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Forecast Information and Imagery

River and Coastal Forecasts
The USGS is not a forecasting agency, but the National Weather Service (NWS) is, and they make extensive use of the data we collect in their effort to provide you with the most accurate and up-to-date forecasts of many Louisiana rivers and streams, and weather along the coast. The links below will provide you with direct access to the NWS forecasts for different areas of the state.

Hurricane Forecasts and Imagery
If you live in Louisiana, the threat of a hurricane is very real. The NWS's National Hurricane Center issues forecasts for these potentially devastating storms. Both the NWS and the Earth Scan Laboratory at Louisiana State University (LSU) provides us with some very good satellite imagery of these events, and NOAA's Southern Region Climate Center (SRCC) is the place to go for the tropical weather outlook. Links to these sources of hurricane information are listed below.


USGS Headquarters

USGS Biology Discipline

USGS Geology Discipline

USGS Geography Discipline

USGS Water Discipline

Louisiana Links

Louisiana government web portal

National Weather Service—Louisiana Weather

NOAA National Data Buoy Center

EPA's Surf Your Watershed

River and Coastal Forecast Information
Hurricane Forecast and Imagery Information