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Updated on Friday, January 16 at 03:08 PM ET
The most recently received Mail is at the top.

Crested Ibis,©BirdQuest

16 Jan South Platte Park, Dunlin yes, Winter Wren no [Randy Cross ]
16 Jan Aurora Reservoir Arapahoe County [Gary Zeeto ]
16 Jan Greater White-fronted Geese, Arapahoe Cty; Dunlin, Douglas Cty ["sueehlmann AT" ]
16 Jan January Bald Eagle ["defrowe75" ]
16 Jan Friday Colorado Statewide Morning Bird Report & RBA ["sueehlmann AT" ]
15 Jan Thursday Colorado Statewide Morning Bird Report & RBA ["sueehlmann AT" ]
15 Jan Greater White-Fronted Goose/Larimer ["Gary Lefko" ]
14 Jan Goose hunting in Arapahoe and Denver Counties ["sueehlmann AT" ]
14 Jan Baca, Pueblo, and Fremont Counties [Gary Zeeto ]
14 Jan Aurora Reservoir, Arapahoe County ["Bill Cryder" ]
14 Jan Some Mountain birding [Gary Weston ]
14 Jan Wednesday Colorado Statewide Morning Bird Report & RBA ["sueehlmann AT" ]
13 Jan Tuesday Colorado Statewide Morning Bird Report & RBA ["sueehlmann AT" ]
12 Jan Monday Colorado Statewide Morning Bird Report & RBA ["sueehlmann AT" ]
11 Jan Dunlin, Douglas County; Common Redpoll, Mesa County ["sueehlmann AT" ]
11 Jan ELC and Prospect Ponds ["Gary Lefko" ]
11 Jan Glaucous Gull & Barrow's Goldeneye still at 88th avenue and S. Platte River ["sueehlmann AT" ]
11 Jan Sunday Colorado Statewide Morning Bird Report & RBA ["sueehlmann AT" ]
10 Jan Some Western Slope Birds, Mesa & Delta Ctys [Rebecca Kosten ]
10 Jan Lesser Black-backed Gull, Arapahoe Cty; 4 White-winged Scoters, Boulder Cty [Rebecca Kosten ]
10 Jan Adams Cty Glaucous Gull, Barrow's Goldeneyes; Denver Cty Greater White-fronted Goose [Rebecca Kosten ]
10 Jan Saturday Colorado Statewide Morning Bird Report & RBA [Richard Stevens ]
10 Jan Photos of two Glaucous Gulls on New Year's Day [Richard Stevens ]
10 Jan Loveland Pass and Green Valley Ranch on Friday [Richard Stevens ]
9 Jan Denver County Greater White-fronted Goose [Gary Weston ]
9 Jan Noon update: Dunlin, Ptarmigan, Barrow's Goldeneye, Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers [Gary Weston ]
9 Jan Friday Colorado Statewide Morning Bird Report & RBA ["sueehlmann AT" ]
8 Jan South Platte Park: dunlin, Winter Wren; Fort Logan Cemetery: Greater White-fronted Goose [Rebecca Kosten ]
8 Jan Reynolds Park, Northern Pygmy-Owl, Dusky Grouse, American Three-toed Woodpecker [Rebecca Kosten ]
8 Jan Thursday Colorado Statewide Morning Bird Report & RBA ["sueehlmann AT" ]
8 Jan Snowmass ski area Rosy Finches, Red Crossbills etc ["Dick Filby" ]
8 Jan Snowmass ski area Rosy Finches, Crossbills etc ["Dick Filby" ]
7 Jan No brant, but a Greater White fronted Goose, Denver county [Gary Zeeto ]
7 Jan Cherry Creek State Park Short-eared Owl, Arapahoe County [Bryan Ehlmann ]
7 Jan Wednesday Colorado Statewide Morning Bird Report & RBA ["sueehlmann AT" ]
7 Jan Aurora Reservoir, Arapahoe County, Green Valley, Denver County Tuesday [Richard Stevens ]
6 Jan rosy finches ["Debbie Moore" ]
7 Jan Purple Finch and Common Redpoll, Fruita, Mesa Co ["Dick Filby" ]
6 Jan correction on Jackie King's Brant [Gary Weston ]
6 Jan Aurora Reservoir and Brant search [Gary Weston ]
06 Jan Lowell Ponds SWA ["bomaanka" ]
6 Jan Bonny Reservoir, Flagler Reservoir & Karvel Reservoir [Jerry Petroski ]
06 Jan Poudre Learning Center Nature Club Event/Greeley ["Gary Lefko" ]
06 Jan Re: Crow Valley Campground ["Gary Lefko" ]
06 Jan Crow Valley Campground ["dixie_smith500" ]
6 Jan Tuesday Colorado Statewide Morning Bird Report & RBA ["sueehlmann AT" ]
5 Jan Monday Colorado Statewide Morning Bird Report & RBA [Bryan Ehlmann ]
5 Jan 77 Barrow's Goldeneyes Carbondale, Garfield Co ["Dick Filby" ]
4 Jan CO habitat stamp ["Linda Andes-Georges" ]
4 Jan Clear Creek, Adams, & Pueblo Counties [Mary Lou Ehlmann ]
4 Jan Gulls at McIntosh Lake, Barrow's Goldeneyes on South Platte [Mary Lou Ehlmann ]
4 Jan January's "Colorado Field Notes" [Richard Stevens ]

Subject: South Platte Park, Dunlin yes, Winter Wren no
From: Randy Cross <randycrossrr AT>
Date: Fri, 16 Jan 2009 16:08:11 -0500
Hello birders,

We are in town to visit our daughter for a few days.? Since we have a home not 
far from South Platte Park we looked for the Winter Wren a couple of weeks too 
late.? A walk another 400 yards south and we did pick up the Dunlin for our 
2009 list.? Both a Peregrine Falcon and Prairie Falcon flew up the Platte River 
between Mineral Blvd and C470. 

Great weather compared to Gunnison.

Randy Cross
Gunnison and Centennial, CO? 
Subject: Aurora Reservoir Arapahoe County
From: Gary Zeeto <gzeeto AT>
Date: Fri, 16 Jan 2009 12:42:26 -0800 (PST)

Before heading into the mountains for the weekend, I birded Aurora Reservoir 
with Bill Cryder. A smallish black backed Gull, probably a Lesser Black-backed 
Gull was flying north as we drove into the north end. At least 1 Greater 
White-fronted Goose and 2 Ross's Geese were there. Most of the gulls again had 
left before 10:00am. 

Good birdin'

Gary Zeeto
Denver, CO

Subject: Greater White-fronted Geese, Arapahoe Cty; Dunlin, Douglas Cty
From: "sueehlmann AT" <>
Date: Fri, 16 Jan 2009 20:21:32 GMT
Hello cobirders,

Arapahoe County
Richard Stevens reports an adult and juvenile Greater White-fronted Goose at 
the Green Valley Ranch Recreation Pond & Park. 

Douglas County
Kirk Huffstater relocated the Dunlin on the Platte River just south of the C470 
bridge. Closest access is through South Platte Reservoir. 

Good Birding!

Directions to birding spots on CoBus website:

Sue Ehlmann, CoBus & RMORC Project Director
Brighton, CO
Contact CoBus/Report Interesting Birds: 303-324-7994
Subscribe to "cobirders AT
cobirders-subscribe AT
Read "cobirders" at:

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Subject: January Bald Eagle
From: "defrowe75" <defrowe AT>
Date: Fri, 16 Jan 2009 15:56:29 -0000
I'm happy to report my first Bald Eagle for the year.  A lone eagle 
typically starts flying past my office window almost daily in January 
and February.  I expect it's from Barr Lake.  At any rate, It circled 
around the field by my office for about 2 minutes this morning (at 40th 
and Pena) before heading West.  
On that topic -- has anyone noticed if the Eagles have returned to 
Cherry Creek Reservoir yet this year?  I seem to recall that 15 or so 
sometimes are on the ice about now.

Enjoy the day!
Subject: Friday Colorado Statewide Morning Bird Report & RBA
From: "sueehlmann AT" <>
Date: Fri, 16 Jan 2009 14:25:11 GMT
Hello cobirders,

New or Updated Reports from Thursday:
Denver (Greater White-fronted Goose)
Jefferson (Northern Pygmy-Owl, American Three-toed Woodpecker)


Denver County
Yesterday, Kosten relocated the GREATER WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE (Zeeto, 1/7) at 
Green Valley Ranch Recreation Pond & Park. On 1/14, Kosten found a GREATER 
WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE in the field North of Bollinger which is the north end of 
Emerald Strand Park. On 1/11, Gail Campbell found a ROSS'S GOOSE at Berkeley 

Jefferson/Douglas Counties
Yesterday, Hsu relocated a NORTHERN PYGMY-OWL and an AMERICAN THREE-TOED 
WOODPECKER at Reynolds Park. On 1/13, Steve Hsu (pronounced shoe-ie) relocated 
the DUNLIN (Kellner, 12/20) along the S. Platte River south of the C470 Bridge 
(closest access through S. Platte Reservoir). 

Arapahoe County
On 1/14, Bill Cryder relocated a GREATER WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE (Stevens, 1/6) and 
2 ROSS'S GEESE at Aurora Reservoir. On 1/10, Jerry Petrosky relocated an adult 

Larimer County
On 1/14, Gary Lefko reported a GREATER WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE east of Interstate 
25 about a mile south of the Wellington Exit 278. 

Pueblo County
On 1/14, Gary Zeeto reported from Pueblo Reservoir: adult GREAT BLACK-BACKED 
GULL; LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL; first cycle ICELAND GULL; 1st or 2nd year 
GLAUCOUS GULL (Percival). On 1/13, Zeeto relocated LONG-TAILED DUCK; GREATER 
SCAUP; female SURF SCOTER; BARROW'S GOLDENEYE (Percival). On 1/11, Percival saw 
a BLACK PHOEBE (Rock Canyon). WHITE-WINGED DOVES can be found in Sunset 
Subdivision. The Iceland Gull also wanders over to Pueblo City Park. 

Adams County
On 1/11, Alexander & Smith relocated the first year GLAUCOUS GULL (Stevens, 
12/25) on the southeast corner of East Gravel Lake. They also relocated 3 male 
& 1 female BARROW'S GOLDENEYES (Stevens, 12/3) on the South Platte River below 
the green and white tower (south of 88th avenue). 

Boulder County
On 1/11, Bill Schmoker saw 3 species of ROSY FINCHES (Dillman, 12/3) at 
Fawnbrook Inn, Allenspark. On 1/10, Blatchley found 4 WHITE-WINGED SCOTER at 
Valmont Reservoir. On 1/9, Ken Chavez reported a Band-tailed Pigeon at 
Fawnbrook Inn, Allenspark. 

El Paso County
On 1/10, Peterson reported a possible GLAUCOUS-WINGED GULL, 1st year ICELAND 
reported 2 Sora at the north end of the nature center pond at Fountain Creek 
Regional Park. 


Bent County
On 1/13, Duane Nelson reported 2 immature GLAUCOUS GULL at John Martin 
Reservoir. A female RED-BELLIED WOODPECKER was at the Hasty Campgrounds. 

Prowers County
On 1/11, David Leatherman relocated a NORTHERN CARDINAL and RED-BELLIED 
WOODPECKER at the south end of Lamar Community College woods. 


Logan County
On 1/13, Kranik reported 2 BARROW'S GOLDENEYE at the Sterling Water Treatment 

Kit Carson County
On 1/5, Ehlmann and all relocated a Short-eared Owl (Ehlmann, 12/19) at Flagler 

Yuma County
On 1/4, Ehlmann and all reported:
At Hale Ponds: EASTERN SCREECH-OWL (Stevens); SHORT-EARED OWL (Ehlmann, 12/19); 

At Bonny Reservoir: 7 LONG-EARED OWL (Stevens, 10/31); EASTERN SCREECH-OWL 
(Ehlmann); 2 RED-BELLIED WOODPECKER (Ehlmann). 


Fremont County
On 1/14, Zeeto relocated RUFOUS-CROWNED SPARROW at Tunnel Drive in Canon City. 

Delta County
On 1/13, Dick Filby relocated a TUNDRA SWAN (prob. Bird seen by McGarry, 1/6 on 
Gunnison River) and ROSS'S Goose (Garrison, 12/30) at Confluence Park in Delta. 
On 1/10, Garrison relocated 3 of the probable 8 TUNDRA SWAN (Garrison, 1/7) 
along the North Fork of the Gunnison River (from J Road, east of Bollinger & 

Eagle County
On 1/13, Filby reported 100+ PINYON JAY and a BARROW'S GOLDENEYE Northwest of 
Basalt along the old highway and river. 

Summit County
On 1/13, Petrosky relocated BARROW'S GOLDENEYE (Stevens, 11/11) on the Blue 
River Water Treatment Plant. On 1/3, Charles Nimes relocated Rosy Finches at 
the top of North Peak, Keystone Ski Area (Weston, 12/22). 

Grand County
On 1/13, Petrosky reported 40+ Rosy Finches (no Black) north of Kremmling.

Clear Creek County
On 1/12, Petrosky & Stevens counted 13 WHITE-TAILED PTARMIGAN (Petrosky, 12/13) 
on Loveland Pass. Ptarmigan were seen by snowshoeing down from the summit 
twice. Only 2 or 3 could be been from Hwy 6. 

On 1/4, Jeff Skrentny and Carmen Yon relocated an American Three-toed 
Woodpecker at the Echo Lake Campgrounds (Bingham). On 1/2, Weston reported 
AMERICAN THREE-TOED WOODPECKERS at the southeast corner of Echo Lake. 

Mesa County
On 1/11, Jason Cooper relocated the COMMON REDPOLL (Filby, 1/6) at a Fruita 
yard. On 1/7, Garnett relocated the PURPLE FINCH (Filby, 1/6) at a private home 
in Fruita (see website for directions). On 1/10, Zerbi relocated WHITE-WINGED 
DOVES (Arnold) in the 800-900 block of White Avenue in Grand Junction. 

Garfield County
On 1/11, Dick Filby reported 16 BARROW'S GOLDENEYE (Filby, 1/3) on the Roaring 
Fork River between Coryell Ranch Pond and Aspen Glen. 

Gunnison County
On 1/7, Linda Powers relocated 200+ Rosy Finches near 4th and Whiterock Street 
in Crested Butte. 

Pitkin County
On 1/7, Filby reports Brown-capped and Gray-crowned Rosy Finches at the bird 
feeder at Sam's Knob (top of Village Express Chairlift; fee required) at 
Snowmass Ski Area. 

Jackson County
On 11/4, Stevens & Weston relocated a BOREAL OWL at Cameron Pass. Weston also 
saw 3 species of ROSY FINCHES at the Colorado State Forest Visitor's Center. On 
12/2, Stevens & Weston found 2 GREATER SAGE GROUSE along CR 26, north of Hwy 

Good Birding!

Directions to birding spots on CoBus website:

Sue Ehlmann, CoBus & RMORC Project Director
Brighton, CO
Contact CoBus/Report Interesting Birds: 303-324-7994
Subscribe to "cobirders AT
cobirders-subscribe AT
Read "cobirders" at:

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Subject: Thursday Colorado Statewide Morning Bird Report & RBA
From: "sueehlmann AT" <>
Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2009 13:02:20 GMT
Hello cobirders,

New or Updated Reports from Wednesday:
Denver (Greater White-fronted Goose)
Arapahoe (Greater White-fronted Goose, Ross's Goose)
Larimer (Greater White-fronted Goose)
Pueblo (Great Black-backed Gull, Lesser Black-backed Gull, Iceland Gull, 
Glaucous Gull, Long-tailed Duck, Greater Scaup, Surf Scoter, Barrow's 

Fremont (Rufous-crowned Sparrow)


Denver County
Yesterday, Stevens & Kosten relocated the GREATER WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE (Zeeto, 
1/7) at Green Valley Ranch Recreation Pond & Park. They also found a 2nd 
GREATER WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE in the field North of Bollinger which is the north 
end of Emerald Strand Park. On 1/13, Bill Cryder reported a GREATER 
WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE in the field west of Tower Road & East 45th Avenue (Green 
Valley Ranch). On 1/11, Gail Campbell found a ROSS'S GOOSE at Berkeley Park. 

Arapahoe County
Yesterday, Bill Cryder relocated a GREATER WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE (Stevens, 1/6) 
and 2 ROSS'S GEESE at Aurora Reservoir. On 1/10, Jerry Petrosky relocated an 
adult LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL (Stevens, 12/24). 

Larimer County
Yesterday, Gary Lefko reported a GREATER WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE east of Interstate 
25 about a mile south of the Wellington Exit 278. 

Pueblo County
Yesterday, Gary Zeeto reported from Pueblo Reservoir: adult GREAT BLACK-BACKED 
GULL; LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL; first cycle ICELAND GULL; 1st or 2nd year 
GLAUCOUS GULL (Percival). On 1/13, Zeeto relocated LONG-TAILED DUCK; GREATER 
SCAUP; female SURF SCOTER; BARROW'S GOLDENEYE (Percival). On 1/11, Percival saw 
a BLACK PHOEBE (Rock Canyon). WHITE-WINGED DOVES can be found in Sunset 
Subdivision. The Iceland Gull also wanders over to Pueblo City Park. 

Jefferson/Douglas Counties
On 1/13, Steve Hsu (pronounced shoe-ie) relocated the DUNLIN (Kellner, 12/20) 
along the S. Platte River south of the C470 Bridge (closest access through S. 
Platte Reservoir). On 1/8, Sullivan, Ehlmann & Stevens reported from Reynolds 
(Merlynn Brown); & DUSKY GROUSE (M. Brown). 

Adams County
On 1/11, Alexander & Smith relocated the first year GLAUCOUS GULL (Stevens, 
12/25) on the southeast corner of East Gravel Lake. They also relocated 3 male 
& 1 female BARROW'S GOLDENEYES (Stevens, 12/3) on the South Platte River below 
the green and white tower (south of 88th avenue). On 1/10, Ira Sanders reported 
a male BARROW'S GOLDENEYE at the northeast corner of Barr Lake. 

Boulder County
On 1/11, Bill Schmoker saw 3 species of ROSY FINCHES (Dillman, 12/3) at 
Fawnbrook Inn, Allenspark. On 1/10, Blatchley found 4 WHITE-WINGED SCOTER at 
Valmont Reservoir. On 1/9, Ken Chavez reported a Band-tailed Pigeon at 
Fawnbrook Inn, Allenspark. 

El Paso County
On 1/10, Peterson reported a possible GLAUCOUS-WINGED GULL, 1st year ICELAND 
reported 2 Sora at the north end of the nature center pond at Fountain Creek 
Regional Park. 


Bent County
On 1/13, Duane Nelson reported 2 immature GLAUCOUS GULL at John Martin 
Reservoir. A female RED-BELLIED WOODPECKER was at the Hasty Campgrounds. 

Prowers County
On 1/11, David Leatherman relocated a NORTHERN CARDINAL and RED-BELLIED 
WOODPECKER at the south end of Lamar Community College woods. 


Logan County
On 1/13, Kranik reported 2 BARROW'S GOLDENEYE at the Sterling Water Treatment 

Kit Carson County
On 1/5, Ehlmann and all relocated a Short-eared Owl (Ehlmann, 12/19) at Flagler 

Yuma County
On 1/4, Ehlmann and all reported:
At Hale Ponds: EASTERN SCREECH-OWL (Stevens); SHORT-EARED OWL (Ehlmann, 12/19); 

At Bonny Reservoir: 7 LONG-EARED OWL (Stevens, 10/31); EASTERN SCREECH-OWL 
(Ehlmann); 2 RED-BELLIED WOODPECKER (Ehlmann). 


Fremont County
Yesterday, Zeeto relocated RUFOUS-CROWNED SPARROW at Tunnel Drive in Canon 

Delta County
On 1/13, Dick Filby relocated a TUNDRA SWAN (prob. Bird seen by McGarry, 1/6 on 
Gunnison River) and ROSS'S Goose (Garrison, 12/30) at Confluence Park in Delta. 
On 1/10, Garrison relocated 3 of the probable 8 TUNDRA SWAN (Garrison, 1/7) 
along the North Fork of the Gunnison River (from J Road, east of Bollinger & 

Eagle County
On 1/13, Filby reported 100+ PINYON JAY and a BARROW'S GOLDENEYE Northwest of 
Basalt along the old highway and river. 

Summit County
On 1/13, Petrosky relocated BARROW'S GOLDENEYE (Stevens, 11/11) on the Blue 
River Water Treatment Plant. On 1/3, Charles Nimes relocated Rosy Finches at 
the top of North Peak, Keystone Ski Area (Weston, 12/22). 

