Water Use in Louisiana Translation  

Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development-
U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources Cooperative Program

National Program Overview:
The U.S. Geological Survey's (USGS) National Water-Use Information Program compiles and publishes the Nation's water-use data. The USGS works in cooperation with local, State, and Federal agencies as well as academic and private organizations to collect and report total withdrawals for major categories of use at county, watershed, aquifer, state, and national levels. In five-year increments, beginning in 1950, the USGS has published State totals from all 50 States as well as the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico. View reports online.

In 2000, the Program reported ground-water withdrawals from principal aquifers for public-supply, self-supplied industrial and irrigation water uses. This compilation represented the first national compilation of aquifer withdrawals for the three largest consumptive water-use categories. The report is available online.

Data is compiled for each State through efforts by USGS Water Science Center Water Use Specialists following national guidelines. National guidelines for the two most recent compilation efforts are published as U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods Book 4, Chapter E1 (2005 compilation), and Techniques and Methods 4A-4 (2000 compilation), respectively.

Louisiana Program Overview:
Louisiana has a total land and water area of 48,000 mi2 and abundant water resources are throughout the State. Every day, large amounts of water are withdrawn from natural sources for public supply, industrial, power generation, rural domestic, livestock, irrigation, and aquaculture uses. Water-use data are essential to appraise the effects of present use and plan the future use of Louisiana's water resources. The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, has collected and published water withdrawal and use information on a five years basis since 1960.

Louisiana Reports:
Pumpage of Water in Louisiana, 1960 by J.L. Snider and M.J. Forbes, Jr.
Pumpage of Water in Louisiana, 1965 by P.P. Bieber and M.J. Forbes, Jr.
Pumpage of Water in Louisiana, 1970 by D.C. Dial
Pumpage of Water in Louisiana, 1975 by G.T. Cardwell and W.H. Walter
Pumpage of Water in Louisiana, 1980 by W.H. Walter
Pumpage of Water in Louisiana, 1985 by D.L. Lurry
Water Use In Louisiana, 1990 by J.K. Lovelace
Water Use In Louisiana, 1995 by J.K. Lovelace and P.M. Johnson
Water Use In Louisiana, 2000 by B. Pierre Sargent
Water Use In Louisiana, 2005 by B. Pierre Sargent

  (Portable Document Format, PDF required to read report)

 (Grouped by parish, source, and principal use, 1960 - 2000)

Tables Charts
State-total Withdrawals

State-total Withdrawals

Ground-water Withdrawals <% water = Request.QueryString("R1") combobox = Request.QueryString("Parish") commandb = Request.QueryString("B2") %>
    Ground-water Withdrawals

    Surface-water Withdrawals


Surface-water Withdrawals


Glossary of Terms

Water Use in the United States 
La DOTD: Public Works & Water Resources Division

Contact B. Pierre Sargent for additional information about water use in Louisiana.


U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey
Maintainer: Louisiana District Webmaster
Last update: 08 March 2007 14:53
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