U of A University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture

Pictures of chickens, flowers, wheat, a boy looking through a magnifying glass, irrigation pipe, soybean pods, and fruits and vegetables.

Cooperative Extension Service

Cooperative Extension Service

Agricultural Experiment Station

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Gardening is the #1 hobby in America and it's easy to understand why. Gardening can be relaxing and exciting at the same time. Many people garden to relieve stress, others use gardening as a creative outlet, and many others simply enjoy getting their hands dirty.

Ornamental and houseplants are an important part of any home. Trees, shrubs, ground covers, vines, ornamental grasses, and perennials can improve the appearance and value of your home, but they also provide much pleasure to gardeners.

Landscaping can increase the value of your home while making your surroundings more attractive and enjoyable. The University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service offers many workshops and seminars about home landscaping through the county extension offices and the state. For more information about these events contact your local county extension office. To find information on houseplants and landscaping, take a look at the links below.

© 2006
University of Arkansas
Division of Agriculture
All rights reserved.
Last Date Modified 06/19/2008

University of Arkansas • Division of Agriculture
Cooperative Extension Service
2301 South University Avenue
Little Rock, Arkansas 72204 • USA
Phone (501) 671-2000 • Fax (501) 671-2209
