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Examples of current NIH Institute and Center practices to foster new investigator independence:

NIH Institutes

NCI logo

National Cancer Institute (NCI)
Applicants eligible for consideration as first-time R01 investigators will be paid at an extended percentile payline of the 16th percentile. NCI is allocating $10 million to support first time investigators beyond the regular R01 payline (which is at the 11th percentile) and within the extended payline. Additionally, NCI is allocating approximately $6 million to pay eligible applications beyond the 16th percentile as exceptions to the extended payline. The definition of first-time R01 investigators can be found in the NIH Guide Notice: "Change in NIH Policy of Supporting New Investigators" which can be viewed at: http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/not97-231.html or the Application for a Public Health Service Grants (PHS-398) at: http://grants.nih.gov/grants/funding/phs398/phs398.pdf (PDF) - scroll to pages 17/18 also known as 21 of 72.

NEI logo

National Eye Institute (NEI)
NEI staff is encouraged to identify and give special consideration to new investigators in making funding recommendations. When reviewing grants, consider:

Approach: more emphasis should be placed on feasibility than on preliminary results

Investigator: more emphasis should be placed on training and research potential than on track record and number of applications

Environment: more emphasis should be placed on evidence of institutional commitment in terms of space and time to perform the research.

NHLBI logo

National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI)
NHLBI is committed to helping new investigators by maintaining a separate R01 payline for new investigators that is 5 percentile points above the regular R01 payline for FY 2006, as well as funding new investigators for all years requested. In addition, applications from new investigators that are > 5 but = 10 percentile points above the regular R01 payline may undergo an expedited administrative review.

NHGRI logo

National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI)
NHGRI is very flexible in the support of new investigators by: (1) funding applications that might have a higher priority score than applications from established investigators; (2) not reducing council recommended budgets beyond what is required by the grants policy; and (3) supporting new investigators for five years, if requested, unless specific circumstances require otherwise.  Beyond these policies, NHGRI staff is aware that the early career years and career transitions are fraught with uncertainties, so we make special efforts to work with trainees and young investigators. Our contacts with potential new investigators begin with postdoctoral fellows and career development awardees. In the initial phases of the fellowship or career award, NHGRI staff discusses with fellows and awardees the importance of obtaining strong mentorship, learning from peer relationships and generating quality publications. During the last year of the award, staff counsels fellows and awardees about the various options for furthering their research careers, whether through a career development award or an investigator-initiated grant. In addition, staff is always available to answer their questions about program priorities, how to prepare a meritorious grant application, how the peer review process works, and how to work with the NIH system.

NIAAA logo

National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)
NIAAA is very much committed to assuring that new investigators are included among those successful in obtaining grant awards.  To achieve this goal, NIAAA has established a procedure of affording the opportunity to allow all new investigators receiving scores within a minimum of 5 percentile points of the pay line (or the equivalent priority score) to respond to reviewer critiques in a letter to program officials.  The responses are reviewed internally by NIAAA staff who may make a recommendation for award to the Institute Director. This procedure expedites the process for award for first time grant applicants and facilitates their entry into alcohol research.  This accelerated rapid response and award procedure is in place for R01 and R21 mechanisms, as well as at the training level for all fellowship applications.

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National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)
NIAID encourages new investigators to self-identify and expects less preliminary data from new investigator applications. Further, new investigator status can help individuals qualify to be funded through selective pay or via an R56-Bridge award. In addition, NIAID also provides tools for new investigators such as the NIAID New Investigator Guide to NIH Funding: http://www.niaid.nih.gov/ncn/grants/new/default.htm and the NIAID Early Stage Investigator area: http://www.niaid.nih.gov/ncn/grants/new/portal.htm

NIAMS logo

National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS)
NIAMS Small Research Grants (R03) are currently limited to new investigators. They are specifically limited in time to 3 years and in amount to $50,000/year for studies in categorical program areas. Small grants provide flexibility for initiating studies that are generally for preliminary short-term projects and are non-renewable.

NIBIB logo

National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB)
NIBIB sets a payline for new investigators at 5 percentile points beyond the percentile cut-off for other investigators.

A criterion for “select pay”/special consideration beyond the payline is the applicant’s status as a new or junior investigator.

NICHD logo

Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD)
NICHD maintains a higher payline for Small Grant (R03) applications because they frequently provide support for new PIs. 

Applications submitted by new investigators, with scores beyond the funding range, may be examined by NICHD for potential special funding consideration. Special consideration may include full funding of small grants or partial funding of larger grants to allow preparation and submission of revised applications for review. 

NICHD holds regular trainee meetings for individuals supported on Institutional Training Grants (T32), as well as Scholar meetings for individuals supported on Institutional Mentored Career Development Awards (K12).

NIDCD logo graphic

National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD)
(1) NIDCD currently reserves 20% of available dollars for the award of applications scoring beyond the automatic payline that are designated with High Program Priority (HPP).  New Investigator status is one of the main criteria used to justify HPP nominations and make awards with these set aside funds.