Grand County
On 1/13, Petrosky reported 40+ Rosy Finches (no Black) north of Kremmling.

Clear Creek County
On 1/12, Petrosky & Stevens counted 13 WHITE-TAILED PTARMIGAN (Petrosky, 12/13) 
on Loveland Pass. Ptarmigan were seen by snowshoeing down from the summit 
twice. Only 2 or 3 could be been from Hwy 6. 

On 1/4, Jeff Skrentny and Carmen Yon relocated an American Three-toed 
Woodpecker at the Echo Lake Campgrounds (Bingham). On 1/2, Weston reported 
AMERICAN THREE-TOED WOODPECKERS at the southeast corner of Echo Lake. 

Mesa County
On 1/11, Jason Cooper relocated the COMMON REDPOLL (Filby, 1/6) at a Fruita 
yard. On 1/7, Garnett relocated the PURPLE FINCH (Filby, 1/6) at a private home 
in Fruita (see website for directions). On 1/10, Zerbi relocated WHITE-WINGED 
DOVES (Arnold) in the 800-900 block of White Avenue in Grand Junction. 

Garfield County
On 1/11, Dick Filby reported 16 BARROW'S GOLDENEYE (Filby, 1/3) on the Roaring 
Fork River between Coryell Ranch Pond and Aspen Glen. 

Gunnison County
On 1/7, Linda Powers relocated 200+ Rosy Finches near 4th and Whiterock Street 
in Crested Butte. 

Pitkin County
On 1/7, Filby reports Brown-capped and Gray-crowned Rosy Finches at the bird 
feeder at Sam's Knob (top of Village Express Chairlift; fee required) at 
Snowmass Ski Area. 

Jackson County
On 11/4, Stevens & Weston relocated a BOREAL OWL at Cameron Pass. Weston also 
saw 3 species of ROSY FINCHES at the Colorado State Forest Visitor's Center. On 
12/2, Stevens & Weston found 2 GREATER SAGE GROUSE along CR 26, north of Hwy 

Good Birding!

Directions to birding spots on CoBus website:

Sue Ehlmann, CoBus & RMORC Project Director
Brighton, CO
Contact CoBus/Report Interesting Birds: 303-324-7994
Subscribe to "cobirders AT
cobirders-subscribe AT
Read "cobirders" at:

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Subject: Greater White-Fronted Goose/Larimer
From: "Gary Lefko" <lefkogt AT>
Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2009 01:00:14 -0000
Fields east of I-25 about one mile south of Wellington exit:

Canada Goose-multiple 1000s
Greater White-fronted Goose - 1
Snow Goose - 2

Gary Lefko, Nunn/CO
I'm a Colorado Birders! Are You?

Subject: Goose hunting in Arapahoe and Denver Counties
From: "sueehlmann AT" <>
Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2009 22:17:12 GMT
Hello cobirders,

Richard Stevens and Rebecca Kosten are driving around northeast Aurora and 
Denver this afternoon. 

Gateway High School, Arapahoe County
1500+ White-cheeked Geese mostly Canada Geese

BiCentennial Park, Arapahoe
6000+ White-cheeked Geese, quite a few Cackling Geese

Field North of Bolling Street (east west road along north side of Emerald 
Strand Park) 

1 Greater White-fronted Goose
10,000+ White-cheeked Geese 

Green Valley Ranch Recreation Pond
1 Greater White-fronted Goose
1800+ White-cheeked Geese 

No Brants

Good Birding!

Directions to birding spots on CoBus website:

Sue Ehlmann, CoBus & RMORC Project Director
Brighton, CO
Contact CoBus/Report Interesting Birds: 303-324-7994
Subscribe to "cobirders AT
cobirders-subscribe AT
Read "cobirders" at:

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Subject: Baca, Pueblo, and Fremont Counties
From: Gary Zeeto <gzeeto AT>
Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2009 13:51:39 -0800 (PST)
HI birders,

On my way back from Amarillo, TX I made a detour over to Cottonwood Canyon, 
Baca County. Monday afternoon I found two Barn Owls on the Comanche National 
Grasslands. One flew out of the windbreak at the north end of the experimental 
research area. After dark, I found 2 Western Screech-Owls at the camping area 
at Cottonwood Canyon. I missed Lewis’s Woodpeckers, but did see a 
Rufous-crowned Sparrow at the eastern cattle guard. 

Tuesday I missed the Iceland Gull at Pueblo City Park but it was later seen at 
Pueblo Reservoir. Other gulls at the reservoir included Glaucous Gull, Great 
Black-backed Gull, Lesser Black-backed Gulls and Thayer’s Gull. Other birds 
found included Surf Scoter, Long-tailed Duck, Greater Scaup and Barrow’s 

This morning I looked for the Golden-crowned Sparrow at the west side of Canon 
City, Fremont County. It wasn’t found but 2 Rufous-crowned Sparrows were west 
of the parking lot at Tunnel Drive. 

I looked again for the Black Phoebe at Rock Canyon that I missed yesterday and 
again had not luck. My scoping for gulls was not as diligent as yesterday but I 
did see a Glaucous Gull, Iceland Gull, Lesser Black-backed Gull, and Great 
Black-backed Gull. 

Good birdin’

Gary Z

Subject: Aurora Reservoir, Arapahoe County
From: "Bill Cryder" <bcryder AT>
Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2009 16:23:37 -0500

I made it down to Aurora Reservoir this afternoon. At least one Greater 
White-fronted Goose and 2 Ross's Geese are among the thousands of White-cheeked 
Geese and 4+ Snow Geese. Most of the gulls had not returned from the Landfill. 
I only saw Ring-billed Gulls and Herring Gulls. 

Bill Cryder
Aurora, CO

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Subject: Some Mountain birding
From: Gary Weston <grwestonjr AT>
Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2009 13:05:24 -0700
Hi birders,

We spent the last 3 and a half days with Jerry Petrosky and Richard Stevens in 
the mountains. Monday four of us went of the CoBus trip to Loveland Pass. We 
were dropped off at the summit and snow shoed down the south side twice. Our 
final Ptarmigan count was 13! 

Yesterday, we had a trip up to Grand County. About 40+ Rosy Finches were found 
flying around the north end of Kremmling. Our plan was to snowshoe up to A.M. 
Bailey Bird Sanctuary, but snow block roads did not allow access. 

We found Rosy Finches flying around Breckenridge on three occasions this week. 
No way in particular and not at any feeders. Owling was a bust too. We searched 
south of Breckenridge on Monday and south down to Quandary Peak last night. Not 
a peep or hoot to be heard anywhere. 

Directions to birding spots on CoBus website:

Gary Weston, Vice-President, Colorado Birding Society
Denver, CO
Contact CoBus/Report Interesting Birds: 303-324-7994
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Subject: Wednesday Colorado Statewide Morning Bird Report & RBA
From: "sueehlmann AT" <>
Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2009 13:56:49 GMT
Hello cobirders,

New or Updated Reports from Tuesday:
Douglas (Dunlin)
Denver (Greater White-fronted Goose)
Bent (Glaucous Gull, Red-bellied Woodpecker)
Prowers (Northern Cardinal, Red-bellied Woodpecker)
Logan (Barrow's Goldeneye)
Delta (Tundra Swan, Ross's Goose)
Eagle (Pinyon Jay, Barrow's Goldeneye)
Summit (Barrow's Goldeneye)
Grand (Rosy Finches)


Jefferson/Douglas Counties
Yesterday, Steve Hsu (pronounced shoe-ie) relocated the DUNLIN (Kellner, 12/20) 
along the S. Platte River south of the C470 Bridge (closest access through S. 
Platte Reservoir). On 1/8, Sullivan, Ehlmann & Stevens reported from Reynolds 
(Merlynn Brown); & DUSKY GROUSE (M. Brown). 

Denver County
Yesterday, Bill Cryder reported a GREATER WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE in the field west 
of Tower Road & East 42nd Place (Green Valley Ranch). On 1/11, Gail Campbell 
found a ROSS'S GOOSE at Berkeley Park. On 1/10, Rebecca Kosten relocated a 
GREATER WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE (Zeeto, 1/7) at the northeast corner of the Green 
Valley Ranch Recreation Park. 

Pueblo County
On 1/12, Percival reported from Pueblo Reservoir: adult GREAT BLACK-BACKED 
GULL; adult THAYER'S GULL; five adult & three 1st year LESSER BLACK-BACKED 
GULL; first cycle ICELAND GULL; 1st or 2nd year GLAUCOUS GULL; LONG-TAILED 
DUCK; GREATER SCAUP; female SURF SCOTER; possible Glaucous-winged Gull. On 
1/11, Percival saw a male BARROW'S GOLDENEYE; and BLACK PHOEBE (Rock Canyon). 
WHITE-WINGED DOVES can be found in Sunset Subdivision. The Iceland Gull also 
wanders over to Pueblo City Park. 

Adams County
On 1/11, Alexander & Smith relocated the first year GLAUCOUS GULL (Stevens, 
12/25) on the southeast corner of East Gravel Lake. They also relocated 3 male 
& 1 female BARROW'S GOLDENEYES (Stevens, 12/3) on the South Platte River below 
the green and white tower (south of 88th avenue). On 1/10, Ira Sanders reported 
a male BARROW'S GOLDENEYE at the northeast corner of Barr Lake. 

Boulder County
On 1/11, Bill Schmoker saw 3 species of ROSY FINCHES (Dillman, 12/3) at 
Fawnbrook Inn, Allenspark. On 1/10, Blatchley found 4 WHITE-WINGED SCOTER at 
Valmont Reservoir. On 1/9, Ken Chavez reported a Band-tailed Pigeon at 
Fawnbrook Inn, Allenspark. 

Arapahoe County
On 1/10, Jerry Petrosky relocated an adult LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL (Stevens, 
12/24) and GREATER WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE (Stevens, 1/6) at Aurora Reservoir. 

El Paso County
On 1/10, Peterson reported a possible GLAUCOUS-WINGED GULL, 1st year ICELAND 
reported 2 Sora at the north end of the nature center pond at Fountain Creek 
Regional Park. 


Bent County
Yesterday, Duane Nelson reported 2 immature GLAUCOUS GULL at John Martin 
Reservoir. A female RED-BELLIED WOODPECKER was at the Hasty Campgrounds. 

Prowers County
On 1/11, David Leatherman relocated a NORTHERN CARDINAL and RED-BELLIED 
WOODPECKER at the south end of Lamar Community College woods. 


Logan County
Yesterday, Kranik reported 2 BARROW'S GOLDENEYE at the Sterling Water Treatment 

Kit Carson County
On 1/5, Ehlmann and all relocated a Short-eared Owl (Ehlmann, 12/19) at Flagler 

Yuma County
On 1/4, Ehlmann and all reported:
At Hale Ponds: EASTERN SCREECH-OWL (Stevens); SHORT-EARED OWL (Ehlmann, 12/19); 

At Bonny Reservoir: 7 LONG-EARED OWL (Stevens, 10/31); EASTERN SCREECH-OWL 
(Ehlmann); 2 RED-BELLIED WOODPECKER (Ehlmann). 


Delta County
Yesterday, Dick Filby relocated a TUNDRA SWAN (prob. Bird seen by McGarry, 1/6 
on Gunnison River) and ROSS'S Goose (Garrison, 12/30) at Confluence Park in 
Delta. On 1/10, Garrison relocated 3 of the probable 8 TUNDRA SWAN (Garrison, 
1/7) along the North Fork of the Gunnison River (from J Road, east of Bollinger 
& Queen). 

Eagle County
Yesterday, Filby reported 100+ PINYON JAY and a BARROW'S GOLDENEYE Northwest of 
Basalt along the old highway and river. 

Summit County
Yesterday, Petrosky relocated BARROW'S GOLDENEYE (Stevens, 11/11) on the Blue 
River Water Treatment Plant. On 1/3, Charles Nimes relocated Rosy Finches at 
the top of North Peak, Keystone Ski Area (Weston, 12/22). 

Grand County
Yesterday, Petrosky reported 40+ Rosy Finches (no Black) north of Kremmling.

Clear Creek County
On 1/12, Petrosky & Stevens counted 13 WHITE-TAILED PTARMIGAN (Petrosky, 12/13) 
on Loveland Pass. Ptarmigan were seen by snowshoeing down from the summit 
twice. Only 2 or 3 could be been from Hwy 6. 

On 1/4, Jeff Skrentny and Carmen Yon relocated an American Three-toed 
Woodpecker at the Echo Lake Campgrounds (Bingham). On 1/2, Weston reported 
AMERICAN THREE-TOED WOODPECKERS at the southeast corner of Echo Lake. 

Mesa County
On 1/11, Jason Cooper relocated the COMMON REDPOLL (Filby, 1/6) at a Fruita 
yard. On 1/7, Garnett relocated the PURPLE FINCH (Filby, 1/6) at a private home 
in Fruita (see website for directions). On 1/10, Zerbi relocated WHITE-WINGED 
DOVES (Arnold) in the 800-900 block of White Avenue in Grand Junction. 

Garfield County
On 1/11, Dick Filby reported 16 BARROW'S GOLDENEYE (Filby, 1/3) on the Roaring 
Fork River between Coryell Ranch Pond and Aspen Glen. 

Gunnison County
On 1/7, Linda Powers relocated 200+ Rosy Finches near 4th and Whiterock Street 
in Crested Butte. 

Pitkin County
On 1/7, Filby reports Brown-capped and Gray-crowned Rosy Finches at the bird 
feeder at Sam's Knob (top of Village Express Chairlift; fee required) at 
Snowmass Ski Area. 

Fremont County
On 1/2, Schmoker relocated RUFOUS-CROWNED SPARROW at Tunnel Drive in Canon 
City. Schmoker relocated a YELLOW-BELLIED SAPSUCKER (Moss, 12/3) at Centennial 
Park, Canon City. 

Jackson County
On 11/4, Stevens & Weston relocated a BOREAL OWL at Cameron Pass. Weston also 
saw 3 species of ROSY FINCHES at the Colorado State Forest Visitor's Center. On 
12/2, Stevens & Weston found 2 GREATER SAGE GROUSE along CR 26, north of Hwy 

Good Birding!

Directions to birding spots on CoBus website:

Sue Ehlmann, CoBus & RMORC Project Director
Brighton, CO
Contact CoBus/Report Interesting Birds: 303-324-7994
Subscribe to "cobirders AT
cobirders-subscribe AT
Read "cobirders" at:

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Subject: Tuesday Colorado Statewide Morning Bird Report & RBA
From: "sueehlmann AT" <>
Date: Tue, 13 Jan 2009 13:28:49 GMT
Hello cobirders,

New or Updated Reports from Monday:
Pueblo (Great Black-backed Gull, Thayer's Gull, Lesser Black-backed Gull, 
Iceland Gull, Glaucous Gull, Long-tailed Duck, Greater Scaup, Surf Scoter) 

Clear Creek (White-tailed Ptarmigan)


Pueblo County
Yesterday, Percival reported from Pueblo Reservoir: adult GREAT BLACK-BACKED 
GULL; adult THAYER'S GULL; five adult & three 1st year LESSER BLACK-BACKED 
GULL; first cycle ICELAND GULL; 1st or 2nd year GLAUCOUS GULL; LONG-TAILED 
DUCK; GREATER SCAUP; female SURF SCOTER; possible Glaucous-winged Gull. On 
1/11, Percival saw a male BARROW'S GOLDENEYE; and BLACK PHOEBE (Rock Canyon). 
WHITE-WINGED DOVES can be found in Sunset Subdivision. The Iceland Gull also 
wanders over to Pueblo City Park. 

Adams County
On 1/11, Alexander & Smith relocated the first year GLAUCOUS GULL (Stevens, 
12/25) on the southeast corner of East Gravel Lake. They also relocated 3 male 
& 1 female BARROW'S GOLDENEYES (Stevens, 12/3) on the South Platte River below 
the green and white tower (south of 88th avenue). On 1/10, Ira Sanders reported 
a male BARROW'S GOLDENEYE at the northeast corner of Barr Lake. 

Jefferson/Douglas Counties
On 1/11, Alexander & Smith relocated the DUNLIN (Kellner, 12/20) along the S. 
Platte River south of the C470 Bridge (closest access through S. Platte 
Reservoir). On 1/8, Sullivan, Ehlmann & Stevens reported from Reynolds Park: 
Brown); & DUSKY GROUSE (M. Brown). 

Denver County
On 1/11, Gail Campbell found a ROSS'S GOOSE at Berkeley Park. On 1/10, Rebecca 
Kosten relocated a GREATER WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE (Zeeto, 1/7) at the northeast 
corner of the Green Valley Ranch Recreation Park. On 1/9, Tina Jones reported 7 
GREATER SCAUP and a possible MEW GULL at Marston Reservoir. On 1/8, Ehlmann 
relocated the GREATER WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE (Stevens, 1/1) at Veteran's Lake, 
Fort Logan National Cemetery. 

Boulder County
On 1/11, Bill Schmoker saw 3 species of ROSY FINCHES (Dillman, 12/3) at 
Fawnbrook Inn, Allenspark. On 1/10, Blatchley found 4 WHITE-WINGED SCOTER at 
Valmont Reservoir. On 1/9, Ken Chavez reported a Band-tailed Pigeon at 
Fawnbrook Inn, Allenspark. 

Arapahoe County
On 1/10, Jerry Petrosky relocated an adult LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL (Stevens, 
12/24) and GREATER WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE (Stevens, 1/6) at Aurora Reservoir. 

El Paso County
On 1/10, Peterson reported a possible GLAUCOUS-WINGED GULL, 1st year ICELAND 
reported 2 Sora at the north end of the nature center pond at Fountain Creek 
Regional Park. 


Kit Carson County
On 1/5, Ehlmann and all relocated a Short-eared Owl (Ehlmann, 12/19) at Flagler 
Reservoir. Ehlmann also found a COMMON REDPOLL and RED-BELLIED WOODPECKER. 

Yuma County
On 1/4, Ehlmann and all reported:
At CR LL.5 and CR 4: COMMON REDPOLL (Ehlmann, 12/18); HARRIS'S SPARROW 
(Ehlmann, 12/18); 

At Hale Ponds: EASTERN SCREECH-OWL (Stevens); SHORT-EARED OWL (Ehlmann, 12/19); 

At Bonny Reservoir: 7 LONG-EARED OWL (Stevens, 10/31); EASTERN SCREECH-OWL 
(Ehlmann); 2 RED-BELLIED WOODPECKER (Ehlmann). 


Clear Creek County
Yesterday, Petrosky & Stevens counted 13 WHITE-TAILED PTARMIGAN (Petrosky, 
12/13) on Loveland Pass. Ptarmigan were seen by snowshoeing down from the 
summit twice. Only 2 or 3 could be been from Hwy 6. 

On 1/4, Jeff Skrentny and Carmen Yon relocated an American Three-toed 
Woodpecker at the Echo Lake Campgrounds (Bingham). On 1/2, Weston reported 
AMERICAN THREE-TOED WOODPECKERS at the southeast corner of Echo Lake. 

Mesa County
On 1/11, Jason Cooper relocated the COMMON REDPOLL (Filby, 1/6) at a Fruita 
yard. On 1/7, Garnett relocated the PURPLE FINCH (Filby, 1/6) at a private home 
in Fruita (see website for directions). On 1/10, Zerbi relocated WHITE-WINGED 
DOVES (Arnold) in the 800-900 block of White Avenue in Grand Junction. 

Delta County
On 1/11, Dennis Garrison reported from Confluence Park in Delta: TUNDRA SWAN 
(prob. Bird seen by McGarry, 1/6 on Gunnison River); 2 ROSS'S GEESE (Garrison, 
12/30). On 1/10, Garrison relocated 3 of the probable 8 TUNDRA SWAN (Garrison, 
1/7) along the North Fork of the Gunnison River (from J Road, east of Bollinger 
& Queen). 

Garfield County
On 1/11, Dick Filby reported 16 BARROW'S GOLDENEYE (Filby, 1/3) on the Roaring 
Fork River between Coryell Ranch Pond and Aspen Glen. 

Summit County
On 1/9, Ehlmann relocated BARROW'S GOLDENEYE (Stevens, 11/11) on the Blue River 
Water Treatment Plant. On 1/3, Charles Nimes relocated Rosy Finches at the top 
of North Peak, Keystone Ski Area (Weston, 12/22). 

Montrose County
On 1/8, Coen Dexter reported 1 or 2 YELLOW-BELLIED SAPSUCKERS at Nucla City 
Park. Also check yard to west of park. 

