USGS Water Science Center, Minnesota

Low-flow Data for Minnesota Streams

Low-flow duration statistics for continuous-record sites as well as streamflow measurements for low-flow sites are presented in the following pages. The 1-, 7-, and 30-day low-flow series were determined for 120 continuous-record streamflow stations in Minnesota having at least 20 years of continuous record. The 2-, 5-, 10-, 50-, and 100-year statistics were determined for each series by fitting a log Pearson type III distribution to the data. The results are presented in graphs and tables. Summary data for streamflow measurements made at over 600 low-flow sites are available in a map-based retrieval system. These low-flow data are used by water resource managers and planners for monitoring withdrawals from and discharges to rivers and streams, and for water-supply planning for future needs.

This web-based system, and much of the information contained within, is a result of a cooperative effort between the USGS and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency.

The methods used to determine the low-flow statistics and to construct the plots of the low-flow frequency curves are described in "Methods Used to Compute Low-Flow-Frequency Characteristics for Continuous-Record Streamflow Stations in Minnesota, 2006".

The format of the log Pearson type III plots were changed March 15, 2007. The new format is described in "Methods Used to Compute Low-Flow-Frequency Characteristics for Continuous-Record Streamflow Stations in Minnesota, 2006"

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