PPPL/DOE - U.S. Department of Energy

Tour Arrangements

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Virtual Tour of PPPL
Learn about the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) and fusion energy. See the newest magnetic fusion device in the U.S. Department of Energy's Fusion Energy Sciences Program. Take a virtual tour of PPPL.

Guided Tours of PPPL
Check out the world of fusion energy research! The Laboratory's Information Services staff arranges tours for groups of ten or more. Participants must be high school age and older. Tours are free of charge and by appointment only. Individuals who would like to tour the Laboratory may join a scheduled tour group. Tours generally occur Mondays through Fridays, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Occasionally, special arrangements can be made for evening and weekend tours. Two weeks advance notice for group tours is required.

Scientists and engineers conduct most of the tours. Guided tours take about two hours and include a short, introductory video and presentation about PPPL and fusion research, followed by a visit to one or more of the experimental areas. A highlight of the tour is the National Spherical Torus Experiment (NSTX), the Laboratory's newest fusion device, when it is available. NSTX is not open for tours when it is operating.

Cameras are allowed, but the following restrictions apply in the experimental areas:

  • No briefcases or packages.
  • No food or drinks.
  • No high-heeled shoes, open-toed shoes, or sandals.
  • Radiation monitoring will be performed of your group as required by the U.S. Department of Energy.
  • Hard hats will be provided if you enter areas where they are required.

If you would like to schedule a tour, please call (609) 243-2757 or send an e-mail to pwieser@pppl.gov. Please include the name, mailing address (or e-mail address), and telephone number of the person requesting the tour, as well as the number in the tour group, the group's background (i.e., high school physics students; professional engineering society; or general interest group), and the name of the school or organization.

Accommodations for persons with disabilities can be arranged with advanced notice.

Visitors may purchase lunch at PPPL's Cafeteria, across from the Auditorium, provided that arrangements are made in advance with the Cafeteria Manager. The PPPL Cafeteria is normally closed on evenings and weekends. Special catering arrangements can be made in conjunction with tours. If your tour group is planning to use the Cafeteria following a tour or is interested in catering services prior to a tour, please contact the Cafeteria Manager at (609) 243-3350.

Entrance Procedures

Driving Instructions to PPPL and Other Travel Information

Speakers Bureau
If your group is unable to visit PPPL, it may be possible for a speaker to come to you. This would include an expanded introduction and presentation describing the Laboratory's research and experiments. Arrangements must be made in advance and are limited by the availability of an appropriate speaker for your group. To request a speaker, please call (609) 243-2757 or send an e-mail to pwieser@pppl.gov.



Quick Links

Fueling the Future Video

Virtual Tour

PPPL - An Overview


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PPPL Technical Reports

PPPL Annual Highlights Report

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About PPPL Fusion Basics Research Projects U.S. Department of Energy Princeton University Office of Science