Gunnison County
On 1/7, Linda Powers relocated 200+ Rosy Finches near 4th and Whiterock Street 
in Crested Butte. 

Pitkin County
On 1/7, Filby reports Brown-capped and Gray-crowned Rosy Finches at the bird 
feeder at Sam's Knob (top of Village Express Chairlift; fee required) at 
Snowmass Ski Area. 

Fremont County
On 1/2, Schmoker relocated RUFOUS-CROWNED SPARROW at Tunnel Drive in Canon 
City. Schmoker relocated a YELLOW-BELLIED SAPSUCKER (Moss, 12/3) at Centennial 
Park, Canon City. 

Jackson County
On 11/4, Stevens & Weston relocated a BOREAL OWL at Cameron Pass. Weston also 
saw 3 species of ROSY FINCHES at the Colorado State Forest Visitor's Center. On 
12/2, Stevens & Weston found 2 GREATER SAGE GROUSE along CR 26, north of Hwy 

Good Birding!

Directions to birding spots on CoBus website:

Sue Ehlmann, CoBus & RMORC Project Director
Brighton, CO
Contact CoBus/Report Interesting Birds: 303-324-7994
Subscribe to "cobirders AT
cobirders-subscribe AT
Read "cobirders" at:

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Subject: Monday Colorado Statewide Morning Bird Report & RBA
From: "sueehlmann AT" <>
Date: Mon, 12 Jan 2009 13:28:25 GMT
Hello cobirders,

New or Updated Reports from Sunday:
Adams (Glaucous Gull, Barrow's Goldeneye)
Douglas (Dunlin)
Denver (Ross's Goose)
Boulder (Rosy Finches)
El Paso (American Three-toed Woodpecker)
Pueblo (Great Black-backed, Lesser Black-backed, Thayer's, Iceland Gulls
Long-tailed Duck, Greater Scaup, Barrow's Goldeneye, Surf Scoter, Black Phoebe)
Mesa (Common Redpoll)
Delta (Tundra Swan, Ross's Goose)
Garfield (Barrow's Goldeneye)


Adams County
Yesterday, Alexander & Smith relocated the first year GLAUCOUS GULL (Stevens, 
12/25) on the southeast corner of East Gravel Lake. They also relocated 3 male 
& 1 female BARROW'S GOLDENEYES (Stevens, 12/3) on the South Platte River below 
the green and white tower (south of 88th avenue). On 1/10, Ira Sanders reported 
a male BARROW'S GOLDENEYE at the northeast corner of Barr Lake. On 1/6, Bob 
Canter relocated the AMERICAN DIPPER (Canter, 12/20) around or downstream from 
the Lowell Blvd Bridge near Lowell Ponds Wildlife Area. 

Jefferson/Douglas Counties
Yesterday, Alexander & Smith relocated the DUNLIN (Kellner, 12/20) along the S. 
Platte River south of the C470 Bridge (closest access through S. Platte 
Reservoir). On 1/8, Sullivan, Ehlmann & Stevens reported from Reynolds Park: 
Brown); & DUSKY GROUSE (M. Brown). 

Denver County
Yesterday, Gail Campbell found a ROSS'S GOOSE at Berkeley Park. On 1/10, 
Rebecca Kosten relocated a GREATER WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE (Zeeto, 1/7) at the 
northeast corner of the Green Valley Ranch Recreation Park. On 1/9, Tina Jones 
reported 7 GREATER SCAUP and a possible MEW GULL at Marston Reservoir. On 1/8, 
Ehlmann relocated the GREATER WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE (Stevens, 1/1) at Veteran's 
Lake, Fort Logan National Cemetery. 

Boulder County
Yesterday, Bill Schmoker saw 3 species of ROSY FINCHES (Dillman, 12/3) at 
Fawnbrook Inn, Allenspark. On 1/10, Blatchley found 4 WHITE-WINGED SCOTER at 
Valmont Reservoir. On 1/9, Ken Chavez reported a Band-tailed Pigeon at 
Fawnbrook Inn, Allenspark. 

Pueblo County
Yesterday, Percival relocated the ICELAND GULL (Schmoker, 1/2) at Pueblo City 
Park. Percival reported from Pueblo Reservoir: adult GREAT BLACK-BACKED GULL; 
adult THAYER'S GULL; two adult & two 1st year LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL; 4 
and BLACK PHOEBE (Rock Canyon). WHITE-WINGED DOVES can be found in Sunset 

Arapahoe County
On 1/10, Jerry Petrosky relocated an adult LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL (Stevens, 
12/24) and GREATER WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE (Stevens, 1/6) at Aurora Reservoir. On 
1/8, Ehlmann also relocated the Winter Wren (Stackowiak, 1/1) in South Platte 
Park (same access as Dunlin). On 1/7, Bryan Ehlmann and all relocated a 
SHORT-EARED OWL (Walbek, 12/5) at Cherry Creek State Park On 1/6, Richard 
Stevens reported from Aurora Reservoir: BRANT; adult MEW GULL (Stevens, 12/24); 

El Paso County
On 1/10, Peterson reported a possible GLAUCOUS-WINGED GULL, 1st year ICELAND 
reported 2 Sora at the north end of the nature center pond at Fountain Creek 
Regional Park. 

Larimer County
On 1/7, Nick Komar reported a GREATER WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE at the LaFarge Pond. 


Kit Carson County
On 1/5, Ehlmann and all relocated a Short-eared Owl (Ehlmann, 12/19) at Flagler 
Reservoir. Ehlmann also found a COMMON REDPOLL and RED-BELLIED WOODPECKER. 

Lincoln County
On 1/5, Ehlmann reported a White-throated Sparrow at Karvel Reservoir Wildlife 

Yuma County
On 1/4, Ehlmann and all reported:
At CR LL.5 and CR 4: COMMON REDPOLL (Ehlmann, 12/18); HARRIS'S SPARROW 
(Ehlmann, 12/18); 

At Hale Ponds: EASTERN SCREECH-OWL (Stevens); SHORT-EARED OWL (Ehlmann, 12/19); 

At Bonny Reservoir: 7 LONG-EARED OWL (Stevens, 10/31); EASTERN SCREECH-OWL 
(Ehlmann); 2 RED-BELLIED WOODPECKER (Ehlmann). 

Logan County
On 1/5, Steve Larson relocated at Tamarack Ranch WLA: NORTHERN CARDINAL 
(Weston, 12/30); RED-BELLIED WOODPECKER (Weston, 12/30); Bosley relocated a 
HARRIS'S SPARROW and WHITE-THROATED SPARROW (Stevens, 12/14). On 12/30, Weston 
Tamarack Ranch WLA south). 

On 1/5, Bill Kaempfer reported a WINTER WREN a mile south of Duck Creek 
Wildlife Area. 


Mesa County
Yesterday, Jason Cooper relocated the COMMON REDPOLL (Filby, 1/6) at a Fruita 
yard. On 1/7, Garnett relocated the PURPLE FINCH (Filby, 1/6) at a private home 
in Fruita (see website for directions). On 1/10, Zerbi relocated WHITE-WINGED 
DOVES (Arnold) in the 800-900 block of White Avenue in Grand Junction. 

Delta County
Yesterday, Dennis Garrison reported from Confluence Park in Delta: TUNDRA SWAN 
(prob. Bird seen by McGarry, 1/6 on Gunnison River); 2 ROSS'S GEESE (Garrison, 
12/30). On 1/10, Garrison relocated 3 of the probable 8 TUNDRA SWAN (Garrison, 
1/7) along the North Fork of the Gunnison River (from J Road, east of Bollinger 
& Queen). 

Garfield County
Yesterday, Dick Filby reported 16 BARROW'S GOLDENEYE (Filby, 1/3) on the 
Roaring Fork River between Coryell Ranch Pond and Aspen Glen. On 1/5, Filby 
relocated a BARROW'S GOLDENEYE (Weber, 12/18) on the Devereaux Road section of 
the Colorado River. 

Clear Creek County
On 1/9, Bryan Sullivan relocated WHITE-TAILED PTARMIGAN (Petrosky, 12/13) on 
Loveland Pass. On 1/4, Jeff Skrentny and Carmen Yon relocated an American 
Three-toed Woodpecker at the Echo Lake Campgrounds (Bingham). On 1/2, Weston 
reported AMERICAN THREE-TOED WOODPECKERS at the southeast corner of Echo Lake. 

Summit County
On 1/9, Ehlmann relocated BARROW'S GOLDENEYE (Stevens, 11/11) on the Blue River 
Water Treatment Plant. On 1/3, Charles Nimes relocated Rosy Finches at the top 
of North Peak, Keystone Ski Area (Weston, 12/22). 

Montrose County
On 1/8, Coen Dexter reported 1 or 2 YELLOW-BELLIED SAPSUCKERS at Nucla City 
Park. Also check yard to west of park. 

Gunnison County
On 1/7, Linda Powers relocated 200+ Rosy Finches near 4th and Whiterock Street 
in Crested Butte. 

Pitkin County
On 1/7, Filby reports Brown-capped and Gray-crowned Rosy Finches at the bird 
feeder at Sam's Knob (top of Village Express Chairlift; fee required) at 
Snowmass Ski Area. 

Fremont County
On 1/2, Schmoker relocated RUFOUS-CROWNED SPARROW at Tunnel Drive in Canon 
City. Schmoker relocated a YELLOW-BELLIED SAPSUCKER (Moss, 12/3) at Centennial 
Park, Canon City. 

Jackson County
On 11/4, Stevens & Weston relocated a BOREAL OWL at Cameron Pass. Weston also 
saw 3 species of ROSY FINCHES at the Colorado State Forest Visitor's Center. On 
12/2, Stevens & Weston found 2 GREATER SAGE GROUSE along CR 26, north of Hwy 

Good Birding!

Directions to birding spots on CoBus website:

Sue Ehlmann, CoBus & RMORC Project Director
Brighton, CO
Contact CoBus/Report Interesting Birds: 303-324-7994
Subscribe to "cobirders AT
cobirders-subscribe AT
Read "cobirders" at:

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Subject: Dunlin, Douglas County; Common Redpoll, Mesa County
From: "sueehlmann AT" <>
Date: Sun, 11 Jan 2009 21:40:02 GMT
Hello cobirders,

Douglas County
Alexander and Smith relocated the Dunlin along the South Platte River on the 
mudflats south of the C470 Bridge. 

Mesa County
Jason Cooper relocated the Common Redpoll at the Fruita private yard, birders 

Good Birding!

Directions to birding spots on CoBus website:

Sue Ehlmann, CoBus & RMORC Project Director
Brighton, CO
Contact CoBus/Report Interesting Birds: 303-324-7994
Subscribe to "cobirders" by sending blank email to:
cobirders-subscribe AT
Read "cobirders" at:

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Subject: ELC and Prospect Ponds
From: "Gary Lefko" <lefkogt AT>
Date: Sun, 11 Jan 2009 19:55:18 -0000
Birds seen in the "complex":

Herring Gull
Ring-billed Gull
California Gull
Green-winged Teal
Ring-necked Duck
American Wigeon
Common Goldeneye
Northern Shoveler
Canada Goose
Cackling Goose
Great Blue Heron
Belted Kingfisher
Hooded Merganser
Rock Pigeon
Dark-sided Junco (Pink-sided)
American Robin
Northern Pintail
Eastern Bluejay
Red-winged Blackbird
American Goldfinch

Gary Lefko, Nunn/CO
We're Colorado Birders, Are You?

Subject: Glaucous Gull & Barrow's Goldeneye still at 88th avenue and S. Platte River
From: "sueehlmann AT" <>
Date: Sun, 11 Jan 2009 19:10:23 GMT
Hello cobirders,

Adams County
Andy Alexander and Dolores Smith report the 1st year Glaucous Gull on East 
Gravel Lake this morning. They also relocated 2 male and a female Barrow's 
Goldeneyes on the South Platte River below the green and white tower. 

Good Birding!

Directions to birding spots on CoBus website:

Sue Ehlmann, CoBus & RMORC Project Director
Brighton, CO
Contact CoBus/Report Interesting Birds: 303-324-7994
Subscribe to "cobirders" by sending blank email to:
cobirders-subscribe AT
Read "cobirders" at:

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Subject: Sunday Colorado Statewide Morning Bird Report & RBA
From: "sueehlmann AT" <>
Date: Sun, 11 Jan 2009 13:34:41 GMT
Hello cobirders,

New or Updated Reports from Saturday:
Adams (Glaucous Gull, Barrow's Goldeneye)
Arapahoe (Lesser Black-backed Gull, Greater White-fronted Goose)
Douglas (Dunlin)
Denver (Greater White-fronted Goose)
Boulder (White-winged Scoter)
El Paso (Iceland Gull, Lesser Black-backed Gull, Thayer's Gull, Sora)
Mesa (Common Redpoll, White-winged Dove)
Delta (Tundra Swan, Ross's Goose)


Adams County
Yesterday, Richard Stevens relocated the first year GLAUCOUS GULL (Stevens, 
12/25) on the southeast corner of East Gravel Lake. Stevens relocated 3 male & 
1 female BARROW'S GOLDENEYES (Stevens, 12/3) on the South Platte River below 
the green and white tower (south of 88th avenue). Ira Sanders reported a male 
BARROW'S GOLDENEYE at the northeast corner of Barr Lake. On 1/6, Bob Canter 
relocated the AMERICAN DIPPER (Canter, 12/20) around or downstream from the 
Lowell Blvd Bridge near Lowell Ponds Wildlife Area. 

Arapahoe County
Yesterday, Jerry Petrosky relocated an adult LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL (Stevens, 
12/24) and GREATER WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE (Stevens, 1/6) at Aurora Reservoir. On 
1/8, Ehlmann also relocated the Winter Wren (Stackowiak, 1/1) in South Platte 
Park (same access as Dunlin). On 1/7, Bryan Ehlmann and all relocated a 
SHORT-EARED OWL (Walbek, 12/5) at Cherry Creek State Park On 1/6, Richard 
Stevens reported from Aurora Reservoir: BRANT; adult MEW GULL (Stevens, 12/24); 

Jefferson/Douglas Counties
Yesterday, Todd Deininger relocated the DUNLIN (Kellner, 12/20) along the S. 
Platte River south of the C470 Bridge (closest access through S. Platte 
Reservoir). On 1/8, Sullivan, Ehlmann & Stevens reported from Reynolds Park: 
Brown); & DUSKY GROUSE (M. Brown). 

Denver County
Yesterday, Rebecca Kosten relocated a GREATER WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE (Zeeto, 1/7) 
at the northeast corner of the Green Valley Ranch Recreation Park. On 1/9, Tina 
Jones reported 7 GREATER SCAUP and a possible MEW GULL at Marston Reservoir. On 
1/8, Ehlmann relocated the GREATER WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE (Stevens, 1/1) at 
Veteran's Lake, Fort Logan National Cemetery. 

Boulder County
Yesterday, Blatchley found 4 WHITE-WINGED SCOTER at Valmont Reservoir. On 1/9, 
Ken Chavez reported a Band-tailed Pigeon and relocated Rosy Finches (Dillman, 
12/3) at Fawnbrook Inn, Allenspark. 

El Paso County
Yesterday, Peterson reported a possible GLAUCOUS-WINGED GULL, 1st year ICELAND 
reported 2 Sora at the north end of the nature center pond at Fountain Creek 
Regional Park. 

Pueblo County
On 1/9, Percival reported from Pueblo Reservoir: ICELAND GULL (Leukering, 
12/18); adult Mew Gull; two 1st year GLAUCOUS GULL; adult GREAT BLACK-BACKED 
GULL; adult THAYER'S GULL; two adult & two 1st year LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL; 3 
Canyon). The first year ICELAND GULL was also briefly at Pueblo City Park along 
with a juvenile THAYER'S GULL. 

Larimer County
On 1/7, Nick Komar reported a GREATER WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE at the LaFarge Pond. 


Kit Carson County
On 1/5, Ehlmann and all relocated a Short-eared Owl (Ehlmann, 12/19) at Flagler 
Reservoir. Ehlmann also found a COMMON REDPOLL and RED-BELLIED WOODPECKER. 

Lincoln County
On 1/5, Ehlmann reported a White-throated Sparrow at Karvel Reservoir Wildlife 

Yuma County
On 1/4, Ehlmann and all reported:
At CR LL.5 and CR 4: COMMON REDPOLL (Ehlmann, 12/18); HARRIS'S SPARROW 
(Ehlmann, 12/18); 

At Hale Ponds: EASTERN SCREECH-OWL (Stevens); SHORT-EARED OWL (Ehlmann, 12/19); 

At Bonny Reservoir: 7 LONG-EARED OWL (Stevens, 10/31); EASTERN SCREECH-OWL 
(Ehlmann); 2 RED-BELLIED WOODPECKER (Ehlmann). 

Logan County
On 1/5, Steve Larson relocated at Tamarack Ranch WLA: NORTHERN CARDINAL 
(Weston, 12/30); RED-BELLIED WOODPECKER (Weston, 12/30); Bosley relocated a 
HARRIS'S SPARROW and WHITE-THROATED SPARROW (Stevens, 12/14). On 12/30, Weston 
Tamarack Ranch WLA south). 

On 1/5, Bill Kaempfer reported a WINTER WREN a mile south of Duck Creek 
Wildlife Area. 


Mesa County
Yesterday, Vic Zerbi relocated the COMMON REDPOLL at a Fruita yard. On 1/7, 
Garnett relocated the PURPLE FINCH (Filby, 1/6) at a private home in Fruita 
(see website for directions). Yesterday, Zerbi relocated WHITE-WINGED DOVES 
(Arnold) in the 800-900 block of White Avenue in Grand Junction. 

Delta County
Yesterday, Garrison relocated 3 of the probable 8 TUNDRA SWAN (Garrison, 1/7) 
along the North Fork of the Gunnison River (from J Road, east of Bollinger & 
Queen). Garrison reported 2 ROSS'S GEESE at Confluence Park in Delta. 

Clear Creek County
On 1/9, Bryan Sullivan relocated WHITE-TAILED PTARMIGAN (Petrosky, 12/13) on 
Loveland Pass. On 1/4, Jeff Skrentny and Carmen Yon relocated an American 
Three-toed Woodpecker at the Echo Lake Campgrounds (Bingham). On 1/2, Weston 
reported AMERICAN THREE-TOED WOODPECKERS at the southeast corner of Echo Lake. 

Summit County
On 1/9, Ehlmann relocated BARROW'S GOLDENEYE (Stevens, 11/11) on the Blue River 
Water Treatment Plant. On 1/3, Charles Nimes relocated Rosy Finches at the top 
of North Peak, Keystone Ski Area (Weston, 12/22). 

Garfield County
On 1/9, Dick Filby relocated one BARROW'S GOLDENEYE (Filby, 1/3) on the Coryell 
Ranch Ponds. On 1/5, Filby relocated a BARROW'S GOLDENEYE (Weber, 12/18) on the 
Devereaux Road section of the Colorado River. On 1/3, Filby reported 77 
BARROW'S GOLDENEYE on the Coryell Ranch Ponds. 

Montrose County
On 1/8, Coen Dexter reported 1 or 2 YELLOW-BELLIED SAPSUCKERS at Nucla City 
Park. Also check yard to west of park. 

Gunnison County
On 1/7, Linda Powers relocated 200+ Rosy Finches near 4th and Whiterock Street 
in Crested Butte. 

Pitkin County
On 1/7, Filby reports Brown-capped and Gray-crowned Rosy Finches at the bird 
feeder at Sam's Knob (top of Village Express Chairlift; fee required) at 
Snowmass Ski Area. 

Fremont County
On 1/2, Schmoker relocated RUFOUS-CROWNED SPARROW at Tunnel Drive in Canon 
City. Schmoker relocated a YELLOW-BELLIED SAPSUCKER (Moss, 12/3) at Centennial 
Park, Canon City. 

Jackson County
On 11/4, Stevens & Weston relocated a BOREAL OWL at Cameron Pass. Weston also 
saw 3 species of ROSY FINCHES at the Colorado State Forest Visitor's Center. On 
12/2, Stevens & Weston found 2 GREATER SAGE GROUSE along CR 26, north of Hwy 

Good Birding!

Directions to birding spots on CoBus website:

Sue Ehlmann, CoBus & RMORC Project Director
Brighton, CO
Contact CoBus/Report Interesting Birds: 303-324-7994
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Subject: Some Western Slope Birds, Mesa & Delta Ctys
From: Rebecca Kosten <kostenrebecca AT>
Date: Sat, 10 Jan 2009 14:19:53 -0700
Hello cobirders,

Some western slope birds relocated today included:

Mesa County
Vic Zerbi relocated the Common Redpoll at a Fruita yard. There's been no report 
of the Purple Finch since Wednesday. Zerbi also relocated the White-winged 
Doves along White Avenue between 800 and 900 block, grand junction. 

