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The PDF format requires the Adobe Acrobat Reader which is available for free download here. (These publications are best viewed with version 5.0 or higher.) Other Publications are available for sale here. All publications produced by the Home and Garden Information Center are peer reviewed for content and accuracy and are copyrighted by the Home and Garden Information Center, Maryland Cooperative Extension.

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Ornamental Landscape Plants and Problems

    Landscape Plant Insects
Aphids on Ornamental Plants
Bagworms and Their Control
Bark Beetles That Attack Conifers in Maryland
The Boxelder Bug
Eastern Tent Caterpillar and Forest Tent Caterpillar
Elm Leaf Beetle, The
Euonymus Scale, The
Gypsy Moth
Gypsy Moth and the Homeowner
Controlling Gypsy Moth Caterpillars with Barrier Bands
Hemlock Woolly Adelgid
Holly Leaf Miners
Insect and Mite Galls on Plants
Japanese Beetle, The
Lace Bugs
Locust Leafminer, The
Periodical Cicadas
Scale Insects on Hemlock
Spider Mites
  Landscape Plant Diseases
Azalea and Rhododendrons: Disease & Insect Resistant Plants
Bacterial Leaf Scorch of Landscape Trees
Cytospora Canker of Spruce

    Landscape Plant Information and Problem Solving
Aquatic Gardening: Construction and Maintenance
Basics of Planting Aquatic Plants
Common Abiotic Plant Problems
IPM Series: A Common Sense Approach to Managing Landscape Problems
Fertilizing Ornamental Trees and Shrubs
A Hydrangea for Every Landscape
Ground Covers
Introduction to Herbaceous Perennials
IPM Series: Annuals and Perennials
IPM Series: Azaleas and Rhododendrons
IPM Series: Birch Trees
IPM Series: Boxwood
IPM Series: Dogwood
IPM Series: Houseplants
IPM Series: Ornamental Fruit Trees
IPM Series: Pine
IPM Series: Shade Trees
Plant Picks of the Month - updated monthly
Planting Tips for Trees
Poison Ivy
Pruning Ornamental Plants
Pruning Ornamental Trees and Shrubs
Preserving Flowers and Leaves
Resistance of Woody Ornamentals to Deer Damage
Rose for Every Garden, A
Watering Tips for Drought Conditions
Xeriscaping & Conserving Water in the Landscape

Pest Control

    Pest Control
Ants and Their Control
Bed Bug Fact Sheet from Cornell University State IPM Program
Bed Bug Fact Sheet from Penn State University
Is Something Biting Me? fact sheet from Penn State University
The Boxelder Bug
Carpenter Ants
Carpenter Bees
Clover Mites
Common Stinging Insects: Wasps and Bees
Fabric Pests
Flies in and Around the Home
Key to Pests In and Around the Home
Lyme Disease and the Deer Tick in Maryland
Mining Bees and Ground Nesting Wasps
Mosquitoes - Protecting Yourself from Mosquito Bites
Multicolored Asian Lady Beetle, Northcentral Pest Management Center
Occasional Invaders
Pantry Pests
Silverfish and Firebrats
Spiders in Maryland
Termites: Prevention, Detection, Control
Termites: Homeowners Guide to Termite Baits
Ticks fact sheet from Penn State University
Wood Boring Beetles: Old House Borer and Powderpost Beetles

Note: Other pest control fact sheets are available online from the The Thorne Lab at the University of Maryland, Department of Entomology. Also visit PennState's Department of Entomology site for additional publications on household pests, nuisance pests, and public health.


Bacterial Wilt
Broadleaf Weed Control in Established Lawns
Caring for the Newly Seeded Lawn
Dead Spot Disease of Creeping Bentgrass
Diagnosing Common Lawn and Athletic Field Diseases
Dollar Spot Disease of Turfgrass
Establishing and Maintaining Fescues for a Low Maintenance Site
Establishing and Maintaining ornamental Flower Meadows for Low Maintenance Sites
Fairy Rings and Their Control in Turf Areas
Fertilizing Facts for Home Lawns
General Guidlines for Lawn Maintenance in Maryland
Growing Green Lawns
Guide to Controlling Weeds in Cool Season Turf
  Herbicides for Crabgrass and Goosegrass Control in Turf
  How to Choose a Lawn Care Service That's Right for You...and the Chesapeake Bay
How to Measure Your Yard
Identification and Management of Brown Patch Disease
IPM Series: Turf IPM
Irrigation and Water Conservation on Home Lawns
Landscapes That Help the Chesapeake Bay
Lawn Establishment, Renovation, and Overseeding
Lawns and the Chesapeake Bay
Maryland Turfgrass Disease Control Recommendations
Melting Ice Safely
Mining Bees and Ground Nesting Wasps
Moss Control in Home Lawns
Perennial Grass Weeds and Their Control in Turf
Pet Waste and Water Quality
Recommended Turfgrass Cultivars for Certified Sod and Professional Seed Mixtures
Red Thread and Pink Patch Diseases of Turfgrass
Renovation of Turf
Saving Your Soil and the Chesapeake Bay
Summer Patch Disease of Lawn Grasses
White Grub Identification - University of Massachusetts
Zoysiagrass Lawn, Planting and Care of a

Many current turf fact sheets are also available online from the
Maryland Turfgrass Council web site.

