U of A University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture

Pictures of chickens, flowers, wheat, a boy looking through a magnifying glass, irrigation pipe, soybean pods, and fruits and vegetables.

Cooperative Extension Service

Cooperative Extension Service

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Arkansas Business and Communities

Welcome to the Arkansas Business and Communities Extension Website

Extension helps Arkansas residents take actions to provide economic opportunities and improve social conditions within their communities. Our professionals teach research-based strategies for fostering social, economic and cultural well-being in Arkansas communities. We offer a wide range of professional services and data products that will help communities make informed decisions to improve their quality of life.

  • Economic Development - Helping communities and businesses identify economic opportunities and implement economic development strategies by providing research-based training, technical assistance and resources.
  • Leadership - Identifying and training active and effective leaders for community, county and statewide organizations.
  • Local Government Finance - Supplying educational programs and resources that help local government officials and community members understand fiscal issues and develop strategies for providing basic services and infrastructure.
  • Public Policy Center - Providing analysis and public education on ballot initiatives and public issues such as health, environment and natural resources and public finance; to engage and assist Arkansas residents in public decision-making.
  • Visioning and Strategic Planning - Assisting with programs and resources to help communities create and implement plans for sustainable development and use of information technologies to improve their economic conditions and quality of life.

We periodically publish state, county and subject-matter profiles as well as provide community and state leaders with information on current conditions and emerging trends. Other publications include newsletters, fact sheets, impact studies, best practices, policy briefs and curriculum guides.

Other links related to Businesses and Communities

© 2006
University of Arkansas
Division of Agriculture
All rights reserved.
Last Date Modified 11/07/2008

University of Arkansas • Division of Agriculture
Cooperative Extension Service
2301 South University Avenue
Little Rock, Arkansas 72204 • USA
Phone (501) 671-2000 • Fax (501) 671-2209
