Pictures of Maine's Top Agricultural Products

University of Maine Cooperative Extension

Crop Insurance Education Program




Outline of Maine map filled with pictures of corn, potatoes, apples, blueberries.


Maine Commodities

Diversified Farms
Forage Production
Green Peas

Small Grains

Premium Calculator

The information contained on this web site is specific for Maine producers. Other New England and Mid-Atlantic farmers should contact the Risk Management Agency -  Raleigh Office for more information.          Tel: 919.875.4880

Crop Insurance Changes

Crop insurance now required for disaster eligibility

Any producer who wants to be eligible for disaster assistance must have crop insurance coverage on all insurable crops before the sales closing deadline (March 15 for potatoes for instance.)

The new Farm Bill requires crop insurance, on all acres of any insurable crop, or Noninsured Assistance Program (NAP) coverage on all acres of uninsurable crops, in order to be eligible for the Supplemental Revenue Assistance Program (SURE).

For more information, click here (PDF)

For more information, click here (MSWord)


2008 Farm Bill hikes
CAT administrative fee

On May 22, 2008, the 2008 Farm Bill
was enacted. Section 12006 of the 2008
Farm Bill requires that each producer
pay an administrative fee for
catastrophic risk protection (CAT) in the
amount of $300 per crop per county.
The provisions are very specific and
mandate certain terms that do not allow
FCIC any discretion in the provisions or
their implementation. Currently, the
administrative fee for catastrophic risk
protection is $100 per crop per county.

For more information, click here (PDF)

For more information, click here (MSWord)

Maine dairy insurance policy now available

Any producer who owns dairy cattle in Maine is now eligible for Livestock Gross Margin for Dairy Cattle Insurance Policy coverage.

For more information click here (PDF)

Dairy Cattle Insurance Policy
PowerPoint Presentations
courtesy of Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture


Crop Insurance History
in Maine

For decades, the Federal Government has made ad hoc disaster and deficiency payments to growers who experience a significant crop or revenue loss due to weather or other conditions beyond their control.  The Risk Management Agency, a division of the United States Department of Agriculture, has recently begun funding educational programs to teach growers about the new way the government will be dealing with crop losses.  Growers and producers will no longer receive government aid during years of crop disasters or price support payments during low price years.  Instead, growers and producers will be responsible for managing their risks associated with farming.  Crop insurance will provide partial replacement for the Federal safety net.

The University of Maine Cooperative Extension has received a grant for Maine from the Risk Management Agency to educate Maine producers about crop insurance.  For several years, extension educators have been conducting seminars, attending industry meetings and trades shows, and writing articles for commodity specific newsletters and other trade specific publications.  Their goal is not to sell insurance to growers and producers, but to increase awareness of the changes occurring at the USDA and educate growers of the potential benefits of crop insurance to their operations.

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    In Cooperation with the Risk Management Agency of the United States Department of Agriculture

              A Member of the University of Maine System


    A  Member of the University of Maine System
    Last Modified: 01/08/09
    These pages are currently being maintained from the
    Crop Insurance Education Program, University of Maine Cooperative Extension.
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