Orthorhombic Y:123 ( YBa2Cu3Ox )

About Property Data Summaries.

Reference: Reference Relations for the Evaluation of the Materials Properties of Orthorhombic YBa2Cu3Ox Superconductors, R. G. Munro and H. Chen, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 79, No. 3, pp. 603-608 (1996).

Reference: NIST High Temperature Superconductors Database, SRD Database Number 62.

Other materials: Property Data Summaries

Material Summary:

Attention is focused on published reports of single-phase, homogeneous specimens that were processed by solid state reaction methods in which the maximum processing temperature was in the range 900 °C to 960 °C. Oxygen contents were typically adjusted by subsequent heat treatments at temperatures in the range 400 °C to 700 °C, sometimes followed by quenching in liquid nitrogen. Empirical relations were developed using data from independent studies for each property. Data validation was then attained by comparing the relations with additional independent results and by using property relations.

Property Summary:

Special Notes on Properties:

Data Status: Validated

Crystal System: Orthorhombic
Crystal Space Group: Pmmm

Critical Temperature (Tc) vs. Oxygen Content (x of Ox):

   x.....:  6.40  6.42  6.44  6.46  6.48  6.50  6.52  6.54  6.56  6.58   
   Tc [K]:  28.8  32.6  37.3  42.3  47.0  50.8  53.6  55.5  56.7  57.6

   x.....:  6.60  6.62  6.64  6.66  6.68  6.70  6.72  6.74  6.76  6.78 
   Tc [K]:  58.3  59.0  60.0  61.5  63.9  67.3  71.8  76.6  81.1  84.5

   x.....:  6.80  6.82  6.84  6.86  6.88  6.90  6.92  6.94
   Tc [K]:  86.8  88.2  89.1  89.6  89.9  90.1  90.3  90.4

     N.B.:  The combined standard uncertainty for Tc
            is estimated to be +/- 3 K for x greater than 6.5
            and +/- 5 K for x less than 6.5.

Property Table for YBa2Cu3O6.9

Property [unit]                       50 K     100 K    150 K    200 K    250 K    300 K    Uncertainty, %
------------------------------------  ------   ------   ------   ------   ------   ------   --------------
Density [g/cm3]......................  6.412     6.408    6.402    6.393   6.383    6.372    0.5

Lattice Parameter a [Å]..............  3.811     3.812    3.813    3.814   3.816    3.818    0.15
Lattice Parameter b [Å]..............  3.880     3.880    3.881    3.882   3.883    3.884    0.18
Lattice parameter c [Å]..............  11.64     11.64    11.65    11.66   11.67    11.68    0.17

Thermal Expansion, a-axis [10-6 K-1]..  1.7       4.0      6.2      8.5     ...      ...      30 for T < 100 K,
                                                                                              2 for T > 100 K.

Thermal Expansion, b-axis [10-6 K-1]..  0.10      1.7      3.2      4.7     ...      ...      23 for T < 125 K,
                                                                                              3 for T > 125 K.

Thermal Expansion, c-axis [10-6 K-1]..  8         12       15       16      ...      ...      42 for T < 75 K,
                                                                                             10 for T > 75 K.

Thermal Expansion, mean [10-6 K-1]....  3.3       5.9      8.0      9.7     11.0     12.0     36 for T < 100 K,
                                                                                              7 for T > 100 K.

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