Delta County
Dennis Garrison relocated 3 Tundra Swan along the North Fork of the Gunnison 
River as seen from J Road east of Bollinger and Queen Streets near Hotchkiss. 
Garrison also relocated 2 Ross's Geese at Confluence Park in Delta. 

Good birding!

Directions to birding spots on CoBus website:

Rebecca Kosten, Colorado Birding Society
Denver, Colorado
Contact CoBus/Report Interesting Birds: 303-324-7994
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Subject: Lesser Black-backed Gull, Arapahoe Cty; 4 White-winged Scoters, Boulder Cty
From: Rebecca Kosten <kostenrebecca AT>
Date: Sat, 10 Jan 2009 10:49:46 -0700
Hello cobirders,

Arapahoe County
Jerry Petrosky reports one adult Lesser Black-backed Gull and one Greater 
White-fronted Goose at Aurora Reservoir. Most gulls flew to the landfill around 
10:30 AM. 

Boulder County
Mike Blatchley reports four White-winged Scoters along the south side of 
Valmont Reservoir. 

Good birding!

Directions to birding spots on CoBus website:

Rebecca Kosten, Colorado Birding Society
Denver, Colorado
Contact CoBus/Report Interesting Birds: 303-324-7994
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cobirders-subscribe AT
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Subject: Adams Cty Glaucous Gull, Barrow's Goldeneyes; Denver Cty Greater White-fronted Goose
From: Rebecca Kosten <kostenrebecca AT>
Date: Sat, 10 Jan 2009 09:41:43 -0700
Hello cobirders,

Adams County
Richard Stevens reports that the 1st/2nd year Glaucous Gull is standing on the 
ice at the southeast corner of East Gravel Lake. Richard found 3 male and 1 
female Barrow's Goldeneyes on the S. Platte River below the green and white 
tower. No sign of the older Glaucous Gull, yet..... 

Denver County
I had to go to the store and passed the Green Valley Ranch Recreation Park. The 
Greater White-fronted Goose was in the northwest corner of the park. When I 
again passed through at 9:00 AM, it was gone as were half the White-cheeked 
Geese. Thousands of White-cheeked Geese were on the ice at Lakecrest but 
nothing uncommon that I saw. 

Good birding!

Directions to birding spots on CoBus website:

Rebecca Kosten, Colorado Birding Society
Denver, Colorado
Contact CoBus/Report Interesting Birds: 303-324-7994
Subscribe to "cobirders" by sending blank email to:
cobirders-subscribe AT
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Subject: Saturday Colorado Statewide Morning Bird Report & RBA
From: Richard Stevens <birdertoo AT>
Date: Sat, 10 Jan 2009 05:48:14 -0700
Hello cobirders;

New or Updated Reports from Friday:
Denver (Greater White-fronted Goose, Greater Scaup)
Douglas (Dunlin)
Boulder (Rosy Finches, Band-tailed Pigeon)
Pueblo (Iceland Gull, Glaucous Gull, Great Black-backed Gull, Lesser 
Black-backed Gull, Thayer's Gull, Mew Gull, Black Phoebe) 

Clear Creek (White-tailed Ptarmigan)
Summit (Barrow's Goldeneye)
Garfield (Barrow's Goldeneye)


Denver County
Yesterday, Stevens relocated a GREATER WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE (Zeeto, 1/7) at the 
northeast corner of the Green Valley Ranch Recreation Park. On 1/1, Jackie King 
found a Brant on the pond there. Stevens also found a GREATER WHITE-FRONTED 
GOOSE at Picadilly Road and 42nd avenue. Jerry Petrosky saw one at 0.1 miles 
north of Picadilly Road and 56th avenue. Yesterday, Tina Jones reported 7 
GREATER SCAUP and a possible MEW GULL at Marston Reservoir. On 1/8, Ehlmann 
relocated the GREATER WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE (Stevens, 1/1) at Veteran's Lake, 
Fort Logan National Cemetery. 

Jefferson/Douglas Counties
Yesterday, Bill Cryder relocated the DUNLIN (Kellner, 12/20) along the S. 
Platte River south of the C470 Bridge (closest access through S. Platte 
Reservoir). On 1/8, Sullivan, Ehlmann & Stevens reported from Reynolds Park: 
Brown); & DUSKY GROUSE (M. Brown). 

Boulder County
Yesterday, Ken Chavez reported a Band-tailed Pigeon and relocated Rosy Finches 
(Dillman, 12/3) at Fawnbrook Inn, Allenspark. 

Pueblo County
Yesterday, Percival reported from Pueblo Reservoir: ICELAND GULL (Leukering, 
12/18); adult Mew Gull; two 1st year GLAUCOUS GULL; adult GREAT BLACK-BACKED 
GULL; adult THAYER'S GULL; two adult & two 1st year LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL; 3 
Canyon). The first year ICELAND GULL was also briefly at Pueblo City Park along 
with a juvenile THAYER'S GULL. 

Arapahoe County
On 1/8, Ehlmann also relocated the Winter Wren (Stackowiak, 1/1) in South 
Platte Park (same access as Dunlin). On 1/7, Bryan Ehlmann and all relocated a 
SHORT-EARED OWL (Walbek, 12/5) at Cherry Creek State Park On 1/6, Richard 
Stevens reported from Aurora Reservoir: BRANT; adult LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL 
(Stevens, 12/24); adult MEW GULL (Stevens, 12/24); 3 GREATER WHITE-FRONTED 

Larimer County
On 1/7, Nick Komar reported a GREATER WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE at the LaFarge Pond. 
On 12/31, Komar found a NORTHERN PYGMY-OWL at Viestenz-Smith Mountain Park near 
Loveland. On 12/29, Komar reported a NORTHERN PYGMY-OWL along Pennock Pass Road 
at 1.4 miles west of CR 27. On 12/24, Lefko reported a LONG-EARED OWL at 
Wellington Wildlife Area. 

Adams County
On 1/6, Bob Canter relocated the AMERICAN DIPPER (Canter, 12/20) around or 
downstream from the Lowell Blvd Bridge near Lowell Ponds Wildlife Area. Stevens 
found a GREATER WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE at the southeast corner of Picadilly Road & 
56th avenue. On 1/4, John Tumasonis relocated 2 male BARROW'S GOLDENEYE 
(Stevens, 12/3) on the Platte near the green & white tower, south of 88th 
avenue. On 1/1, Stevens reported from the S. Platte River and 88th avenue area: 
3 male and a female BARROW'S GOLDENEYE (Stevens, 12/3) on the Platte near the 
green & white tower; a 3rd year GLAUCOUS GULL (Leukering 12/25). On 12/28, 
Chavez relocated a 1st year GLAUCOUS GULL (Stevens, 12/25) on East Gravel Lake. 
On 1/2, Chase reported 2 GLAUCOUS GULL in the area. 


Kit Carson County
On 1/5, Ehlmann and all relocated a Short-eared Owl (Ehlmann, 12/19) at Flagler 
Reservoir. Ehlmann also found a COMMON REDPOLL and RED-BELLIED WOODPECKER. 

Lincoln County
On 1/5, Ehlmann reported a White-throated Sparrow at Karvel Reservoir Wildlife 

Yuma County
On 1/4, Ehlmann and all reported:
At CR LL.5 and CR 4: COMMON REDPOLL (Ehlmann, 12/18); HARRIS'S SPARROW 
(Ehlmann, 12/18); 

At Hale Ponds: EASTERN SCREECH-OWL (Stevens); SHORT-EARED OWL (Ehlmann, 12/19); 

At Bonny Reservoir: 7 LONG-EARED OWL (Stevens, 10/31); EASTERN SCREECH-OWL 
(Ehlmann); 2 RED-BELLIED WOODPECKER (Ehlmann). 

Logan County
On 1/5, Steve Larson relocated at Tamarack Ranch WLA: NORTHERN CARDINAL 
(Weston, 12/30); RED-BELLIED WOODPECKER (Weston, 12/30); Bosley relocated a 
HARRIS'S SPARROW and WHITE-THROATED SPARROW (Stevens, 12/14). On 12/30, Weston 
Tamarack Ranch WLA south). 

On 1/5, Bill Kaempfer reported a WINTER WREN a mile south of Duck Creek 
Wildlife Area. 

Logan/Sedgwick Counties
On 12/30, Weston reported from Jumbo Reservoir: COMMON REDPOLL; ROSS'S GOOSE; 
SHORT-EARED OWL (Danka, 12/13). 


Clear Creek County
Yesterday, Bryan Sullivan relocated WHITE-TAILED PTARMIGAN (Petrosky, 12/13) on 
Loveland Pass. On 1/4, Jeff Skrentny and Carmen Yon relocated an American 
Three-toed Woodpecker at the Echo Lake Campgrounds (Bingham). On 1/2, Weston 
reported AMERICAN THREE-TOED WOODPECKERS at the southeast corner of Echo Lake. 

Summit County
Yesterday, Ehlmann relocated BARROW'S GOLDENEYE (Stevens, 11/11) on the Blue 
River Water Treatment Plant. On 1/3, Charles Nimes relocated Rosy Finches at 
the top of North Peak, Keystone Ski Area (Weston, 12/22). 

Garfield County
Yesterday, Dick Filby relocated one BARROW'S GOLDENEYE (Filby, 1/3) on the 
Coryell Ranch Ponds. On 1/5, Filby relocated a BARROW'S GOLDENEYE (Weber, 
12/18) on the Devereaux Road section of the Colorado River. On 1/3, Filby 
reported 77 BARROW'S GOLDENEYE on the Coryell Ranch Ponds. 

Montrose County
On 1/8, Coen Dexter reported 1 or 2 YELLOW-BELLIED SAPSUCKERS at Nucla City 
Park. Also check yard to west of park. 

Delta County
On 1/8, Larry Arnold relocated the probable 8 TUNDRA SWAN (Garrison, 1/7) along 
the North Fork of the Gunnison River (from J Road, east of Bollinger & Queen). 
Garrison reported a pair of BARROW'S GOLDENEYE at Confluence Park in Delta. 

Gunnison County
On 1/7, Linda Powers relocated 200+ Rosy Finches near 4th and Whiterock Street 
in Crested Butte. 

Mesa County
On 1/7, Garnett relocated the PURPLE FINCH (Filby, 1/6) at a private home in 
Fruita (see website for directions). Filby also reported a Common Redpoll there 
on 1/6. Filby relocated WHITE-WINGED DOVES (Arnold) in the 800-900 block of 
White Avenue in Grand Junction. 

Pitkin County
On 1/7, Filby reports Brown-capped and Gray-crowned Rosy Finches at the bird 
feeder at Sam's Knob (top of Village Express Chairlift; fee required) at 
Snowmass Ski Area. 

Fremont County
On 1/2, Schmoker relocated RUFOUS-CROWNED SPARROW at Tunnel Drive in Canon 
City. Schmoker relocated a YELLOW-BELLIED SAPSUCKER (Moss, 12/3) at Centennial 
Park, Canon City. On 12/21 Mark Peterson reported relocating a GOLDEN-CROWNED 
SPARROW (Miller, 12/18) at Tunnel Drive. On 12/14, Moss relocated a female 
YELLOW-BELLIED SAPSUCKER (Moss, 11/23) at the Holy Cross Abbey in Canon City. 
On 12/10, Setta Moss found a male YELLOW-BELLIED SAPSUCKER at Lions Park in 

Teller County
On 12/31, Steve Brown reported Gray-crowned & Black Rosy Finches visiting 
feeders at the northeastern edge of Cripple Creek. Jeff Jones reported seeing 
Rosy Finches in the Cripple Creek area on 1/1. 

Jackson County
On 11/4, Stevens & Weston relocated a BOREAL OWL at Cameron Pass. Weston also 
saw 3 species of ROSY FINCHES at the Colorado State Forest Visitor's Center. On 
12/2, Stevens & Weston found 2 GREATER SAGE GROUSE along CR 26, north of Hwy 
14. On 12/1, they saw a GYRFALCON along Hwy 125 (halfway between the entrance 
to the Arapaho National Wildlife Refuge and the self-guided auto tour road to 
the North). 

Continued Good Birding!

Directions to birding spots on CoBus website:

Richard Stevens; Director, Colorado Birding Society
Denver, Colorado
Contact CoBus/Report Interesting Birds: 303-324-7994
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Subject: Photos of two Glaucous Gulls on New Year's Day
From: Richard Stevens <birdertoo AT>
Date: Sat, 10 Jan 2009 05:14:26 -0700
Hello cobirders;

I finally had the time to look at some of the photos taken in 2009. Digital 
cameras have the advantage that costs are low when taking photos, just delete 
from the memory card and move on. One disadvantage with my camera whose specs 
state 5 frames per second (how does one know if this is true?), it does not 
take long to snap off 500-600 shots. 

My photos from 1/1 while I hiked along the South Platte River at 88th avenue 
and digiscoped Tani and East Gravel Lakes were quite interesting. I have photos 
of a 1st year Glaucous Gull flying up and down the South Platte River. The 
Glaucous Gull that stood on the east side of East Gravel Lake that morning is 
clearly not a 1st year bird. Its bill was more like a 3rd winter bird. The 
mantle was looking like molting toward an adult back but not complete. 

So I took photos of two different Glaucous Gulls on New Year's Day!!!

Continued Good Birding!

Richard Stevens; Director, Colorado Birding Society
Denver, Colorado
Contact CoBus/Report Interesting Birds: 303-324-7994
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Subject: Loveland Pass and Green Valley Ranch on Friday
From: Richard Stevens <birdertoo AT>
Date: Sat, 10 Jan 2009 05:01:57 -0700
Hello cobirders;

Bryan Sullivan, Bryan Ehlmann, and I waited all week for a potential of good 
weather in order to search for White-tailed Ptarmigan on Loveland Pass. Friday 
was not that day but we had gone anyway. Winds were ridiculously (35 mph plus); 
temperature was 18 degrees and falling. 

Before our attempt to find Ptarmigan and while searching for Rosy Finches in 
Summit County we passed by the Blue River Water Treatment Plant. Barrow's 
Goldeneyes are still there and the best location close to Denver to find them 
in winter. 

At Loveland Pass (Clear Creek) it took us over two hours (2 hours, 18 minutes 
in fact) before Bryan S yelled that he had two White-tailed Ptarmigan in his 
binoculars! I was never so glad to get off of there. Winds were so strong that 
seeing through binoculars was almost impossible. Scopes were useless. 

Fortunately, Bryan S had success on his third attempt. The birds were uphill, 
south of the Summit and west of highway 6. 

After dropping Bryan S off at DIA and Bryan E at home, I drove around the Green 
Valley Ranch neighborhood (Denver). A Greater White-fronted Goose was again at 
the northeast corner of the Recreation Park (at 3:00pm). Winds were measured at 
22 mph, gusts into the low 30s. Three dozen geese and the Greater White-fronted 
Goose were in the low area that looks like it could be used as a soccer field. 
There they were somewhat protected from the higher winds. 

I checked the area around Picadilly Road and 56th avenue. The small pond to the 
west had no geese as the wind whipped across it. Up north on Picadilly Road 
were 500+ geese but no Greater White-fronted Goose in the high grass covered 
rolling hills. The Recreation Park Greater White-fronted Goose could be the 
same one that wanders the few miles up here. 

Later, I found a second Greater White-fronted Goose along Picadilly Road at 
42nd avenue. There is a low cultivated field with high edges (protected from 
the winds) at the southeast corner. This field is 1.7 miles north of Smith Road 
and Picadilly Road (and just in Denver County). 

Continued Good Birding!

Directions to birding spots on CoBus website:

Richard Stevens; Director, Colorado Birding Society
Denver, Colorado
Contact CoBus/Report Interesting Birds: 303-324-7994
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cobirders-subscribe AT
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Subject: Denver County Greater White-fronted Goose
From: Gary Weston <grwestonjr AT>
Date: Fri, 9 Jan 2009 12:00:50 -0700
Hi birders,

I forgot. Jerry Petrosky relocated a Greater White-fronted Goose on the hill 
about 0.1 miles north of Picadilly Road and 56th avenue. There were less than 
24 White-cheeked Geese at the Green Valley Recreation Park and Pond. 

Good birding!

Directions to birding spots on CoBus website:

Gary Weston, Vice-President, Colorado Birding Society
Denver, CO
Contact CoBus/Report Interesting Birds: 303-324-7994
Subscribe to "cobirders AT
cobirders-subscribe AT
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Subject: Noon update: Dunlin, Ptarmigan, Barrow's Goldeneye, Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers
From: Gary Weston <grwestonjr AT>
Date: Fri, 9 Jan 2009 11:58:59 -0700
Hi birders,

Arapahoe County
Bill Cryder relocated the Dunlin along the S. Platte River just south of the 
C470 Bridge. 

Clear Creek County
Sullivan, Ehlmann, and Stevens found 2 White-tailed Ptarmigan on the west side 
of Loveland Pass. 

Summit County
Barrow's Goldeneyes continue at Blue River Water Treatment Plant.

Montrose County
Coen Dexter relocated 1-3 Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers at Nucla City Park.

Good birding!

Directions to birding spots on CoBus website:

Gary Weston, Vice-President, Colorado Birding Society
Denver, CO
Contact CoBus/Report Interesting Birds: 303-324-7994
Subscribe to "cobirders AT
cobirders-subscribe AT
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Subject: Friday Colorado Statewide Morning Bird Report & RBA
From: "sueehlmann AT" <>
Date: Fri, 9 Jan 2009 12:18:42 GMT
Hello cobirders,

New or Updated Reports from Thursday:
Jefferson (Northern Pygmy-Owl, American Three-toed Woodpecker, Dusky Grouse, 

Arapahoe (Winter Wren)
Denver (Greater White-fronted Goose)
Pueblo (Iceland Gull)
Montrose (Yellow-bellied Sapsucker)
Delta (Barrow's Goldeneye, probable Tundra Swan)


Jefferson/Douglas Counties
Yesterday, Sullivan, Ehlmann & Stevens reported from Reynolds Park: 3-5 
Brown); & DUSKY GROUSE (M. Brown). Ehlmann relocated the DUNLIN (Kellner, 
12/20) along the S. Platte River south of the C470 Bridge (closest access 
through S. Platte Reservoir). 

Arapahoe County
Yesterday, Ehlmann also relocated the Winter Wren (Stackowiak, 1/1) in South 
Platte Park (same access as Dunlin). On 1/7, Bryan Ehlmann and all relocated a 
SHORT-EARED OWL (Walbek, 12/5) at Cherry Creek State Park On 1/6, Richard 
Stevens reported from Aurora Reservoir: BRANT; adult LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL 
(Stevens, 12/24); adult MEW GULL (Stevens, 12/24); 3 GREATER WHITE-FRONTED 

Denver County
Yesterday, Ehlmann relocated the GREATER WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE (Stevens, 1/1) at 
Veteran's Lake, Fort Logan National Cemetery. Jerry Petrosky relocated GREATER 
WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE (Zeeto, 1/7) at the northeast corner of the Green Valley 
Ranch Recreation Park. On 1/1, Jackie King found a Brant on the pond there. 

Pueblo County
Yesterday, M. Ackley relocated 1st year Iceland Gull (Schmoker) at the 
northeast pond at Pueblo City Park. On 1/3, Schmoker reported from Pueblo 
Reservoir: 1st year GLAUCOUS GULL (Percival, 12/20); 4 BONAPARTE'S GULL; adult 
GREAT BLACK-BACKED GULL (Percival, 10/22); a possible 2nd cycle GREAT 
BLACK-BACKED GULL. On 1/2, Schmoker reported ICELAND GULL (Leukering, 12/18); 
adult MEW GULL (Percival, 12/20); adult LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL (Percival, 
12/6); THAYER'S GULL (Spencer, 12/22). Percival added a BARROW'S GOLDENEYE, 

On 1/3, Brandon Percival reported from Runyon Lake: TUNDRA SWAN, juvenile 
at Roselawn Cemetery in Blende. On 1/1, Brandon Percival reported a 
YELLOW-BELLIED SAPSUCKER and WHITE-WINGED DOVE near the post office in Beulah, 

Larimer County
On 1/7, Nick Komar reported a GREATER WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE at the LaFarge Pond. 
On 12/31, Komar found a NORTHERN PYGMY-OWL at Viestenz-Smith Mountain Park near 
Loveland. On 12/29, Komar reported a NORTHERN PYGMY-OWL along Pennock Pass Road 
at 1.4 miles west of CR 27. On 12/24, Lefko reported a LONG-EARED OWL at 
Wellington Wildlife Area. 

