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University of Maine Cooperative Extension
5741 Libby Hall
Orono, ME 04469-5741
(207) 581-3188
1-800-287-0274 (in Maine)
TDD: 1-800-287-8957 (in Maine)
FAX: (207) 581-1387

University of Maine Cooperative Extension Web Page Accessibility

The Cooperative Extension Web site ( is designed with features that improve accessibility for all users. 

  • Alternative text descriptions are provided for graphical elements.
  • Information required for navigation or meaning is not dependent on the ability to identify specific colors.
  • Documents are organized so they are readable without requiring an associated style sheet.
  • Identification of row and column headers are provided for data tables.
  • Use of blinking and marquee elements are avoided. 
  • Web pages require no special plug-ins or downloads, and are not browser specific.
  • PDF (portable document format) documents have corresponding HTML (hypertext mark-up language) versions.
  • Pages are designed for quick download times to accommodate users who rely on older computers or slow Internet connections. 

The Cooperative Extension Web site meets The University of Maine accessibility guidelines.  

Cooperative Extension's upper level pages are regularly tested to meet Web Accessibility Initiative Priority 1 checkpoint compliance and are Bobby Approved.

We welcome comments on how to improve the accessibility of UMaine Extension's site for users with disabilities. Send comments, suggestions or inquiries to; TTY Phone Number (for the hearing impaired): 1-800-287-8957.

University of Maine crest artLast Modified: 12/24/08 | Accessibility | Non-discrimination & Disability Resources | Disclaimer | Photo Credit  | Copyright |  

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