Industry Memo April 23, 2007     State Ballot Instructions     USHBC Summary     Georgia Ballot     Michigan Ballot     North Carolina Ballot




To:       Industry Members

Date:    April 23, 2007

Re:       USHBC State Council Member Ballots

Enclosed for your reference is a copy of the U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council (USHBC) State Council Member Election Ballot for your state.

Members of the cultivated blueberry industry in the states of Michigan, North Carolina and Georgia are being asked to select representatives to fill state council member and alternate positions of the Blueberry Promotion, Research and Information Order (U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council).  As you will note, space is also made available on the ballot for write-in candidates.  Eligible voters are those who produced 2,000 pounds or more of cultivated blueberries in the United States during the period of January 1, 2006 to December 31, 2006.

Voting begins April 23, 2007 and continues for a 36-day period ending on May 29, 2007. All completed ballots must arrive at the USHBC office by close of business on May 29, 2007.  Please contact the USHBC office at (916) 983-0111 with any questions you may have concerning this election procedure.  Those elected to state council member and alternate positions will serve a three-year term starting in January of 2008 and are allowed to serve a maximum of two consecutive terms.

Please note that USHBC programs are open to all individuals without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, genetic information, parental status and marital or family status.  It is USHBC policy that membership on the Council and its committees reflect the diversity of individuals served by its programs.  To accomplish this objective, the USHBC will strive to attain representation of growers and other industry participants from diverse backgrounds on the Council and USHBC committees.  To this end, the USHBC strongly encourages women, minorities and persons with disabilities to seek nominations to the USHBC and to participate in Council and USHBC committee activities.

 Please contact the USHBC office at (916) 983-0111 if you have any questions concerning this nomination procedure, or the final balloting process.