Adams County
On 1/6, Bob Canter relocated the AMERICAN DIPPER (Canter, 12/20) around or 
downstream from the Lowell Blvd Bridge near Lowell Ponds Wildlife Area. Stevens 
found a GREATER WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE at the southeast corner of Picadilly Road & 
56th avenue. On 1/4, John Tumasonis relocated 2 male BARROW'S GOLDENEYE 
(Stevens, 12/3) on the Platte near the green & white tower, south of 88th 
avenue. On 1/1, Stevens reported from the S. Platte River and 88th avenue area: 
3 male and a female BARROW'S GOLDENEYE (Stevens, 12/3) on the Platte near the 
green & white tower; a 3rd year GLAUCOUS GULL (Leukering 12/25). On 12/28, 
Chavez relocated a 1st year GLAUCOUS GULL (Stevens, 12/25) on East Gravel Lake. 
On 1/2, Chase reported 2 GLAUCOUS GULL in the area. 

Boulder County
On 1/4, Bryan Guarente relocated an adult LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL (Guarente, 
1/3); 4 adult & a 1st year THAYER'S GULL (Guarente, 1/3) at McIntosh Lake. On 
1/3, Guarente reported from McIntosh Lake: GLAUCOUS GULL (Waltman, 1/1). Nick 
Komar added a possible 1st cycle LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL. On 1/3, Tom Parchman 
relocated the WHITE-WINGED SCOTER (Gent, 12/28) at Thomas Reservoir. Mark 
Miller reported a LONG-TAILED DUCK on Wallace Lake at Pella Crossing Park. On 
12/27, Mark Miller relocated GRAY-CROWNED ROSY FINCHES at Fawnbrook Inn, 
Allenspark. On 12/23, Terry Michaels and others relocated 3 species of ROSY 
FINCHES (Dillman, 12/3) at the Fawnbrook Inn. 


Kit Carson County
On 1/5, Ehlmann and all relocated a Short-eared Owl (Ehlmann, 12/19) at Flagler 
Reservoir. Ehlmann also found a COMMON REDPOLL and RED-BELLIED WOODPECKER. 

Lincoln County
On 1/5, Ehlmann reported a White-throated Sparrow at Karvel Reservoir Wildlife 

Yuma County
On 1/4, Ehlmann and all reported:
At CR LL.5 and CR 4: COMMON REDPOLL (Ehlmann, 12/18); HARRIS'S SPARROW 
(Ehlmann, 12/18); 

At Hale Ponds: EASTERN SCREECH-OWL (Stevens); SHORT-EARED OWL (Ehlmann, 12/19); 

At Bonny Reservoir: 7 LONG-EARED OWL (Stevens, 10/31); EASTERN SCREECH-OWL 
(Ehlmann); 2 RED-BELLIED WOODPECKER (Ehlmann). 

Logan County
On 1/5, Steve Larson relocated at Tamarack Ranch WLA: NORTHERN CARDINAL 
(Weston, 12/30); RED-BELLIED WOODPECKER (Weston, 12/30); Bosley relocated a 
HARRIS'S SPARROW and WHITE-THROATED SPARROW (Stevens, 12/14). On 12/30, Weston 
Tamarack Ranch WLA south). 

On 1/5, Bill Kaempfer reported a WINTER WREN a mile south of Duck Creek 
Wildlife Area. 

Logan/Sedgwick Counties
On 12/30, Weston reported from Jumbo Reservoir: COMMON REDPOLL; ROSS'S GOOSE; 
SHORT-EARED OWL (Danka, 12/13). 


Montrose County
Yesterday, Coen Dexter reported 1 or 2 YELLOW-BELLIED SAPSUCKERS at Nucla City 
Park. Also check yard to west of park. 

Delta County
Yesterday, Larry Arnold relocated the probable 8 TUNDRA SWAN (Garrison, 1/7) 
along the North Fork of the Gunnison River (from J Road, east of Bollinger & 
Queen). Garrison reported a pair of BARROW'S GOLDENEYE at Confluence Park in 
Delta. On 1/6, Jane McGarry found a TUNDRA SWAN in Delta; on the Gunnison River 
above the bridge. 

Gunnison County
On 1/7, Linda Powers relocated 200+ Rosy Finches near 4th and Whiterock Street 
in Crested Butte. 

Mesa County
On 1/7, Garnett relocated the PURPLE FINCH (Filby, 1/6) at a private home in 
Fruita (see website for directions). Filby also reported a Common Redpoll there 
on 1/6. Filby relocated WHITE-WINGED DOVES (Arnold) in the 800-900 block of 
White Avenue in Grand Junction. 

Pitkin County
On 1/7, Filby reports Brown-capped and Gray-crowned Rosy Finches at the bird 
feeder at Sam's Knob (top of Village Express Chairlift; fee required) at 
Snowmass Ski Area. 

Summit County
On 1/5, Charles Nims relocated 17 BARROW'S GOLDENEYE (Stevens, 11/11) at the 
Blue River Water Treatment Plant in Silverthorne. On 1/3, Charles Nimes 
relocated Rosy Finches at the top of North Peak, Keystone Ski Area (Weston, 

Garfield County
On 1/5, Filby relocated a BARROW'S GOLDENEYE (Weber, 12/18) on the Devereaux 
Road section of the Colorado River. On 1/3, Filby reported 77 BARROW'S 
GOLDENEYE on the Coryell Ranch Ponds. 

Clear Creek County
On 1/4, Jeff Skrentny and Carmen Yon relocated an American Three-toed 
Woodpecker at the Echo Lake Campgrounds (Bingham). On 1/2, Weston relocated 
WHITE-TAILED PTARMIGAN (Petrosky, 12/13) below and east of the parking lot at 
Loveland Pass. Note: Guanella Pass is now closed for the season. However, 
Ehlmann and all found 11 WHITE-TAILED PTARMIGAN by cross-country skiing over 2 
miles to the summit. Weston reported AMERICAN THREE-TOED WOODPECKERS at the 
southeast corner of Echo Lake. 

Fremont County
On 1/2, Schmoker relocated RUFOUS-CROWNED SPARROW at Tunnel Drive in Canon 
City. Schmoker relocated a YELLOW-BELLIED SAPSUCKER (Moss, 12/3) at Centennial 
Park, Canon City. On 12/21 Mark Peterson reported relocating a GOLDEN-CROWNED 
SPARROW (Miller, 12/18) at Tunnel Drive. On 12/14, Moss relocated a female 
YELLOW-BELLIED SAPSUCKER (Moss, 11/23) at the Holy Cross Abbey in Canon City. 
On 12/10, Setta Moss found a male YELLOW-BELLIED SAPSUCKER at Lions Park in 

Teller County
On 12/31, Steve Brown reported Gray-crowned & Black Rosy Finches visiting 
feeders at the northeastern edge of Cripple Creek. Jeff Jones reported seeing 
Rosy Finches in the Cripple Creek area on 1/1. 

Jackson County
On 11/4, Stevens & Weston relocated a BOREAL OWL at Cameron Pass. Weston also 
saw 3 species of ROSY FINCHES at the Colorado State Forest Visitor's Center. On 
12/2, Stevens & Weston found 2 GREATER SAGE GROUSE along CR 26, north of Hwy 
14. On 12/1, they saw a GYRFALCON along Hwy 125 (halfway between the entrance 
to the Arapaho National Wildlife Refuge and the self-guided auto tour road to 
the North). 

Good Birding!

Directions to birding spots on CoBus website:

Sue Ehlmann, CoBus & RMORC Project Director
Brighton, CO
Contact CoBus/Report Interesting Birds: 303-324-7994
Subscribe to "cobirders AT
cobirders-subscribe AT
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Subject: South Platte Park: dunlin, Winter Wren; Fort Logan Cemetery: Greater White-fronted Goose
From: Rebecca Kosten <kostenrebecca AT>
Date: Thu, 8 Jan 2009 13:31:46 -0700
Hello cobirders,

Sullivan, Ehlmann, & Stevens report this afternoon:

South Platte Park
+dunlin at about 100 yards south of C470 bridge, Douglas County
+possible winter wren in cattails along west bank at 55 paces north of the 
power pole closest to S. Platte River, north of parking lot along C470. They 
saw the bird very briefly, heard it several times. Bird was very secretive. 

fort logan national cemetery
+Greater White-fronted Goose on hill southeast corner of Veteran's Lake.

Good birding!

Directions to birding spots on CoBus website:

Rebecca Kosten, Colorado Birding Society
Denver, CO
Contact CoBus/Report Interesting Birds: 303-324-7994
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Subject: Reynolds Park, Northern Pygmy-Owl, Dusky Grouse, American Three-toed Woodpecker
From: Rebecca Kosten <kostenrebecca AT>
Date: Thu, 8 Jan 2009 09:53:55 -0700
Hello cobirders,

Bryan Sullivan, Bryan Ehlmann, and Richard Stevens reported from Reynolds Park, 
Jefferson County this morning. They found 3-5 Northern Pygmy-Owls; 2 around the 
western parking lot at 6:51 AM. They saw a female American Three-toed 
Woodpecker within 50 yards of the junction of the Oxen Draw, Eagle's View, and 
Raven's Roost trails. They also found 2 Dusky Grouse; one at the top of Eagle's 
View, the other south of the Songbird trail at halfway between the eastern and 
western parking lots. 

Good birding!

Directions to birding spots on CoBus website:

Rebecca Kosten, Colorado Birding Society
Denver, CO
Contact CoBus/Report Interesting Birds: 303-324-7994
Subscribe to "cobirders AT
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Subject: Thursday Colorado Statewide Morning Bird Report & RBA
From: "sueehlmann AT" <>
Date: Thu, 8 Jan 2009 11:58:13 GMT
Hello cobirders,

New or Updated Reports from Wednesday:
Arapahoe (Short-eared Owl)
Denver (Greater White-fronted Goose)
Larimer (Greater White-fronted Goose)
Gunnison (Rosy Finches)
Mesa (Purple Finch)
Pitkin (Rosy Finches)


Arapahoe County
Yesterday, Bryan Ehlmann and all relocated a SHORT-EARED OWL (Walbek, 12/5) at 
Cherry Creek State Park On 1/6, Richard Stevens reported from Aurora Reservoir: 
BRANT; adult LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL (Stevens, 12/24); adult MEW GULL 
(Stevens, 12/24); 3 GREATER WHITE-FRONTED GEESE; 3+ ROSS'S GEESE. On 1/3, 
several birders relocated a WINTER WREN (Stackowiak, 1/1) along the Platte 
River at South Platte Park (see CoBus website for details. 

Denver County
Yesterday, Gary Zeeto found a GREATER WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE at the northeast 
corner of the Green Valley Ranch Recreation Park. On 1/1, Jackie King found a 
Brant on the pond there. 

Larimer County
Yesterday, Nick Komar reported a GREATER WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE at the LaFarge 
Pond. On 12/31, Komar found a NORTHERN PYGMY-OWL at Viestenz-Smith Mountain 
Park near Loveland. On 12/29, Komar reported a NORTHERN PYGMY-OWL along Pennock 
Pass Road at 1.4 miles west of CR 27. On 12/24, Lefko reported a LONG-EARED OWL 
at Wellington Wildlife Area. 

Adams County
On 1/6, Bob Canter relocated the AMERICAN DIPPER (Canter, 12/20) around or 
downstream from the Lowell Blvd Bridge near Lowell Ponds Wildlife Area. Stevens 
found a GREATER WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE at the southeast corner of Picadilly Road & 
56th avenue. On 1/4, John Tumasonis relocated 2 male BARROW'S GOLDENEYE 
(Stevens, 12/3) on the Platte near the green & white tower, south of 88th 
avenue. On 1/1, Stevens reported from the S. Platte River and 88th avenue area: 
3 male and a female BARROW'S GOLDENEYE (Stevens, 12/3) on the Platte near the 
green & white tower; a 3rd year GLAUCOUS GULL (Leukering 12/25). On 12/28, 
Chavez relocated a 1st year GLAUCOUS GULL (Stevens, 12/25) on East Gravel Lake. 
On 1/2, Chase reported 2 GLAUCOUS GULL in the area. 

Boulder County
On 1/4, Bryan Guarente relocated an adult LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL (Guarente, 
1/3); 4 adult & a 1st year THAYER'S GULL (Guarente, 1/3) at McIntosh Lake. On 
1/3, Guarente reported from McIntosh Lake: GLAUCOUS GULL (Waltman, 1/1). Nick 
Komar added a possible 1st cycle LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL. On 1/3, Tom Parchman 
relocated the WHITE-WINGED SCOTER (Gent, 12/28) at Thomas Reservoir. Mark 
Miller reported a LONG-TAILED DUCK on Wallace Lake at Pella Crossing Park. On 
12/27, Mark Miller relocated GRAY-CROWNED ROSY FINCHES at Fawnbrook Inn, 
Allenspark. On 12/23, Terry Michaels and others relocated 3 species of ROSY 
FINCHES (Dillman, 12/3) at the Fawnbrook Inn. 

Pueblo County
On 1/4, Percival relocated 1st year Iceland Gull (Schmoker) at the northeast 
pond at Pueblo City Park. On 1/3, Schmoker reported from Pueblo Reservoir: 1st 
year GLAUCOUS GULL (Percival, 12/20); 4 BONAPARTE'S GULL; adult GREAT 
BLACK-BACKED GULL (Percival, 10/22); a possible 2nd cycle GREAT BLACK-BACKED 
GULL. On 1/2, Schmoker reported ICELAND GULL (Leukering, 12/18); adult MEW GULL 
(Percival, 12/20); adult LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL (Percival, 12/6); THAYER'S 
GULL (Spencer, 12/22). Percival added a BARROW'S GOLDENEYE, LONG-TAILED DUCK, & 

On 1/3, Brandon Percival reported from Runyon Lake: TUNDRA SWAN, juvenile 
at Roselawn Cemetery in Blende. On 1/1, Brandon Percival reported a 
YELLOW-BELLIED SAPSUCKER and WHITE-WINGED DOVE near the post office in Beulah, 

Jefferson/Douglas Counties
On 1/2, Kilpatrick relocated a DUNLIN (Kellner, 12/19) along the South Platte 
River south of C470 and north of the first footbridge (Douglas County, dog 
walking area of Chatfield State Park). Kilpatrick relocated 5 TRUMPETER SWAN 
(McDonald, 12/22) at Standley Lake. 

On 1/1, Jeff Skrentny and Carmen Yon relocated a Northern Pygmy-Owl along the 
Songbird trail between the parking lots at Reynolds Park. On 12/31, Stevens and 
Ehlmann relocated NORTHERN PYGMY-OWL along the Oxen Draw Trail at Reynolds 
Park. On 12/27, Ray Simmons reported an AMERICAN THREE-TOED WOODPECKER on the 
Strawberry Jack Trail at 300 yards east of the Buck Gulch Trail at Pine Valley 
Ranch Park. 


Kit Carson County
On 1/5, Ehlmann and all relocated a Short-eared Owl (Ehlmann, 12/19) at Flagler 
Reservoir. Ehlmann also found a COMMON REDPOLL and RED-BELLIED WOODPECKER. 

Lincoln County
On 1/5, Ehlmann reported a White-throated Sparrow at Karvel Reservoir Wildlife 

Yuma County
On 1/4, Ehlmann and all reported:
At CR LL.5 and CR 4: COMMON REDPOLL (Ehlmann, 12/18); HARRIS'S SPARROW 
(Ehlmann, 12/18); 

At Hale Ponds: EASTERN SCREECH-OWL (Stevens); SHORT-EARED OWL (Ehlmann, 12/19); 

At Bonny Reservoir: 7 LONG-EARED OWL (Stevens, 10/31); EASTERN SCREECH-OWL 
(Ehlmann); 2 RED-BELLIED WOODPECKER (Ehlmann). 

Logan County
On 1/5, Steve Larson relocated at Tamarack Ranch WLA: NORTHERN CARDINAL 
(Weston, 12/30); RED-BELLIED WOODPECKER (Weston, 12/30); Bosley relocated a 
HARRIS'S SPARROW and WHITE-THROATED SPARROW (Stevens, 12/14). On 12/30, Weston 
Tamarack Ranch WLA south). 

On 1/5, Bill Kaempfer reported a WINTER WREN a mile south of Duck Creek 
Wildlife Area. 

Logan/Sedgwick Counties
On 12/30, Weston reported from Jumbo Reservoir: COMMON REDPOLL; ROSS'S GOOSE; 
SHORT-EARED OWL (Danka, 12/13). 


Gunnison County
Yesterday, Linda Powers relocated 200+ Rosy Finches near 4th and Whiterock 
Street in Crested Butte. 

Mesa County
Yesterday, Garnett relocated the PURPLE FINCH (Filby, 1/6) at a private home in 
Fruita (see website for directions). Filby also reported a Common Redpoll there 
on 1/6. Filby relocated WHITE-WINGED DOVES (Arnold) in the 800-900 block of 
White Avenue in Grand Junction. 

Pitkin County
Yesterday, Filby reports Brown-capped and Gray-crowned Rosy Finches at the bird 
feeder at Sam's Knob (top of Village Express Chairlift; fee required) at 
Snowmass Ski Area. 

Delta County
On 1/6, Jane McGarry found a TUNDRA SWAN in Delta; on the Gunnison River above 
the bridge. 

Summit County
On 1/5, Charles Nims relocated 17 BARROW'S GOLDENEYE (Stevens, 11/11) at the 
Blue River Water Treatment Plant in Silverthorne. On 1/3, Charles Nimes 
relocated Rosy Finches at the top of North Peak, Keystone Ski Area (Weston, 

Garfield County
On 1/5, Filby relocated a BARROW'S GOLDENEYE (Weber, 12/18) on the Devereaux 
Road section of the Colorado River. On 1/3, Filby reported 77 BARROW'S 
GOLDENEYE on the Coryell Ranch Ponds. 

Clear Creek County
On 1/4, Jeff Skrentny and Carmen Yon relocated an American Three-toed 
Woodpecker at the Echo Lake Campgrounds (Bingham). On 1/2, Weston relocated 
WHITE-TAILED PTARMIGAN (Petrosky, 12/13) below and east of the parking lot at 
Loveland Pass. Note: Guanella Pass is now closed for the season. However, 
Ehlmann and all found 11 WHITE-TAILED PTARMIGAN by cross-country skiing over 2 
miles to the summit. Weston reported AMERICAN THREE-TOED WOODPECKERS at the 
southeast corner of Echo Lake. 

Fremont County
On 1/2, Schmoker relocated RUFOUS-CROWNED SPARROW at Tunnel Drive in Canon 
City. Schmoker relocated a YELLOW-BELLIED SAPSUCKER (Moss, 12/3) at Centennial 
Park, Canon City. On 12/21 Mark Peterson reported relocating a GOLDEN-CROWNED 
SPARROW (Miller, 12/18) at Tunnel Drive. On 12/14, Moss relocated a female 
YELLOW-BELLIED SAPSUCKER (Moss, 11/23) at the Holy Cross Abbey in Canon City. 
On 12/10, Setta Moss found a male YELLOW-BELLIED SAPSUCKER at Lions Park in 

Teller County
On 12/31, Steve Brown reported Gray-crowned & Black Rosy Finches visiting 
feeders at the northeastern edge of Cripple Creek. Jeff Jones reported seeing 
Rosy Finches in the Cripple Creek area on 1/1. 

Jackson County
On 11/4, Stevens & Weston relocated a BOREAL OWL at Cameron Pass. Weston also 
saw 3 species of ROSY FINCHES at the Colorado State Forest Visitor's Center. On 
12/2, Stevens & Weston found 2 GREATER SAGE GROUSE along CR 26, north of Hwy 
14. On 12/1, they saw a GYRFALCON along Hwy 125 (halfway between the entrance 
to the Arapaho National Wildlife Refuge and the self-guided auto tour road to 
the North). 

Good Birding!

