Pesticide Market Surveys

Under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA), the US Environmental Protection Agency regulates pesticide manufacture and use. As part of their mission, they compile economic profile information on the pesticide producing and pesticide using sectors covered by the FIFRA-mandated regulatory programs. EPA has compiled a series of Market Estimate Reports for the nation.

Pesticide Use Surveys for New Jersey

NJinPAS gathers pest management data and input from researchers, growers, crop consultants, pesticide users, regulators, and Extension faculty and staff in New Jersey. See below for published reports of surveys and analyses of  agricultural and commercial pest management practices in New Jersey, including pesticide use. 


The surveys were either singly or jointly published by NJDEP and/or Rutgers Cooperative Extension (RCE) as indicated below. Corresponding maps developed by the NJDEP are listed separately for agricultural and commercial pesticide use. Thus, there are four sections of information included below:

  1. Agricultural Surveys
  2. Agricultural Pesticide Use Survey Maps
  3. Commercial Surveys
  4. Commercial Pesticide Use Survey Maps

The NJ SNP received funding for surveys for use in three new crop profiles for 2006: arugula, basil, and leeks; arugala has been completed and this data has been used to prepare the Crop Profile for Arugala for New Jersey.


Agricultural Surveys:

Since 1985, we have collaborated with the the New Jersey Department of  Environmental Protection Pesticide Control Program (NJDEP) on the design and distribution of pesticide use surveys to private applicators in New Jersey. These surveys are conducted every three years.

In New Jersey, private pesticide applicators are required by regulations to maintain pesticide records for two years and to submit use records to the State when requested. This regulative authority provides an accuracy and level of response that is difficult to duplicate in a voluntary, nationwide survey. These pesticide use surveys almost represent a pesticide usage census rather than a probabilistic survey.

One of the specific objectives of NJinPAS is to compile and analyze New Jersey private pesticide applicator survey results for national, regional, and local distribution subsequent to the transmittal of raw pesticide user survey data.  Although the data itself is unpublished for grower confidentiality,  we have  analyzed and summarized results  in the preparation of the crop profiles and pest management strategic plans (PMSPs) for use by government agencies making regulatory decisions.  Most of the reports based on 1997 use data were revised when the 2000 data became available from NJDEP; crop profiles and PMSPs currently in progress are using the most recently released data from 2003.


Agricultural Pesticide Use Survey Maps

(Pesticide Use by Watershed)

Commercial Surveys:

Commercial Pesticide Use Survey Maps:


For further information, contact Pat Hastings  or NJinPAS Project Director Dr. George Hamilton  Both may be reached by phone at 732-932-9801 .  Additionally, Mr. Curt Brown of the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Pesticide Control Program may be contacted regarding NJDEP pesticide use surveys at (609) 530-4090 or by email at

This site is supported, in part, with funding from the Northeastern IPM Center.

