From: Sent: Sunday, April 01, 2001 4:21 PM To: Subject: genetically engineered crops To whom it may concern, I am writing with comments regarding policies with Genetically engineered crops. I am deeply concerned with the patterns that have been established in the United States with unregulated marketing of GE products. I would like to see a more conservative approach taken with the marketing of these products. As a consumer I would like to know what I am eating- labeling them as a GE product, and encouraging further research to determine the effects that these crops may have on the body is crucial. Please consider the following: The FDA should require mandatory pre-market comprehensive environmental review.Unlike conventional pollutants where a given amount of pollutant causes a limited amount of damage, a small number of mutant genes could have population explosion and reproduce forever, causing unlimited and irreparable damage. The FDA should require mandatory pre-market long-term health testing. GE products could be toxic, cause allergic responces,have lower nutritional value, and compromise immune responses in consumers. The FDA should require mandatory labeling of GE products. Without mandatory labeling, neither consumers nor health professionals will know if an allergic or toxic reaction was the result of a genetically engineered food. Consumers would be deprived of the critical knowledge needed to hold food producers liable should any of these novel products be hazardous. Many thanks for your time, Sincerely, Rosemary Logan 55 Tonowanda Flagstaff, AZ 86001