Directions to birding spots on CoBus website:

Sue Ehlmann, CoBus & RMORC Project Director
Brighton, CO
Contact CoBus/Report Interesting Birds: 303-324-7994
Subscribe to "cobirders AT
cobirders-subscribe AT
Read "cobirders" at:

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Subject: Snowmass ski area Rosy Finches, Red Crossbills etc
From: "Dick Filby" <dickfilby AT>
Date: Thu, 8 Jan 2009 04:31:26 -0000
Hi all,

I birded Snowmass Ski Area today. The weather was warm (for January) in the mid 
30's.. Several Gray-crowned (both forms) and Brown-capped Rosy Finches visited 
the feeder at Sam's Knob (top of the Village Express chairlift). Steller's Jay 
and Mountain Chickadees also visited. Elsewhere on the ski area I saw a couple 
of Pine Grosbeaks and 8 Red Crossbills. The feeder close to the top of the 
Gondola was attracting Mountain Chickadees whilst I was there. Last season it 
was frequently visited by Pine Grosbeaks and a Pine Marten too. That feeder is 
at the top of the covered 'Magic Carpet' 

Good birding!

Dick Filby
Carbondale, Garfield Co
Subject: Snowmass ski area Rosy Finches, Crossbills etc
From: "Dick Filby" <dickfilby AT>
Date: Thu, 8 Jan 2009 04:05:45 -0000
Hi all,

I birded Snowmass Ski Area today. The weather was warm (for January) in the mid 
30's.. Several Gray-crowned (both forms) and Brown-capped Rosy Finches visited 
the feeder at Sam's Knob (top of the Village Express chairlift). Steller's Jay 
and Mountain Chickadees also visited. Elsewhere on the ski area I saw a couple 
of Pine Grosbeaks and 8 Common Crossbills. The feeder close to the top of the 
Gondola was attracting Mountain Chickadees whilst I was there. Last season it 
was frequently visited by Pine Grosbeaks and a Pine Marten too. That feeder is 
at the top of the covered 'Magic Carpet' 

Good birding!

Dick Filby
Carbondale, Garfield Co
Subject: No brant, but a Greater White fronted Goose, Denver county
From: Gary Zeeto <gzeeto AT>
Date: Wed, 7 Jan 2009 14:40:10 -0800 (PST)

Checked out Green Valley Ranch Rec Center Pond. No Brant but a Greater White 
fronted Goose among 500+ White creeked Geese. GWFG was at northeast corner of 
park north of school. 

Good birdin'

Gary Z

Subject: Cherry Creek State Park Short-eared Owl, Arapahoe County
From: Bryan Ehlmann <graybirder AT>
Date: Wed, 7 Jan 2009 10:34:16 -0700
Hello birders,

Bryan Sullivan, Rich Stevens and I started out for Loveland Pass and Summit 
County in search of Rosy Finches and Ptarmigan. Shortly after getting on the 
road at 5:00 AM news radio said that Loveland Pass was closed due to high 
winds. At 5:00 AM it was above freezing at DIA with 39 degrees. Anemometer 
readings were steady at 32 MPH with gusts into the low 40s. Nevertheless we 
decided to put the trip off for a day. 

Instead we found ourselves at the parking lot north of the main road and west 
of the creek at Cherry Creek State Park. The Short-eared Owl flew from north to 
south over the cattails 30 yards west of us at 6:51 AM. At 6:59 AM, it returned 
from south to north within 25 yards of us! We may have seen it at 6:44 AM, but 
it was too dark to be sure of the ID. 

They decided to continue up to Pawnee National Grasslands.  I opted out.

Good birding!

Bryan Ehlmann, President, Colorado Birding Society
Brighton, CO
Contact CoBus/Report Interesting Birds: 303-324-7994
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Subject: Wednesday Colorado Statewide Morning Bird Report & RBA
From: "sueehlmann AT" <>
Date: Wed, 7 Jan 2009 12:27:37 GMT
Hello cobirders,

New or Updated Reports from Tuesday:
Arapahoe (Brant, Lesser Black-backed Gull, Mew Gull, Greater White-fronted 
Goose, Ross's Goose) 

Adams (American Dipper, Greater White-fronted Goose)
Mesa (Purple Finch, Common Redpoll)
Delta (Tundra Swan)


Arapahoe County
Yesterday, Richard Stevens reported from Aurora Reservoir: BRANT; adult LESSER 
BLACK-BACKED GULL (Stevens, 12/24); adult MEW GULL (Stevens, 12/24); 3 GREATER 
WHITE-FRONTED GEESE; 3+ ROSS'S GEESE. On 1/3, several birders relocated a 
WINTER WREN (Stackowiak, 1/1) along the Platte River at South Platte Park (see 
CoBus website for details. On 1/2, Bob Brown relocated a SHORT-EARED OWL 
(Walbek, 12/5) at Cherry Creek State Park. 

Adams County
Yesterday, Bob Canter relocated the AMERICAN DIPPER (Canter, 12/20) around or 
downstream from the Lowell Blvd Bridge near Lowell Ponds Wildlife Area. Stevens 
found a GREATER WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE at the southeast corner of Picadilly Road & 
56th avenue. On 1/4, John Tumasonis relocated 2 male BARROW'S GOLDENEYE 
(Stevens, 12/3) on the Platte near the green & white tower, south of 88th 
avenue. On 1/1, Stevens reported from the S. Platte River and 88th avenue area: 
3 male and a female BARROW'S GOLDENEYE (Stevens, 12/3) on the Platte near the 
green & white tower; a 3rd year GLAUCOUS GULL (Leukering 12/25). On 12/28, 
Chavez relocated a 1st year GLAUCOUS GULL (Stevens, 12/25) on East Gravel Lake. 
On 1/2, Chase reported 2 GLAUCOUS GULL in the area. 

Boulder County
On 1/4, Bryan Guarente relocated an adult LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL (Guarente, 
1/3); 4 adult & a 1st year THAYER'S GULL (Guarente, 1/3) at McIntosh Lake. On 
1/3, Guarente reported from McIntosh Lake: GLAUCOUS GULL (Waltman, 1/1). Nick 
Komar added a possible 1st cycle LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL. On 1/3, Tom Parchman 
relocated the WHITE-WINGED SCOTER (Gent, 12/28) at Thomas Reservoir. Mark 
Miller reported a LONG-TAILED DUCK on Wallace Lake at Pella Crossing Park. On 
12/27, Mark Miller relocated GRAY-CROWNED ROSY FINCHES at Fawnbrook Inn, 
Allenspark. On 12/23, Terry Michaels and others relocated 3 species of ROSY 
FINCHES (Dillman, 12/3) at the Fawnbrook Inn. 

Pueblo County
On 1/4, Percival relocated 1st year Iceland Gull (Schmoker) at the northeast 
pond at Pueblo City Park. On 1/3, Schmoker reported from Pueblo Reservoir: 1st 
year GLAUCOUS GULL (Percival, 12/20); 4 BONAPARTE'S GULL; adult GREAT 
BLACK-BACKED GULL (Percival, 10/22); a possible 2nd cycle GREAT BLACK-BACKED 
GULL. On 1/2, Schmoker reported ICELAND GULL (Leukering, 12/18); adult MEW GULL 
(Percival, 12/20); adult LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL (Percival, 12/6); THAYER'S 
GULL (Spencer, 12/22). Percival added a BARROW'S GOLDENEYE, LONG-TAILED DUCK, & 

On 1/3, Brandon Percival reported from Runyon Lake: TUNDRA SWAN, juvenile 
at Roselawn Cemetery in Blende. On 1/1, Brandon Percival reported a 
YELLOW-BELLIED SAPSUCKER and WHITE-WINGED DOVE near the post office in Beulah, 

Jefferson/Douglas Counties
On 1/2, Kilpatrick relocated a DUNLIN (Kellner, 12/19) along the South Platte 
River south of C470 and north of the first footbridge (Douglas County, dog 
walking area of Chatfield State Park). Kilpatrick relocated 5 TRUMPETER SWAN 
(McDonald, 12/22) at Standley Lake. 

On 1/1, Jeff Skrentny and Carmen Yon relocated a Northern Pygmy-Owl along the 
Songbird trail between the parking lots at Reynolds Park. On 12/31, Stevens and 
Ehlmann relocated NORTHERN PYGMY-OWL along the Oxen Draw Trail at Reynolds 
Park. On 12/27, Ray Simmons reported an AMERICAN THREE-TOED WOODPECKER on the 
Strawberry Jack Trail at 300 yards east of the Buck Gulch Trail at Pine Valley 
Ranch Park. 

Denver County
On 1/2, Tina Jones reported GREATER SCAUP on Marston Reservoir. On 1/1, Stevens 
found a GREATER WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE at Veteran's Lake and a juvenile SNOW GOOSE 
at Memorial Lake at Fort Logan National Cemetery (see photos CoBus library). 

Larimer County
On 1/1, Bill Kaempfer found an adult GREAT BLACK-BACKED GULL at Carter Lake. 
Cole Wild reported 3 female BARROW'S GOLDENEYE at Horsetooth Reservoir. Wild 
reported a WINTER WREN at Morey Open Space west of Loveland. On 12/31, Nick 
Komar found a NORTHERN PYGMY-OWL at Viestenz-Smith Mountain Park near Loveland. 
On 12/29, Komar reported a NORTHERN PYGMY-OWL along Pennock Pass Road at 1.4 
miles west of CR 27. On 12/24, Lefko reported a LONG-EARED OWL at Wellington 
Wildlife Area. 


Kit Carson County
On 1/5, Ehlmann and all relocated a Short-eared Owl (Ehlmann, 12/19) at Flagler 
Reservoir. Ehlmann also found a COMMON REDPOLL and RED-BELLIED WOODPECKER. 

Lincoln County
On 1/5, Ehlmann reported a White-throated Sparrow at Karvel Reservoir Wildlife 

Yuma County
On 1/4, Ehlmann and all reported:
At CR LL.5 and CR 4: COMMON REDPOLL (Ehlmann, 12/18); HARRIS'S SPARROW 
(Ehlmann, 12/18); 

At Hale Ponds: EASTERN SCREECH-OWL (Stevens); SHORT-EARED OWL (Ehlmann, 12/19); 

At Bonny Reservoir: 7 LONG-EARED OWL (Stevens, 10/31); EASTERN SCREECH-OWL 
(Ehlmann); 2 RED-BELLIED WOODPECKER (Ehlmann). 

Logan County
On 1/5, Steve Larson relocated at Tamarack Ranch WLA: NORTHERN CARDINAL 
(Weston, 12/30); RED-BELLIED WOODPECKER (Weston, 12/30); Bosley relocated a 
HARRIS'S SPARROW and WHITE-THROATED SPARROW (Stevens, 12/14). On 12/30, Weston 
Tamarack Ranch WLA south). 

On 1/5, Bill Kaempfer reported a WINTER WREN a mile south of Duck Creek 
Wildlife Area. 

Logan/Sedgwick Counties
On 12/30, Weston reported from Jumbo Reservoir: COMMON REDPOLL; ROSS'S GOOSE; 
SHORT-EARED OWL (Danka, 12/13). 


Mesa County
Yesterday, Dick Filby reported a COMMON REDPOLL and PURPLE FINCH at a private 
home in Fruita (see website for directions). Filby relocated WHITE-WINGED DOVES 
(Arnold) in the 800-900 block of White Avenue in Grand Junction. 

Delta County
Yesterday, Jane McGarry found a TUNDRA SWAN in Delta; on the Gunnison River 
above the bridge. 

Summit County
On 1/5, Charles Nims relocated 17 BARROW'S GOLDENEYE (Stevens, 11/11) at the 
Blue River Water Treatment Plant in Silverthorne. On 1/3, Charles Nimes 
relocated Rosy Finches at the top of North Peak, Keystone Ski Area (Weston, 

Garfield County
On 1/5, Filby relocated a BARROW'S GOLDENEYE (Weber, 12/18) on the Devereaux 
Road section of the Colorado River. On 1/3, Filby reported 77 BARROW'S 
GOLDENEYE on the Coryell Ranch Ponds. 

Clear Creek County
On 1/4, Jeff Skrentny and Carmen Yon relocated an American Three-toed 
Woodpecker at the Echo Lake Campgrounds (Bingham). On 1/2, Weston relocated 
WHITE-TAILED PTARMIGAN (Petrosky, 12/13) below and east of the parking lot at 
Loveland Pass. Note: Guanella Pass is now closed for the season. However, 
Ehlmann and all found 11 WHITE-TAILED PTARMIGAN by cross-country skiing over 2 
miles to the summit. Weston reported AMERICAN THREE-TOED WOODPECKERS at the 
southeast corner of Echo Lake. 

Fremont County
On 1/2, Schmoker relocated RUFOUS-CROWNED SPARROW at Tunnel Drive in Canon 
City. Schmoker relocated a YELLOW-BELLIED SAPSUCKER (Moss, 12/3) at Centennial 
Park, Canon City. On 12/21 Mark Peterson reported relocating a GOLDEN-CROWNED 
SPARROW (Miller, 12/18) at Tunnel Drive. On 12/14, Moss relocated a female 
YELLOW-BELLIED SAPSUCKER (Moss, 11/23) at the Holy Cross Abbey in Canon City. 
On 12/10, Setta Moss found a male YELLOW-BELLIED SAPSUCKER at Lions Park in 

Teller County
On 12/31, Steve Brown reported Gray-crowned & Black Rosy Finches visiting 
feeders at the northeastern edge of Cripple Creek. Jeff Jones reported seeing 
Rosy Finches in the Cripple Creek area on 1/1. 

Pitkin County
On 12/28, Dick Filby reports Brown-capped and Gray-crowned Rosy Finches at the 
bird feeder at Sam's Knob (top of Village Express Chairlift; fee required) at 
Snowmass Ski Area. 

Jackson County
On 11/4, Stevens & Weston relocated a BOREAL OWL at Cameron Pass. Weston also 
saw 3 species of ROSY FINCHES at the Colorado State Forest Visitor's Center. On 
12/2, Stevens & Weston found 2 GREATER SAGE GROUSE along CR 26, north of Hwy 
14. On 12/1, they saw a GYRFALCON along Hwy 125 (halfway between the entrance 
to the Arapaho National Wildlife Refuge and the self-guided auto tour road to 
the North). 

Gunnison County
On 11/30, Linda Powers relocated 300+ Rosy Finches near 4th and Whiterock 
Street in Crested Butte. 

Good Birding!

Directions to birding spots on CoBus website:

Sue Ehlmann, CoBus & RMORC Project Director
Brighton, CO
Contact CoBus/Report Interesting Birds: 303-324-7994
Subscribe to "cobirders AT
cobirders-subscribe AT
Read "cobirders" at:

Need cash? Click to get a loan. 
Subject: Aurora Reservoir, Arapahoe County, Green Valley, Denver County Tuesday
From: Richard Stevens <birdertoo AT>
Date: Wed, 7 Jan 2009 04:55:29 -0700
Hello cobirders;

I enjoyed the day walking around Aurora Reservoir in spite of 22+ mph winds 
(gusts to 34 mph). 

At 10:30am, several thousand gulls flew from the ice at the swim beach toward 
DADS (Denver Arapahoe Disposal Site; landfill). They did not return during my 
stay (I departed at 3:00pm). 

I sat and scoped the remaining 800+ gulls and found the adult Mew Gull among 
them. It took four or five passes with my scope before I picked out the Gull. 
At 12:00pm most of the remaining gulls including the Mew Gull flew north. 

I followed this flock up the west side of the reservoir as half of them 
temporarily landed at the southwest end of the dam. Unfortunately, the Mew Gull 
was observed again but took off before I could digiscoped it. A Ross's Goose 
and Greater White-fronted Goose swam just off shore from here. 

While waiting for the gulls to return, I scoped the lake from the north end. At 
least 25,000 White-cheeked Geese flew in. Wave after wave of geese came from 
the north and landed below the dam. Eventually, they would swim to the dam and 
shore at the scuba diving area (northeast corner) and walk out to feed in the 

The road to the northeast corner is closed because of construction and one must 
walk down from a parking area southwest of the dam. When I tried to get 
anywhere near the northeast corner the geese would take off. Fortunately they 
returned. I noticed that if I scoped the geese from behind the fence at the 
dam's tower, they tolerated it and even swam directly below me! 

From my vantage point, I was able to pick out two additional Greater 
White-fronted Geese, 3 Ross's Geese, and a dozen Snow Geese (including a Blue 
Phase). I did manage to get within 50 yard of the scuba beach area once. From 
there I digiscoped a Brant! 

At 3:00pm I received a text message that a Brant had been seen at the Green 
Valley Recreation Ponds (Denver) north of I70 and off I went. There were no 
geese on the ponds at 3:45pm. On the trip over I checked Lake Crest and found 
no geese there or at nearby Emerald-Strand Park (both only a few miles from 
Green Valley Ranch). 

The last hour of daylight was spent driving around north of Green Valley Ranch. 
A Greater White-fronted Goose was with 200+ White-cheeked Geese at the 
southeast corner of Picadilly Road and 56th avenue. 

400+ White-cheeked Geese were around a small frozen pond along 56th avenue and 
west of Picadilly Road. Another 5000 White-cheeked Geese were over the hill to 
the north along Picadilly Road, north of 56th avenue. 

This area at Picadilly Road and 64th avenue is my number 3 favorite location 
around DIA (Denver International Airport) to sit and watch/wait for Short-eared 
Owls to come by after sunset; none did today. This area just south of DIA and 
Pena Blvd sees little vehicle traffic (only a few workers at the Denver Water 
Plant just east of Picadilly Road). 

Continued Good Birding!

Directions to birding spots on CoBus website:

Richard Stevens; Director, Colorado Birding Society
Denver, Colorado
Contact CoBus/Report Interesting Birds: 303-324-7994
Subscribe to "cobirders" by sending blank email to:
cobirders-subscribe AT
Read "cobirders" at:

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Subject: rosy finches
From: "Debbie Moore" <debbie AT>
Date: Tue, 6 Jan 2009 22:38:30 -0600
Today I had brown- capped and gray- crowned rosy finches at my bird
feeders along with the usual house finches and pine siskins.  A large
flock swooped in and stayed about fifteen minutes.  They returned about
an hour later and again stayed just a short time.


Debbie Moore

Wildridge Subdivision

Avon, CO
Subject: Purple Finch and Common Redpoll, Fruita, Mesa Co
From: "Dick Filby" <dickfilby AT>
Date: Wed, 7 Jan 2009 03:59:24 -0000
Hi all,

A Common Redpoll (possible an adult female) and a Purple Finch (female / 
immature) are intermittently visiting the feeders of Garnett and Raymond 
Plotner in Fruita. Neither bird is easy! We waited four and a half hours this 
morning at a unwaveringly frigid 7F and failed to see the Common Redpoll, 
whilst the Purple Finch only showed about 3 times in that period, each time for 
just a couple of minutes. The Common Redpoll finally showed at 2.35pm - and 
then only for a couple of minutes. 

The Plotners are currently happy to welcome birders look for the birds. To 
avoid disturbing the birds, they ask that you preferably watch their feeders 
(which are very close to the street) from inside your vehicle. Alternatively 
Garnett may invite you to watch from inside the house. Their address is 155 
N.Cherry St, Fruita. On I-70 going west, take Fruita exit (19), turn right at 
the light, stay in middle lane at the stop sign at bottom of overpass, proceed 
straight north past Burger King onto Cherry Street, house is on the left in the 
first block. Please do not block driveways. 

Nearby, this afternoon, in Grand Junction, just south of Grand Ave, a single 
White-winged Dove was in trees on White Ave between N.8th and N.9th with 6 
Collared Doves, 

Many thanks to Ron Lambeth, Larry Arnold and Andrea Robinsong for info and 
assistance. I have low quality photos of both birds if anyone wants to see 

Good Birding

Dick Filby
Carbondale, Garfield Co
Subject: correction on Jackie King's Brant
From: Gary Weston <grwestonjr AT>
Date: Tue, 6 Jan 2009 17:06:25 -0700
Jackie King reported the Brant at Green Valley Ranch Recreation Pond (not 
Greenwood Village). This is Denver County just east of Tower Road and 41st 

Gary Weston
Denver, CO

Life on your PC is safer, easier, and more enjoyable with Windows Vista�.
Subject: Aurora Reservoir and Brant search
From: Gary Weston <grwestonjr AT>
Date: Tue, 6 Jan 2009 16:41:31 -0700
Hi birders,

This report probably won't help anyone with only 25 minutes to sunset. 

Richard Stevens went by the Greenwood Village Recreation Pond several times. No 
geese. He did find 1000 White-cheeked Geese along 56th avenue, just west of 
Piccadilly Road. A Greater White-fronted Goose was with 200 White-cheeked Geese 
at the cultivated field strip at the southeast corner of 56th avenue and 
Piccadilly road. In the field northwest of Piccadilly Road and 64th avenue, 
another 50,000 White-cheeked Geese. No Brant. 

