From: Sent: Sunday, April 01, 2001 8:56 PM To: Subject: OOD-1598, OON-1396 Dear FDA Representative: I am writing to express my deepest disappointment and disgust with the current proposed guidelines of GE food by the FDA. This is a slap on the face to the American people and clearly is a flagrant example of corporate interest overriding the will and health of the American people. The American people have spoken and will keep speaking. I urge you to listen to the people, not big business, and do the RIGHT THING. Include mandatory labeling and vigorous independent safety testing of GE foods in the new guidelines. The people of this great nation are intelligent enough to educate themselves on the issue and make informed choices based on what they think is best for themselves and their family. I, nor any other citizen, needs the government to do that for us. ESTABLISH MANDATORY LABELING OF GE FOODS NOW! Sincerely, Denise Frizzell 22 Birchwood Rd Hudson, MA 01749