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Minimum Requirements Analysis

About the MRDG

How to Download Documents
MRDG documents have been provided for download in Microsoft Word format. If you are using Internet Explorer (IE) as your browser, Microsoft Word will automatically open the document. If you are using Netscape (N) as your browser, you will be prompted to choose between either opening the document in Microsoft Word or saving it to your computer.

How to Fill Out Worksheets
Type text into the spaces provided on the worksheets. To check or uncheck a checkbox, double-click it and select "Checked" or "Not checked" under the heading marked "Default Value" in the options window, then click OK. Once you have finished filling out a worksheet, save it to your computer by selecting "Save As..." from the "File" menu.
Conducting a minimum requirements analysis follows the direction of both law and agency policy and helps land managers make informed decisions. Although there are a number of different minimum requirements forms available for use, the form referenced here is the Minimum Requirements Decision Guide, or MRDG, developed by the interagency Arthur Carhart National Wilderness Training Center. In addition to the documents provided here, the Carhart Center also offers a free Minimum Requirements Analysis online training course.

Minimum Requirements Decision Guide, 2009 Revision

This revised Minimum Requirements Decision Guide (MRDG) is designed to assist wilderness managers in making stewardship decisions. Units with special provisions mandated by legislation subsequent to the Wilderness Act of 1964 must insure full consideration of these other legal requirements. Wilderness managers in Alaska must insure that their decisions are in accordance with the provisions of ANILCA.