(2) R01 New Investigator applicants and mentored, junior-level Career-award applicants (whose applications score beyond the payline) are invited to submit letters responding to critiques in the summary statement for Advisory Council review.  These letters are individually considered by the Advisory Council and may result in recommendations for special funding consideration, such as the HPP.

(3) Typically, NIDCD imposes no reductions in duration and amount (beyond the recommendations of the initial review group) of the awards to New Investigators.  Protecting new investigators in this manner will allow them the additional time and effort necessary to establish their research program.

(4) NIDCD has offered a Small Grant (R03) Program specifically designed to support basic and clinical research of scientists who are in the early stages of establishing an independent research career. The Small Grant Program may be used to support individuals transitioning from postdoctoral status to their first independent research position.

NIDCR logo

National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR)
NIDCR awards to new investigators will not be subjected to institute-negotiated cost reductions.

NIDCR is building a database to track both NRSA trainees and fellows and K award recipients

NIDDK logo

National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK)
(1) A less stringent, by 2-percentile, pay line for funding new investigators;

(2) Grants from new investigators are generally awarded for the full length of their recommended project period

(3) A meeting every 18 months that all of NIDDK K-awardees have the opportunity to attend once during the course of their award to orient them to the NIH and the grants process.

(4) NIDDK training program directors are accessible to anyone interested in one-on-one consultations, and their availability at national meetings is published on the NIDDK web site.

NIDDK has a webpage specifically to assist New Investigators: http://www2.niddk.nih.gov/Funding/Grants/Resources_NewInvestigators.htm

NIDA logo

National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)
NIDA identifies new investigators; each application from a new investigator is carefully reviewed in making funding recommendations to ensure that the special circumstances of a new investigator are taken into account. NIDA Mentored K Awardees Meeting for 2nd, 3rd, and 4th year grantees;

(1) NIDA Special Populations Research Development Seminar Series workshop;

(2) NIDA Child and Adolescent Workgroup Mentee Workshop;

(3) NIDA also provides annual grant writing workshops at a number of conferences.

NIEHS logo

National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS)
New Investigators are identified in post-council funding discussions by program administrators at NIEHS, and are given preferential consideration.

NIEHS has established the Outstanding New Environmental Health Scientist (ONES) award, a first time R01 grant for scientists in the early, formative stage (less than 8 years from the doctoral degree) of their career.

NIGMS logo

National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS)

Program staff routinely identifies and give special consideration for funding to applications from new PIs whose scores are slightly outside the normal funding range.  In addition, R01 grants to new investigators are awarded for 5 years (instead of the average 4-year award) to allow new investigators additional time to establish their research program.

NIMH logo

National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
The NIMH is committed to supporting new investigators and facilitating the independence of emerging scientists. The Institute considers new investigator status as a priority in funding decisions, especially in the 10th-20th percentile range. We strongly encourage new investigators to contact a program officer in their area of research to receive technical assistance with their proposal prior to submission.

NINDS logo

National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS)
NINDS funds to achieve success rates between 25% and 30% rather than setting a specific payline for career development awards.

Junior/new investigators receive special attention in the NINDS High Program Priority process.  In addition to support of new investigators being a reason to propose someone for HPP, program clusters can put forth an additional candidate if he/she had been an F or K awardee.

NINR logo

National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR)
NINR staff identify new and promising investigators and discuss the potential of their applications for support.  Staff also provide telephone mentoring to new applicants and promising applicants who are resubmitting an unsuccessful application.  NINR staff counsels applicants and potential applicants who are not ready for the R01 to use other mechanisms that build their publication record and provide opportunities for pilot testing.

NINR submits names of promising applicants who fall outside the support range to the Research Enhancement Award Program (REAP) and similar opportunities. 

NINR offers Level 1 and 2 research scientist courses.  Level 1 course: Research Training: Developing Nurse Scientists.  Level 2 course: Advancing Your R01 Into A Program of Research. 

NLM logo

National Library of Medicine (NLM)
Special consideration is given at final "payline" meeting with NLM Director. Reviewers are briefed at each review session on NLM's policies regarding new investigators, and applications from New Investigators (as so judged by NLM; NIH application checkmark is not considered definitive) are reviewed together, not interspersed with those of experienced investigators. The priority score award cutoff is 10-15 points more lenient than the cutoff for experienced investigators. Telephone mentoring and review of preliminary partial drafts of research plans are also provided.

NIH Centers

FIC logo

John E. Fogarty International Center (FIC)
FIC offers the Global Health Research Initiative Program for New Foreign Investigators (GRIP) that concentrates on establishing research capacity for new investigators in their home countries.

NCCAM logo

National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM)
NCCAM pays special attention to new investigators whose applications have just missed the payline, highlighting them to Council, and considering them for priority funding. In addition, NCCAM is in the process of examining the success rate of its new investigators and plans to regularly monitor their outcomes in the future.  Finally, NCCAM has adopted a practice of alerting staff making institutional or site visits of the new investigators at the institution being visited, so that they will be better prepared to advise and interact with these new investigators.

NCMHD logo

National Center on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NCMHD)
NCMHD supports new investigators with the Loan Repayment Program and the Minority Health International Research Training grants.