Soil, Mulch, and Composting

    Soil, Mulch, and Composting
Backyard Composting
Basics of Soil and Plant Fertility
Basic Principles of Soil Fertility II: Soil Properties
Indoor Redworm Composting
Lead in Garden Soils
Mulches for the Home Garden
Selecting and Using a Soil Testing Laboratory
Comparison Chart of Regional Soil Testing Laboratories
Saving Your Soil and the Chesapeake Bay
Soil Amendments and Fertilizers
Soil Test Basics
Why Test Your Soil

Vegetable, Fruit and Herb Gardening

    Vegetable, Fruit, and Herb Gardening
Container Vegetable Gardening: Healthy Harvests from Small Spaces
Getting Started With Small Fruits
Getting Started With Tree Fruits
Growing Vegetable Transplants
Grow Your Own Greens with Salad Tables and Salad Boxes
Hardening Vegetable Transplants
IPM Series: Eggplant
IPM Series: Peppers
IPM Series: Pome Fruit
IPM Series: Potatoes
IPM Series: Stone Fruits
IPM Series: Tomatoes
Late Blight of Potato and Tomato
Planning a Home Greenhouse
Planting Dates for Vegetable Crops in Maryland
Recommended Vegetable Cultivars for Maryland Home Garden
Root-Knot Nematodes and Vegetable Crops

Top of Page

Seasonal and Indoor Plants

    Seasonal and Indoor Plants
Holiday Plant Care: Poinsettia
IPM Series: Houseplants
Selecting and Caring for the Cut Christmas Tree
Selecting and Caring for a Live Christmas Tree

Chesapeake Bay Preservation and the Home Landscape

  Chesapeake Bay Preservation and the Home Landscape
Bay Wise Maryland Yardstick - Landscapes WITHOUT Lawns
Bay Wise Maryland Yardstick - Landscapes WITH Lawns
Bay Wise Maryland Yardstick - Vegetable Gardens
Application for Bay Wise Sign and Certificate
Help the Chesapeake Bay
An Introduction to the Riparian Forest Buffer
Grasses for Riparian Buffers and Wildlife Habitat Improvement
Landscapes That Help the Chesapeake Bay
Lawns and the Chesapeake Bay
Pet Waste and Water Quality
Saving Your Soil and the Chesapeake Bay
Melting Ice Safely
Riparian Buffer Management: Riparian Buffer Systems
Riparian Forest Buffer Design, Establishment, and Maintenance
Soil Bioengineering/Streambank Restoration for Riparian Forest Buffers
Trees for Riparian Forest Buffers
Understory Plants for Riparian Forest Buffers

Integrated Pest Management Series

    Integrated Pest Management Series
IPM Series: A Common Sense Approach to Managing Landscape Problems
IPM Series: Annuals and Perennials
IPM Series: Azaleas and Rhododendrons
IPM Series: Birch Trees
IPM Series: Boxwood
IPM Series: Dogwood
IPM Series: Eggplant
IPM Series: Ornamental Fruit Trees
IPM Series: Pine
IPM Series: Potatoes
IPM Series: Shade Trees
IPM Series: Pome Fruit
IPM Series: Stone Fruits
IPM Series: Tomatoes
IPM Series: Turf

Native Plants

    Native Plants
Native Plants of Maryland: What, When and Where
Native Plant Nurseries

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Weeds, Invasives and Pest Alerts

    Weeds, Invasives and Pest Alerts
Emerald Ash Borer: A Serious Threat to Your Ash Trees
Emerald Ash Borer: Is it Time to Diversify
Invasive Plant Control in Maryland
Invasive Species of Concern in Maryland
Soybean Rust
Brown Marmorated Stink Bug
Sudden Oak Death
West Nile Virus in North America


Got Bugs? Get Bats!
Dealing with Nuisance Wildlife
Resistance of Woody Ornamentals to Deer Damage
Invasive Plant Addendum to Resistance of Woody Ornamentals to Deer Damage
Reducing Vole Damage to Plants

For additional publications visit the Maryland Cooperative Extension Publications Page www.agnr.umd.edu/MCE/Publications/index.cfm


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