At Aurora Reservoir Richard reported;
adult Lesser Black-backed Gull
adult Mew Gull
1 Brant
3 Greater White-fronted Geese
3+ Ross's Geese
12+ Snow Geese
250,000 White-cheeked Geese

Directions to birding spots on CoBus website:

Gary Weston, Vice-President, Colorado Birding Society
Denver, CO
Contact CoBus/Report Interesting Birds: 303-324-7994
Subscribe to "cobirders AT
cobirders-subscribe AT
Read "cobirders" at:

It�s the same Hotmail�. If by �same� you mean up to 70% faster. 
Subject: Lowell Ponds SWA
From: "bomaanka" <bomaanka AT>
Date: Tue, 06 Jan 2009 22:31:31 -0000
The American Dipper was at the rip-rap off of the west side of the 
Lowell Blvd bridge(Adams Co.) at 3:05 today. This is were I first saw 
Bob Canter
Subject: Bonny Reservoir, Flagler Reservoir & Karvel Reservoir
From: Jerry Petroski <jerrypetroski AT>
Date: Tue, 6 Jan 2009 14:10:28 -0700 (GMT-07:00)
Hello birders,

We enjoyed a weekend on the eastern plains. Joined the CBC count on Sunday at 
Bonny Reservoir, Yuma County. Highlights for me were: Common Redpoll, Eastern 
Screech Owls, Short eared Owl, Harris's Sparrow, and Winter Wren. 

Monday we did Flagler Reservoir, Kit Carson County and found 2 additional 
Common Redpolls and another Short-eared Owl. Karvel Reservoir Wildlife Area, 
Lincoln County, a White-throated Sparrow and Long-eared Owl. 

Also learned a lesson, don't play Rich Stevens Texas Holdem, Chess, or 
Backgammon for money! The secrets out Rich. 

Jerry Petrosky
Denver, CO

PeoplePC Online
A better way to Internet
Subject: Poudre Learning Center Nature Club Event/Greeley
From: "Gary Lefko" <lefkogt AT>
Date: Tue, 06 Jan 2009 20:14:22 -0000
Wintering Birds of South Florida!

Thursday, January 22nd at:

Poudre Learning Center
8313 West F Street
6:30 for socializing - 7:00  Program

Highly acclaimed local photographer Bill Popejoy will present our 
program. Bill and Joan Popejoy did photo shoots in south Florida 
with 2 different professional bird photographers.  Wintering birds 
were shot along the west coast of Florida, including Sanibel Island, 
and in the Everglades.  They were privileged to photograph several 
seldom seen birds, including a white form of the Great Egret which 
gave them 30 minutes of nice poses.  The original photos were shot 
on film, then the slides were scanned and enhanced in Photoshop.  
Bill will demonstrate this process that many of us would like to 
know more about. This promises to be an excellent program.  Please 
invite friends and neighbors to join us as well.
Ray Tschillard, Ray Yockey, Paulette Weaver
Poudre Learning Center 
8313 West F Street Greeley, CO 80631 
970.352.1267 Office
Visit the Poudre Learning Center at

Subject: Re: Crow Valley Campground
From: "Gary Lefko" <lefkogt AT>
Date: Tue, 06 Jan 2009 20:12:16 -0000
You can still walk-in for the birds. :-) Gary

--- In cobirders AT, "dixie_smith500" 
> The entrance gate is closed, and vehicle entry is blocked.
> Dix Smith
> Ft. Collins

Subject: Crow Valley Campground
From: "dixie_smith500" <dixie_smith500 AT>
Date: Tue, 06 Jan 2009 19:48:56 -0000
The entrance gate is closed, and vehicle entry is blocked.

Dix Smith
Ft. Collins
Subject: Tuesday Colorado Statewide Morning Bird Report & RBA
From: "sueehlmann AT" <>
Date: Tue, 6 Jan 2009 08:37:37 GMT
Hello cobirders,

New or Updated Reports from Monday:
Kit Carson (Common Redpoll, Red-bellied Woodpecker, Short-eared Owl)
Lincoln (White-throated Sparrow)
Yuma (Common Redpoll, Harris's Sparrow, Eastern Screech-Owl, Short-eared Owl, 
Long-eared Owl, Winter Wren, Red-bellied Woodpecker) 

Logan (Northern Cardinal, White-throated Sparrow, Harris's Sparrow, Red-bellied 

Summit (Barrow's Goldeneye)
Garfield (Barrow's Goldeneye)


Adams County
On 1/4, John Tumasonis relocated 2 male BARROW'S GOLDENEYE (Stevens, 12/3) on 
the Platte near the green & white tower, south of 88th avenue. On 1/1, Stevens 
reported from the S. Platte River and 88th avenue area: 3 male and a female 
BARROW'S GOLDENEYE (Stevens, 12/3) on the Platte near the green & white tower; 
a 3rd year GLAUCOUS GULL (Leukering 12/25). On 12/28, Chavez relocated a 1st 
year GLAUCOUS GULL (Stevens, 12/25) on East Gravel Lake. On 1/2, Chase reported 
2 GLAUCOUS GULL in the area. On 1/3, Bob Canter relocated the AMERICAN DIPPER 
(Canter, 12/20) downstream from the Lowell Blvd Bridge near Lowell Ponds 
Wildlife Area. 

Boulder County
On 1/4, Bryan Guarente relocated an adult LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL (Guarente, 
1/3); 4 adult & a 1st year THAYER'S GULL (Guarente, 1/3) at McIntosh Lake. On 
1/3, Guarente reported from McIntosh Lake: GLAUCOUS GULL (Waltman, 1/1). Nick 
Komar added a possible 1st cycle LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL. On 1/3, Tom Parchman 
relocated the WHITE-WINGED SCOTER (Gent, 12/28) at Thomas Reservoir. Mark 
Miller reported a LONG-TAILED DUCK on Wallace Lake at Pella Crossing Park. On 
12/27, Mark Miller relocated GRAY-CROWNED ROSY FINCHES at Fawnbrook Inn, 
Allenspark. On 12/23, Terry Michaels and others relocated 3 species of ROSY 
FINCHES (Dillman, 12/3) at the Fawnbrook Inn. 

Pueblo County
On 1/4, Percival relocated 1st year Iceland Gull (Schmoker) at the northeast 
pond at Pueblo City Park. On 1/3, Schmoker reported from Pueblo Reservoir: 1st 
year GLAUCOUS GULL (Percival, 12/20); 4 BONAPARTE'S GULL; adult GREAT 
BLACK-BACKED GULL (Percival, 10/22); a possible 2nd cycle GREAT BLACK-BACKED 
GULL. On 1/2, Schmoker reported ICELAND GULL (Leukering, 12/18); adult MEW GULL 
(Percival, 12/20); adult LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL (Percival, 12/6); THAYER'S 
GULL (Spencer, 12/22). Percival added a BARROW'S GOLDENEYE, LONG-TAILED DUCK, & 

On 1/3, Brandon Percival reported from Runyon Lake: TUNDRA SWAN, juvenile 
at Roselawn Cemetery in Blende. On 1/1, Brandon Percival reported a 
YELLOW-BELLIED SAPSUCKER and WHITE-WINGED DOVE near the post office in Beulah, 

Arapahoe County
On 1/3, several birders relocated a WINTER WREN (Stackowiak, 1/1) along the 
Platte River at South Platte Park (see CoBus website for details. Bill Cryder 
relocated 2 LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL (Stevens, 12/24) at Aurora Reservoir. A 
TUNDRA SWAN and possible GREAT BLACK-BACKED GULL were also found. On 1/2, Bob 
Brown relocated a SHORT-EARED OWL (Walbek, 12/5) at Cherry Creek State Park. On 
1/1, Stevens and Ehlmann relocated a SWAMP SPARROW and female GREATER SCAUP 
(Ehlmann, 12/28) at the Centennial Airport Wastewater Pond and cattails. 

Jefferson/Douglas Counties
On 1/2, Kilpatrick relocated a DUNLIN (Kellner, 12/19) along the South Platte 
River south of C470 and north of the first footbridge (Douglas County, dog 
walking area of Chatfield State Park). Kilpatrick relocated 5 TRUMPETER SWAN 
(McDonald, 12/22) at Standley Lake. 

On 1/1, Jeff Skrentny and Carmen Yon relocated a Northern Pygmy-Owl along the 
Songbird trail between the parking lots at Reynolds Park. On 12/31, Stevens and 
Ehlmann relocated NORTHERN PYGMY-OWL along the Oxen Draw Trail at Reynolds 
Park. On 12/27, Ray Simmons reported an AMERICAN THREE-TOED WOODPECKER on the 
Strawberry Jack Trail at 300 yards east of the Buck Gulch Trail at Pine Valley 
Ranch Park. 

Denver County
On 1/2, Tina Jones reported GREATER SCAUP on Marston Reservoir. On 1/1, Stevens 
found a GREATER WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE at Veteran's Lake and a juvenile SNOW GOOSE 
at Memorial Lake at Fort Logan National Cemetery. 

Larimer County
On 1/1, Bill Kaempfer found an adult GREAT BLACK-BACKED GULL at Carter Lake. 
Cole Wild reported 3 female BARROW'S GOLDENEYE at Horsetooth Reservoir. Wild 
reported a WINTER WREN at Morey Open Space west of Loveland. On 12/31, Nick 
Komar found a NORTHERN PYGMY-OWL at Viestenz-Smith Mountain Park near Loveland. 
On 12/29, Komar reported a NORTHERN PYGMY-OWL along Pennock Pass Road at 1.4 
miles west of CR 27. On 12/24, Lefko reported a LONG-EARED OWL at Wellington 
Wildlife Area. 


Kit Carson County
Yesterday, Ehlmann and all relocated a Short-eared Owl (Ehlmann, 12/19) at 
Flagler Reservoir. Ehlmann also found a COMMON REDPOLL and RED-BELLIED 

Lincoln County
Yesterday, Ehlmann reported a White-throated Sparrow at Karvel Reservoir 
Wildlife Area. 

Yuma County
On 1/4, Ehlmann and all reported:
At CR LL.5 and CR 4: COMMON REDPOLL (Ehlmann, 12/18); HARRIS'S SPARROW 
(Ehlmann, 12/18); 

At Hale Ponds: EASTERN SCREECH-OWL (Stevens); SHORT-EARED OWL (Ehlmann, 12/19); 

At Bonny Reservoir: 7 LONG-EARED OWL (Stevens, 10/31); EASTERN SCREECH-OWL 
(Ehlmann); 2 RED-BELLIED WOODPECKER (Ehlmann). 

Logan County
Yesterday, Steve Larson relocated at Tamarack Ranch WLA: NORTHERN CARDINAL 
(Weston, 12/30); RED-BELLIED WOODPECKER (Weston, 12/30); Bosley relocated a 
HARRIS'S SPARROW and WHITE-THROATED SPARROW (Stevens, 12/14). On 12/30, Weston 
Tamarack Ranch WLA south). 

Yesterday, Bill Kaempfer reported a WINTER WREN a mile south of Duck Creek 
Wildlife Area. 

Logan/Sedgwick Counties
On 12/30, Weston reported from Jumbo Reservoir: COMMON REDPOLL; ROSS'S GOOSE; 
SHORT-EARED OWL (Danka, 12/13). 

Yuma County
On 12/29, Stevens and all reported from Sandsage Wildlife Area: HARRIS'S 
Wray City Park: BROWN THRASHER. Along CR 45, east of Hwy 385: 2 GREATER 

On 12/19, Ehlmann reported from Bonny Reservoir: 2 COMMON REDPOLL (Ehlmann, 
12/18); HARRIS'S SPARROW just west of Hale Ponds (Ehlmann, 12/18). On 12/18, 
Ehlmann found a 2nd HARRIS'S SPARROW just east of LL.5 and CR 4. On 12/20, 
Ehlmann relocated EASTERN SCREECH-OWL along the Republican River at Hale Ponds 
and 2 RED-BELLIED WOODPECKER west of Hale Ponds. On 12/18, Ehlmann reported 
LONG-EARED OWL along the north side of Bonny Reservoir. 


Summit County
Yesterday, Charles Nims relocated 17 BARROW'S GOLDENEYE (Stevens, 11/11) at the 
Blue River Water Treatment Plant in Silverthorne. On 1/3, Charles Nimes 
relocated Rosy Finches at the top of North Peak, Keystone Ski Area (Weston, 

Garfield County
Yesterday, Dick Filby relocated a BARROW'S GOLDENEYE (Weber, 12/18) on the 
Devereaux Road section of the Colorado River. On 1/3, Dick Filby reported 77 
BARROW'S GOLDENEYE on the Coryell Ranch Ponds. 

Clear Creek County
On 1/4, Jeff Skrentny and Carmen Yon relocated an American Three-toed 
Woodpecker at the Echo Lake Campgrounds (Bingham). On 1/2, Weston relocated 
WHITE-TAILED PTARMIGAN (Petrosky, 12/13) below and east of the parking lot at 
Loveland Pass. Note: Guanella Pass is now closed for the season. However, 
Ehlmann and all found 11 WHITE-TAILED PTARMIGAN by cross-country skiing over 2 
miles to the summit. Weston reported AMERICAN THREE-TOED WOODPECKERS at the 
southeast corner of Echo Lake. 

Fremont County
On 1/2, Schmoker relocated RUFOUS-CROWNED SPARROW at Tunnel Drive in Canon 
City. Schmoker relocated a YELLOW-BELLIED SAPSUCKER (Moss, 12/3) at Centennial 
Park, Canon City. On 12/21 Mark Peterson reported relocating a GOLDEN-CROWNED 
SPARROW (Miller, 12/18) at Tunnel Drive. On 12/14, Moss relocated a female 
YELLOW-BELLIED SAPSUCKER (Moss, 11/23) at the Holy Cross Abbey in Canon City. 
On 12/10, Setta Moss found a male YELLOW-BELLIED SAPSUCKER at Lions Park in 

Mesa County
Larry Arnold reports WHITE-WINGED DOVES can be seen in the 800-900 block of 
White Avenue in Grand Junction. 

Teller County
On 12/31, Steve Brown reported Gray-crowned & Black Rosy Finches visiting 
feeders at the northeastern edge of Cripple Creek. Jeff Jones reported seeing 
Rosy Finches in the Cripple Creek area on 1/1. 

Pitkin County
On 12/28, Dick Filby reports Brown-capped and Gray-crowned Rosy Finches at the 
bird feeder at Sam's Knob (top of Village Express Chairlift; fee required) at 
Snowmass Ski Area. 

Jackson County
On 11/4, Stevens & Weston relocated a BOREAL OWL at Cameron Pass. Weston also 
saw 3 species of ROSY FINCHES at the Colorado State Forest Visitor's Center. On 
12/2, Stevens & Weston found 2 GREATER SAGE GROUSE along CR 26, north of Hwy 
14. On 12/1, they saw a GYRFALCON along Hwy 125 (halfway between the entrance 
to the Arapaho National Wildlife Refuge and the self-guided auto tour road to 
the North). 

Gunnison County
On 11/30, Linda Powers relocated 300+ Rosy Finches near 4th and Whiterock 
Street in Crested Butte. 

Good Birding!

Directions to birding spots on CoBus website:

Sue Ehlmann, CoBus & RMORC Project Director
Brighton, CO
Contact CoBus/Report Interesting Birds: 303-324-7994
Subscribe to "cobirders AT
cobirders-subscribe AT
Read "cobirders" at:

Prices, software, charts & analysis. Click here to open your online FX trading 
Subject: Monday Colorado Statewide Morning Bird Report & RBA
From: Bryan Ehlmann <graybirder AT>
Date: Mon, 5 Jan 2009 05:28:38 -0700
Hello birders,

My yahoo account is not working this morning so I am sending email with my 
dad's account. Thanks 

New or Updated Reports from Saturday:
Adams (Barrow's Goldeneye, American Dipper)
Boulder (Lesser Black-backed Gull, Thayer's Gull)
Pueblo (Iceland Gull)
Clear Creek (American Three-toed Woodpecker)
Summit (Rosy Finches)
Garfield (Barrow's Goldeneye)


Adams County
Yesterday, John Tumasonis relocated 2 male BARROW'S GOLDENEYE (Stevens, 12/3) 
on the Platte near the green & white tower, south of 88th avenue. On 1/1, 
Stevens reported from the S. Platte River and 88th avenue area: 3 male and a 
female BARROW'S GOLDENEYE (Stevens, 12/3) on the Platte near the green & white 
tower; a 3rd year GLAUCOUS GULL (Leukering 12/25). On 12/28, Chavez relocated a 
1st year GLAUCOUS GULL (Stevens, 12/25) on East Gravel Lake. On 1/2, Chase 
reported 2 GLAUCOUS GULL in the area. On 1/3, Bob Canter relocated the AMERICAN 
DIPPER (Canter, 12/20) downstream from the Lowell Blvd Bridge near Lowell Ponds 
Wildlife Area. 

Boulder County
Yesterday, Bryan Guarente relocated an adult LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL 
(Guarente, 1/3); 4 adult & a 1st year THAYER'S GULL (Guarente, 1/3) at Mcintosh 
Lake. On 1/3, Guarente reported from McIntosh Lake: GLAUCOUS GULL (Waltman, 
1/1). Nick Komar added a possible 1st cycle LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL. On 1/3, 
Tom Parchman relocated the WHITE-WINGED SCOTER (Gent, 12/28) at Thomas 
Reservoir. Mark Miller reported a LONG-TAILED DUCK on Wallace Lake at Pella 
Crossing Park. On 12/27, Mark Miller relocated GRAY-CROWNED ROSY FINCHES at 
Fawnbrook Inn, Allenspark. On 12/23, Terry Michaels and others relocated 3 
species of ROSY FINCHES (Dillman, 12/3) at the Fawnbrook Inn. 

Pueblo County
Yesterday, Percival relocated 1st year Iceland Gull (Schmoker) at the northeast 
pond at Pueblo City Park. On 1/3, Schmoker reported from Pueblo Reservoir: 1st 
year GLAUCOUS GULL (Percival, 12/20); 4 BONAPARTE'S GULL; adult GREAT 
BLACK-BACKED GULL (Percival, 10/22); a possible 2nd cycle GREAT BLACK-BACKED 
GULL. On 1/2, Schmoker reported ICELAND GULL (Leukering, 12/18); adult MEW GULL 
(Percival, 12/20); adult LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL (Percival, 12/6); THAYER'S 
GULL (Spencer, 12/22). Percival added a BARROW'S GOLDENEYE, LONG-TAILED DUCK, & 

On 1/3, Brandon Percival reported from Runyon Lake: TUNDRA SWAN, juvenile 
at Roselawn Cemetery in Blende. On 1/1, Brandon Percival reported a 
YELLOW-BELLIED SAPSUCKER and WHITE-WINGED DOVE near the post office in Beulah, 

Arapahoe County
On 1/3, several birders relocated a WINTER WREN (Stackowiak, 1/1) along the 
Platte River at South Platte Park (see CoBus website for details. Bill Cryder 
relocated 2 LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL (Stevens, 12/24) at Aurora Reservoir. A 
TUNDRA SWAN and possible GREAT BLACK-BACKED GULL were also found. On 1/2, Bob 
Brown relocated a SHORT-EARED OWL (Walbek, 12/5) at Cherry Creek State Park. On 
1/1, Stevens and Ehlmann relocated a SWAMP SPARROW and female GREATER SCAUP 
(Ehlmann, 12/28) at the Centennial Airport Wastewater Pond and cattails. 

Jefferson/Douglas Counties
On 1/2, Kilpatrick relocated a DUNLIN (Kellner, 12/19) along the South Platte 
River south of C470 and north of the first footbridge (Douglas County, dog 
walking area of Chatfield State Park). Kilpatrick relocated 5 TRUMPETER SWAN 
(McDonald, 12/22) at Standley Lake. 

On 1/1, Jeff Skrentny and Carmen Yon relocated a Northern Pygmy-Owl along the 
Songbird trail between the parking lots at Reynolds Park. On 12/31, Stevens and 
Ehlmann relocated NORTHERN PYGMY-OWL along the Oxen Draw Trail at Reynolds 
Park. On 12/27, Ray Simmons reported an AMERICAN THREE-TOED WOODPECKER on the 
Strawberry Jack Trail at 300 yards east of the Buck Gulch Trail at Pine Valley 
Ranch Park. 

Denver County
On 1/2, Tina Jones reported GREATER SCAUP on Marston Reservoir. On 1/1, Stevens 
found a GREATER WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE at Veteran's Lake and a juvenile SNOW GOOSE 
at Memorial Lake at Fort Logan National Cemetery. 

