U of A University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture

Pictures of chickens, flowers, wheat, a boy looking through a magnifying glass, irrigation pipe, soybean pods, and fruits and vegetables.

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  • Healthy Homes Webtool Healthy Homes Webtool. Created by the University of Wisconsin at Madison, this is an excellent source of home safety information with emphasis on children. The Webtool addresses indoor environmental dangers as well as pesticide and household product safety.
  • Pesticides and National Strategies for Health Care Providers - Health Care Initiative. USEPA
  • Recognition and Management for Pesticide Poisonings, 5th Edition. USEPA. 1999. Available in English or Spanish. For 5 or fewer copies call: 703-305-7666; larger orders - call 1-800-490-9198.  Recognition and Management of Pesticide Poisonings, published by EPA's Office of Pesticide Programs and is edited by Dr. Routt Reigart and Dr. James Roberts. The manual is in an easy-to-use format that covers approximately 1,500 pesticide products with 19 chapters that cover toxicology, signs and symptoms of poisoning, and treatments.
  • EXTONET - Extension Toxicology Network. Provides science-based information to health care providers treating pesticide-related health concerns.
  • Food Quality Protection Act (FQPA) of 1996. Includes a new safety standard - reasonable certainty of no harm - that must be applied to all pesticides used on foods.

Health Practioner's Education


Additional Resource Material

Food Preservation
  • The National Center for Home Food Preservation is an excellent source for current research-based recommendations for most methods of home food preservation. The Center was established with funding from the Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture (CSREES-USDA) to address food safety concerns for those who practice and teach home food preservation and processing methods. 
Landscape and Ornamentals
Master Gardeners
Your Home
  • MSUCares: Home & Family: Housing - Excessive housing costs affect all households especially young families, single-parent families and the elderly who are ether trying to buy a home or find an affordable place to rent. For most families, buying adequate housing is the single largest investment each will make in a lifetime.  The resources  contained on the web site emphasize: housing affordability based on the family budget, proper maintenance and upkeep, maintaining safe and secure surroundings, and resources for more housing information
  • Healthy Homes Webtool Healthy Homes Webtool. Created by the University of Wisconsin at Madison, this is an excellent source of home safety information with emphasis on children. The Webtool addresses indoor environmental dangers as well as pesticide and household product safety.
Other Links of Interest

© 2006
University of Arkansas
Division of Agriculture
All rights reserved.
Last Date Modified 06/19/2008

University of Arkansas • Division of Agriculture
Cooperative Extension Service
2301 South University Avenue
Little Rock, Arkansas 72204 • USA
Phone (501) 671-2000 • Fax (501) 671-2209
