From: Sent: Sunday, April 01, 2001 7:16 PM To: Subject: Docket 00N-1396 & Docket 00D-1598 As a regulatory agency that is supposed to protect the public from harm, it is essential that you create policies that are consistent with your purpose. With this in mind, your current actions supporting genetically engineered and altered food must change. There simply is not enough research available, with proper time allotments, to support the healthfulness of genetically engineered and altered foods. This is a potentially dangerous practice that not enough is known about. Therefore, allowing more and more genetically engineered foods to come to market, without public knowledge or awareness, is irresponsible. You just don't know that this practice is not creating bigger health problems on many levels. At the very least, it is imperative that proper labelling of genetically engineered food be required. The American Public deserves to have a choice in the food that it chooses to eat. Choice is what this country is based on, and by not offering it, you are not abiding to the principles of democracy. Not only that, you open the door to major problems for yourself down the road when, if proven to be a health hazard, the responsibility will lie on your shoulders. Allowing this to go forward without proper testing and notification is typical of the short-sighted decisions that have led us to mercury poisoning (both medical and dental), heart disease through the false advertising of margerine as a no cholesterol and therefore healthy food, and the current energy crisis, just to name a few. Therefore, it is essential that: You require mandatory pre-market comprehensive environmental review. You require mandatory pre-market long-term health testing. You require mandatory labeling of genetically engineered products!!!! To not do so is a violation of my rights! Your interest must start to reflect the original purpose of protecting the public, not the financial interests of the drug and chemical companies. This is serious stuff, and you're messing with fire. Please consider what you're doing. The long term health of the planet requires long term solutions, not short term answers and support of fiinancial interests that may lead to bigger problems later on. It's time to learn the lessons from previous mistakes of this sort and start to make changes in how we approach and deal with food and health issues. Thank you. I just hope you're willing to listen.