the second column shows peak infestation times and the third column lists the host. The top row lists all the pesticide names from Alcohol Spray Neem oil to Quassia.

Insects that have their own individual page:

Links page: Here we have links to other sites in the following categories: Here we have links to other sites in the following categories:

Order Page: Secure Online order form for all of our products. Each product listed has link to it from the order form so you can go back to look at it. You can pay online via i-check,Visa or Mastercard.

Pesticide News: The latest updates on environmental and pesticide news. First in the list are links to the current issues listed on the home page. Second is a collection of important past issues that we maintain for your reference.

Products: Please take a look at our products as they make this web site possible. We use and highly recommend everything that we carry or we would not sell it.

  • 1600 X-Clude: Microencapsulated Natural Pyrethrum
  • BT v. Israelensis for Fungus Gnats: Biological Larvicide: A strain of Bacillus thuringiensis v. israelensis (BT's) that specifically controls the larva of fungus gnats and helps break the reproductive cycle to get rid of them!
  • Cloth Moth Alert Trap: Protect your clothes and furnishings from costly moth damage. Natural pheromone trap attracts adult clothes moths.
  • Coco Peat: Coconut fiber for seed starting, soil amendment, it can't be beat. Sustainable resource coming from the coconut industry as a by product.

  • C-Spray-Seaweed Powder: Not a fertilizer but a balanced nutritional tonic for your plants.

  • Castile Peppermint Soap: This soap is so gentle it is ideal for horticultural applications and everyday needs. The scents of peppermint and rosemary helps to confuse insects.

  • Diatomaceous Earth

  • Endo/Ectomycorrhizae Root Inoculant: Mycorrhizae are beneficial soil organisms that greatly aid plants in times of stress like transplanting, hot, windy weather and dry winters.

  • Garden Dust: A multi-purpose insecticide fungicide made from basic copper sulfate, rotenone and other cube resins from the rotenone plant.

  • Gardener's Hand Repair Lotion: A natural skin conditioning lotion containing pure plant extracts. It will soothe, soften and rejuvenate even the roughest, driest skin.

  • Garden Syringe: 20 cc heavy duty plastic syringe and aluminum hub needle for injecting Bacillus thuringiensis products, like Dipel 86 BTK, Diatomaceous Earth and nematodes directly into borer holes in trees, squash vines, corn stalks, shrubs, plants, cracks and crevices etc.

  • Garden Tape: Heavy duty yet gentle green vinyl tape for general purpose gardening needs. Lasts for years.

  • Golden Harvest Natural Fertilizer: Our original, totally organic, all purpose fertilizer. Made from yucca, seaweed, equisetum, fish powder, ascorbic acid, yarrow.

  • Heirloom Tomato Seeds: The plants these seeds come from were organically grown during the 2000 growing season.
  • HumAcid: HumAcid can help you to get the best from your plants and soil when combined with your foliar fertilizer applications or on it's own!
  • Insect Soap: Insect Soap is a contact insecticide, miticide and fungicide for the control of soft bodied insects, mites and the fungus- powdery mildew.
  • Ladybug Lures: Attracts ladybugs and other beneficial insects to yard and garden naturally!
  • Mosquito Dunks: are a from of Bacillus thuringiensis v. israelensis in a solid form. As they float in the water where you put them they slowly release the BT on the water surface. The BT then gradually settles to the bottom where the mosquito larva eat it and die.
  • Orange Guard: Eliminates & Repels Insect Pests- Ants, Roaches, Palmettos, Fleas, Silverfish & Others. Works on manure flies and gnats too!
  • Pantry Bug Trap Kit: Attracts, captures adult flour moths like Indian Meal Moth, Mediterranean flour moth, almond moth, raisin moth etc. A safe, inexpensive, non-toxic trap using pheremone lures. Lasts for months!
  • Pest Pistol: a powder applicator for dusting cracks & crevices to large areas and may be used in the garden and home.
  • Rotenone/Pyrethrum Spray: A formulation of the natural occurring botanical pesticides rotenone and pyrethrum. This is a powerful organic pesticide and works extremely well.
  • Spider Trap with Pheromone Lure: Catch and kill hobo, black widow, brown recluse, sac spiders and more. Non-toxic control for household spiders. Safe, easy to use. Last for 3 months
  • Supreme Neem: One of the highest grade pure neem oils for personal use available today. If you are looking for neem oil for uses other than horticultural, Supreme Neem is the one for you. Horticultural or agricultural neem oils are a different grade.
  • Revenge Liquid Bait Ant Killer: A liquid boric acid and sugar solution which is highly effective in eradicating sweet loving ants.

Site Search: Search this whole site for the specific information you are seeking by subject keywords or phrases.

Weed Wars: Are they friend or foe? We try to help you decide and we have the following pages of weed information, ID, controls and what they can tell us about the soil for you:

  • The main weed page is the ID Page which lists specific weeds, what they may reveal about our soil and links to some excellent weed identification sites.
  • Mulching Methods: All sorts of mulches for weed control from plastic to newspapers to rock. Includes a link to wood and rock conversion table to figure out how much mulch you need to cover an area.
  • Sprays and Direct Controls: How to flame weeds, treat using salt and vinegar, or boiling water. Soil solarization and corn gluten for weed control.
  • Unusual Controls: How about a cashmere goat weed patrol? No? Then what about hemp, weeder geese or microbial herbicides?

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