Official New Hampshire government website




Division of Pesticide Control

The Division of Pesticide Control works to ensure the safe and proper use of chemical pesticides by enforcing state pesticide laws affecting sale, storage and application of all registered pesticides, examining and licensing pesticide dealers and users, and registering all economic poisons sold and used within the state. The division conducts regulatory programs in cooperation with federal agencies and carries out the policies established by the state pesticide control board.


Pesticide Certification and Licensing
The Division requires licensing or permitting of all commercial and private pesticide applicators as well as pesticide dealers. Through this process, only persons demonstrating satisfactory competence in the safe and legal use of pesticides within New Hampshire may apply pesticides. The Division also requires re-certification whereby every five years each licensed individual attends educational seminars to ensure they remain up to date in pesticide knowledge. This subdivision is ultimately responsible for coordinating all required testing, licensing and permitting for pesticide applicators and dealers.

Pesticide Licensing

Groundwater Program
The groundwater program embodies those activities undertaken by the division to protect the state's water from contamination by pesticides. These include the development and administration of state management plans to meet federal and state requirements for groundwater protection, the design and implementation of a monitoring program to assess the impact of pesticides and management programs on water quality, reviewing special permit applications and imposing conditions to minimize risk of pesticide contamination, participating in the source-water protection program administered by the NH Department of Environmental Services, and conducting outreach and education in matters pertaining to pesticides and water quality.

Integrated Pest Management Program
Integrated Pest Management or IPM combines the use of biological, cultural, physical and chemical tactics in ways that minimize health and environmental risks and economic loss when controlling pests. The IPM Program is an instrument to promote, through education and training, a sustainable approach to managing pests and "to bring about the broadest possible application of the principles of integrated pest management to agriculture, horticulture, arboriculture, landscape and building maintenance, and any other areas in which economic poisons are employed (Chapter 323, Laws of 1998)." The New Hampshire Department of Agriculture, Markets & Food, Division of Pesticide Control, as the legally mandated agency ensuring the safe, scientific, and proper use of pesticides, administrates the Integrated Pest Management Program and the grant funding associated with it. The Program grant application process is open to all residents of New Hampshire including citizens from the private sector, extension offices, trade organizations, corporate organizations, and government agencies who wish to foster Integrated Pest Management projects.
arrowLearn more about the IPM Grant Program
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Worker Protection Standard Links
The federal worker protection standard (WPS) has been in place now since 1992 and for those of you that use pesticides and hire agricultural employees, taking the required steps to comply with this regulation should be routine practice.  As a quick review, this federal law, and the associated New Hampshire regulations, are designed to protect your employees from pesticide exposures through practices including conducting pesticide safety training, posting pesticide safety information, displaying specific information about your pesticide applications, notifying employees of the locations of treated areas, and providing decontamination supplies and emergency assistance in the event of a pesticide mishaps.  These regulation were developed in order to reduce the likelihood of accidental pesticide exposures for agricultural workers and to provide them with the assistance and information they might need to properly deal with pesticide related emergencies.  Reducing the risks associated with pesticide use is a common goal we in agriculture can feel good about promoting and as a regulatory entity, the division of pesticide control is responsible for enforcing these worker safety provisions. 

For more information about WPS and its implementation in New Hampshire, please contact the division of pesticide control or visit the links listed below.

The Worker Protection Standard and Recent Amendments
WPS How to Comply Manual
WPS Internet Links
Quick Refernce Guide to WPS-2005

Pesticide Registration

EPA and Regulating Pesticides

Contact Us
Visit the Contact Us page for Division of Pesticide Control contact information.
New Hampshire Department of Agriculture, Markets & Food
25 Capitol Street, 2nd Floor
Concord, NH 03302
Copyright (c) State of New Hampshire, 2005