Larimer County
On 1/1, Bill Kaempfer found an adult GREAT BLACK-BACKED GULL at Carter Lake. 
Cole Wild reported 3 female BARROW'S GOLDENEYE at Horsetooth Reservoir. Wild 
reported a WINTER WREN at Morey Open Space west of Loveland. On 12/31, Nick 
Komar found a NORTHERN PYGMY-OWL at Viestenz-Smith Mountain Park near Loveland. 
On 12/29, Komar reported a NORTHERN PYGMY-OWL along Pennock Pass Road at 1.4 
miles west of CR 27. On 12/24, Lefko reported a LONG-EARED OWL at Wellington 
Wildlife Area. 


Logan County
On 12/30, Weston reported from Tamarack Ranch Wildlife Area: a male NORTHERN 
WLA south). 

Logan/Sedgwick Counties
On 12/30, Weston reported from Jumbo Reservoir: COMMON REDPOLL; ROSS'S GOOSE; 
SHORT-EARED OWL (Danka, 12/13). 

Yuma County
On 12/29, Stevens and all reported from Sandsage Wildlife Area: HARRIS'S 
Wray City Park: BROWN THRASHER. Along CR 45, east of Hwy 385: 2 GREATER 

On 12/19, Ehlmann reported from Bonny Reservoir: 2 COMMON REDPOLL (Ehlmann, 
12/18); HARRIS'S SPARROW just west of Hale Ponds (Ehlmann, 12/18). On 12/18, 
Ehlmann found a 2nd HARRIS'S SPARROW just east of LL.5 and CR 4. On 12/20, 
Ehlmann relocated EASTERN SCREECH-OWL along the Republican River at Hale Ponds 
and 2 RED-BELLIED WOODPECKER west of Hale Ponds. On 12/18, Ehlmann reported 
LONG-EARED OWL along the north side of Bonny Reservoir. 

Kit Carson County
On 12/19, Ehlmann found a Short-eared Owl at Flagler Reservoir.


Clear Creek County
Yesterday, Jeff Skrentny and Carmen Yon relocated a American Three-toed 
Woodpecker at the Echo Lake Campgrounds (Bingham). On 1/2, Weston relocated 
WHITE-TAILED PTARMIGAN (Petrosky, 12/13) below and east of the parking lot at 
Loveland Pass. Note: Guanella Pass is now closed for the season. However, 
Ehlmann and all found 11 WHITE-TAILED PTARMIGAN by cross-country skiing over 2 
miles to the summit. Weston reported AMERICAN THREE-TOED WOODPECKERS at the 
southeast corner of Echo Lake. 

Summit County
On 1/3, Charles Nimes relocated Rosy Finches at the top of North Peak, Keystone 
Ski Area (Weston, 12/22). On 12/27, BARROW'S GOLDENEYES (Stevens, 11/11) were 
relocated at the Blue River Water Treatment Plant in Silverthorne. 

Garfield County
On 1/3, Dick Filby reported 77 BARROW'S GOLDENEYE on the Coryell Ranch Ponds.  

Fremont County
On 1/2, Schmoker relocated RUFOUS-CROWNED SPARROW at Tunnel Drive in Canon 
City. Schmoker relocated a YELLOW-BELLIED SAPSUCKER (Moss, 12/3) at Centennial 
Park, Canon City. On 12/21 Mark Peterson reported relocating a GOLDEN-CROWNED 
SPARROW (Miller, 12/18) at Tunnel Drive. On 12/14, Moss relocated a female 
YELLOW-BELLIED SAPSUCKER (Moss, 11/23) at the Holy Cross Abbey in Canon City. 
On 12/10, Setta Moss found a male YELLOW-BELLIED SAPSUCKER at Lions Park in 

Mesa County
Larry Arnold reports WHITE-WINGED DOVES can be seen in the 800-900 block of 
White Avenue in Grand Junction. 

Teller County
On 12/31, Steve Brown reported Gray-crowned & Black Rosy Finches visiting 
feeders at the northeastern edge of Cripple Creek. Jeff Jones reported seeing 
Rosy Finches in the Cripple Creek area on 1/1. 

Pitkin County
On 12/28, Dick Filby reports Brown-capped and Gray-crowned Rosy Finches at the 
bird feeder at Sam's Knob (top of Village Express Chairlift; fee required) at 
Snowmass Ski Area. 

Jackson County
On 11/4, Stevens & Weston relocated a BOREAL OWL at Cameron Pass. Weston also 
saw 3 species of ROSY FINCHES at the Colorado State Forest Visitor's Center. On 
12/2, Stevens & Weston found 2 GREATER SAGE GROUSE along CR 26, north of Hwy 
14. On 12/1, they saw a GYRFALCON along Hwy 125 (halfway between the entrance 
to the Arapaho National Wildlife Refuge and the self-guided auto tour road to 
the North). 

Gunnison County
On 11/30, Linda Powers relocated 300+ Rosy Finches near 4th and Whiterock 
Street in Crested Butte. 

Good Birding!

Hello cobirders,

New or Updated Reports from Saturday:
Adams (Barrow's Goldeneye, American Dipper)
Boulder (Lesser Black-backed Gull, Thayer's Gull)
Pueblo (Iceland Gull)
Clear Creek (American Three-toed Woodpecker)
Summit (Rosy Finches)
Garfield (Barrow's Goldeneye)


Adams County
Yesterday, John Tumasonis relocated 2 male BARROW'S GOLDENEYE (Stevens, 12/3) 
on the Platte near the green & white tower, south of 88th avenue. On 1/1, 
Stevens reported from the S. Platte River and 88th avenue area: 3 male and a 
female BARROW'S GOLDENEYE (Stevens, 12/3) on the Platte near the green & white 
tower; a 3rd year GLAUCOUS GULL (Leukering 12/25). On 12/28, Chavez relocated a 
1st year GLAUCOUS GULL (Stevens, 12/25) on East Gravel Lake. On 1/2, Chase 
reported 2 GLAUCOUS GULL in the area. On 1/3, Bob Canter relocated the AMERICAN 
DIPPER (Canter, 12/20) downstream from the Lowell Blvd Bridge near Lowell Ponds 
Wildlife Area. 

Boulder County
Yesterday, Bryan Guarente relocated an adult LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL 
(Guarente, 1/3); 4 adult & a 1st year THAYER'S GULL (Guarente, 1/3) at Mcintosh 
Lake. On 1/3, Guarente reported from McIntosh Lake: GLAUCOUS GULL (Waltman, 
1/1). Nick Komar added a possible 1st cycle LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL. On 1/3, 
Tom Parchman relocated the WHITE-WINGED SCOTER (Gent, 12/28) at Thomas 
Reservoir. Mark Miller reported a LONG-TAILED DUCK on Wallace Lake at Pella 
Crossing Park. On 12/27, Mark Miller relocated GRAY-CROWNED ROSY FINCHES at 
Fawnbrook Inn, Allenspark. On 12/23, Terry Michaels and others relocated 3 
species of ROSY FINCHES (Dillman, 12/3) at the Fawnbrook Inn. 

Pueblo County
Yesterday, Percival relocated 1st year Iceland Gull (Schmoker) at the northeast 
pond at Pueblo City Park. On 1/3, Schmoker reported from Pueblo Reservoir: 1st 
year GLAUCOUS GULL (Percival, 12/20); 4 BONAPARTE'S GULL; adult GREAT 
BLACK-BACKED GULL (Percival, 10/22); a possible 2nd cycle GREAT BLACK-BACKED 
GULL. On 1/2, Schmoker reported ICELAND GULL (Leukering, 12/18); adult MEW GULL 
(Percival, 12/20); adult LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL (Percival, 12/6); THAYER'S 
GULL (Spencer, 12/22). Percival added a BARROW'S GOLDENEYE, LONG-TAILED DUCK, & 

On 1/3, Brandon Percival reported from Runyon Lake: TUNDRA SWAN, juvenile 
at Roselawn Cemetery in Blende. On 1/1, Brandon Percival reported a 
YELLOW-BELLIED SAPSUCKER and WHITE-WINGED DOVE near the post office in Beulah, 

Arapahoe County
On 1/3, several birders relocated a WINTER WREN (Stackowiak, 1/1) along the 
Platte River at South Platte Park (see CoBus website for details. Bill Cryder 
relocated 2 LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL (Stevens, 12/24) at Aurora Reservoir. A 
TUNDRA SWAN and possible GREAT BLACK-BACKED GULL were also found. On 1/2, Bob 
Brown relocated a SHORT-EARED OWL (Walbek, 12/5) at Cherry Creek State Park. On 
1/1, Stevens and Ehlmann relocated a SWAMP SPARROW and female GREATER SCAUP 
(Ehlmann, 12/28) at the Centennial Airport Wastewater Pond and cattails. 

Jefferson/Douglas Counties
On 1/2, Kilpatrick relocated a DUNLIN (Kellner, 12/19) along the South Platte 
River south of C470 and north of the first footbridge (Douglas County, dog 
walking area of Chatfield State Park). Kilpatrick relocated 5 TRUMPETER SWAN 
(McDonald, 12/22) at Standley Lake. 

On 1/1, Jeff Skrentny and Carmen Yon relocated a Northern Pygmy-Owl along the 
Songbird trail between the parking lots at Reynolds Park. On 12/31, Stevens and 
Ehlmann relocated NORTHERN PYGMY-OWL along the Oxen Draw Trail at Reynolds 
Park. On 12/27, Ray Simmons reported an AMERICAN THREE-TOED WOODPECKER on the 
Strawberry Jack Trail at 300 yards east of the Buck Gulch Trail at Pine Valley 
Ranch Park. 

Denver County
On 1/2, Tina Jones reported GREATER SCAUP on Marston Reservoir. On 1/1, Stevens 
found a GREATER WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE at Veteran's Lake and a juvenile SNOW GOOSE 
at Memorial Lake at Fort Logan National Cemetery. 

Larimer County
On 1/1, Bill Kaempfer found an adult GREAT BLACK-BACKED GULL at Carter Lake. 
Cole Wild reported 3 female BARROW'S GOLDENEYE at Horsetooth Reservoir. Wild 
reported a WINTER WREN at Morey Open Space west of Loveland. On 12/31, Nick 
Komar found a NORTHERN PYGMY-OWL at Viestenz-Smith Mountain Park near Loveland. 
On 12/29, Komar reported a NORTHERN PYGMY-OWL along Pennock Pass Road at 1.4 
miles west of CR 27. On 12/24, Lefko reported a LONG-EARED OWL at Wellington 
Wildlife Area. 


Logan County
On 12/30, Weston reported from Tamarack Ranch Wildlife Area: a male NORTHERN 
WLA south). 

Logan/Sedgwick Counties
On 12/30, Weston reported from Jumbo Reservoir: COMMON REDPOLL; ROSS'S GOOSE; 
SHORT-EARED OWL (Danka, 12/13). 

Yuma County
On 12/29, Stevens and all reported from Sandsage Wildlife Area: HARRIS'S 
Wray City Park: BROWN THRASHER. Along CR 45, east of Hwy 385: 2 GREATER 

On 12/19, Ehlmann reported from Bonny Reservoir: 2 COMMON REDPOLL (Ehlmann, 
12/18); HARRIS'S SPARROW just west of Hale Ponds (Ehlmann, 12/18). On 12/18, 
Ehlmann found a 2nd HARRIS'S SPARROW just east of LL.5 and CR 4. On 12/20, 
Ehlmann relocated EASTERN SCREECH-OWL along the Republican River at Hale Ponds 
and 2 RED-BELLIED WOODPECKER west of Hale Ponds. On 12/18, Ehlmann reported 
LONG-EARED OWL along the north side of Bonny Reservoir. 

Kit Carson County
On 12/19, Ehlmann found a Short-eared Owl at Flagler Reservoir.


Clear Creek County
Yesterday, Jeff Skrentny and Carmen Yon relocated a American Three-toed 
Woodpecker at the Echo Lake Campgrounds (Bingham). On 1/2, Weston relocated 
WHITE-TAILED PTARMIGAN (Petrosky, 12/13) below and east of the parking lot at 
Loveland Pass. Note: Guanella Pass is now closed for the season. However, 
Ehlmann and all found 11 WHITE-TAILED PTARMIGAN by cross-country skiing over 2 
miles to the summit. Weston reported AMERICAN THREE-TOED WOODPECKERS at the 
southeast corner of Echo Lake. 

Summit County
On 1/3, Charles Nimes relocated Rosy Finches at the top of North Peak, Keystone 
Ski Area (Weston, 12/22). On 12/27, BARROW'S GOLDENEYES (Stevens, 11/11) were 
relocated at the Blue River Water Treatment Plant in Silverthorne. 

Garfield County
On 1/3, Dick Filby reported 77 BARROW'S GOLDENEYE on the Coryell Ranch Ponds.  

Fremont County
On 1/2, Schmoker relocated RUFOUS-CROWNED SPARROW at Tunnel Drive in Canon 
City. Schmoker relocated a YELLOW-BELLIED SAPSUCKER (Moss, 12/3) at Centennial 
Park, Canon City. On 12/21 Mark Peterson reported relocating a GOLDEN-CROWNED 
SPARROW (Miller, 12/18) at Tunnel Drive. On 12/14, Moss relocated a female 
YELLOW-BELLIED SAPSUCKER (Moss, 11/23) at the Holy Cross Abbey in Canon City. 
On 12/10, Setta Moss found a male YELLOW-BELLIED SAPSUCKER at Lions Park in 

Mesa County
Larry Arnold reports WHITE-WINGED DOVES can be seen in the 800-900 block of 
White Avenue in Grand Junction. 

Teller County
On 12/31, Steve Brown reported Gray-crowned & Black Rosy Finches visiting 
feeders at the northeastern edge of Cripple Creek. Jeff Jones reported seeing 
Rosy Finches in the Cripple Creek area on 1/1. 

Pitkin County
On 12/28, Dick Filby reports Brown-capped and Gray-crowned Rosy Finches at the 
bird feeder at Sam's Knob (top of Village Express Chairlift; fee required) at 
Snowmass Ski Area. 

Jackson County
On 11/4, Stevens & Weston relocated a BOREAL OWL at Cameron Pass. Weston also 
saw 3 species of ROSY FINCHES at the Colorado State Forest Visitor's Center. On 
12/2, Stevens & Weston found 2 GREATER SAGE GROUSE along CR 26, north of Hwy 
14. On 12/1, they saw a GYRFALCON along Hwy 125 (halfway between the entrance 
to the Arapaho National Wildlife Refuge and the self-guided auto tour road to 
the North). 

Gunnison County
On 11/30, Linda Powers relocated 300+ Rosy Finches near 4th and Whiterock 
Street in Crested Butte. 

Good Birding!
See directions at

Mary Lou Ehlmann
Los Angeles; presently Brighton
Contact CoBus/Report Interesting Birds: 303-324-7994
Subscribe to "cobirders AT
cobirders-subscribe AT
Read "cobirders" at:

Send e-mail faster without improving your typing skills. 
Subject: 77 Barrow's Goldeneyes Carbondale, Garfield Co
From: "Dick Filby" <dickfilby AT>
Date: Mon, 5 Jan 2009 04:57:26 -0000
Hi all,After a long day yesterday on the Hotchkiss CBC, I awoke to see a young 
(first winter) Northern Shrike in the backyard. Later I managed a couple of 
hours out and about locally this afternoon, as the mercury plummeted into 
single digits by dusk. Several Bald Eagles roosted in their favored trees, as 
did a Rough-legged Hawk. There are still plenty of Robins, despite the cold and 
snow.Highlight was close to dusk when at 5pm I scoped Coryell Ranch ponds from 
the frontage road by Hwy82. A small area of open water remains, and through the 
smoke haze off the water, I could see a flock of 77 Barrow's Goldeneyes (no 
other waterfowl at all). This seems to be the best place to see Barrow's in the 
valley the past couple of winters. Blue Lake (El Jebel) was very poor for ducks 
early winter, prior to freezing over completely (again) in December. Nearby at 
the Ranch at Roaring Fork there were a pair of Hooded Mergansers and several 
Common Goldeneyes, Buffleheads and Ring-necked Ducks.Great way to end the 
day!Good BirdingDick FilbyCarbondale, Garfield Co 
Subject: CO habitat stamp
From: "Linda Andes-Georges" <andesgeorges AT>
Date: Sun, 4 Jan 2009 16:22:19 -0700
Dear birding friends--

Happy new year.

I would like to remind everyone of the Col. DOW's option to purchase a
wildlife habitat stamp for $10.25 (start website ).

It includes the "Colorado Search and Rescue fee, access to state wildlife
areas (SWA) or state trust lands (STL) and helps fund additional habitat for

I think this is a worthwhile action for starting the year, demonstrating to
some degree that we are as interested in habitat as hunters are; and I do
not share the viewpoint of a few of you who think (if I remember correctly)
that we are somehow being gypped by the government in paying an additional

However I know that most of us do not want to read (again) a thread of pros
& cons on government fees, so I will just leave this reminder and say: I'm
gonna do it, and if I get stuck somewhere in the wilds with a dead car or a
broken ankle--no matter how pleasantly birdy it is out there--I'll be glad I
have the rescue license!

Good hunting to all...

Central Boulder County

Subject: Clear Creek, Adams, & Pueblo Counties
From: Mary Lou Ehlmann <mlehl AT>
Date: Sun, 4 Jan 2009 14:55:29 -0800 (PST)

Jeff Skrentny and Carmen Yon relocated an American Three-toed Woodpecker at the 
4 tent site at Echo Lake campground, Mt Evans Byway in Clear Creek County. 

John Tumasonis relocated the 2 male Barrow's Goldeneyes on the South Platte 
River below the green and white tower south of 88th avenue in Adams County. 

Brandon Percival relocated the 1st cycle Iceland Gull on the pond in Pueblo 
City Park in Pueblo County. 

See directions at

Mary Lou Ehlmann
Los Angeles; presently Brighton
Contact CoBus/Report Interesting Birds: 303-324-7994
Subscribe to "cobirders AT
cobirders-subscribe AT
Read "cobirders" at:

Subject: Gulls at McIntosh Lake, Barrow's Goldeneyes on South Platte
From: Mary Lou Ehlmann <mlehl AT>
Date: Sun, 4 Jan 2009 12:10:56 -0800 (PST)

Bryan Guarente reports 4 adult and a juvenile Thayer's Gull and an adult Lesser 
Black-backed Gull at McIntosh Lake in Boulder County. 

Yesterday, Jeff Skrentny and Carmen Yon relocated 2 male and a female Barrow's 
Goldeneyes on the South Platte River below the green and white tower about a 
mile south of 88th avenue. 

See directions at

Mary Lou Ehlmann
Los Angeles; presently Brighton
Contact CoBus/Report Interesting Birds: 303-324-7994
Subscribe to "cobirders AT
cobirders-subscribe AT
Read "cobirders" at:

Subject: January's "Colorado Field Notes"
From: Richard Stevens <birdertoo AT>
Date: Sun, 4 Jan 2009 01:47:22 -0700
Hello once more;

We are almost out of here!

Sue Ehlmann shipped January's issue of "Colorado Field Notes" Saturday 
afternoon. It is time to renew subscriptions for 2009; if you have not already 
done so! 

This month's issue includes:
Bird Location of the month: Chatfield State Park
Rosy Finches in Colorado; Id hints
Birding Washington Park in Denver
Bird Tracks and Signs (I like this one, even if I did write it!)
Additional Photos (Dunlin of Cherry Creek Reservoir & South Platte Park)
Uncommon Bird Sightings December 2008
Colorado Statewide Bird Trips January, 2009

You can see an example of CFN at:

You can subscribe to "Colorado Field Notes"
by sending $25/yr to the Colorado Birding Society.
There is no intention to make money. All funds go to expenses only.

Send Check or Money Order to:

Colorado Birding Society
P.O. Box 440813
Aurora, CO 80044

If you subscribe, please send along a contact method,
either a telephone number or email address.
If we need to contact you, snail mail is slooooooow.

For further information contact Sue Ehlmann:
sueehlmann AT

Individual Copies of "Colorado Field Notes" upon request.
Send $4.00 and Month you desire to above address.

Have a great week!

Directions to birding spots on CoBus website:

Richard Stevens; Director, Colorado Birding Society
Denver, Colorado
Contact CoBus/Report Interesting Birds: 303-324-7994
Subscribe to "cobirders" by sending blank email to:
cobirders-subscribe AT
Read "cobirders" at:

It�s the same Hotmail�. If by �same� you mean up to 70% faster.