From: SUSAN HAARALA [] Sent: Saturday, March 31, 2001 11:16 AM To: Subject: "Docket 00N-1396 & Docket 00D-1598 Please require that genetically engineered products be labeled and tested for safety. Please require mandatory pre-market comprehensive environmental review. Unlike conventional pollutants, where a given amount of pollultant causes a limited amount of damage, a small number of mutant genes could have a population explosion and reproduce forever, causing unlimited and irreparable damage. The FDA must end its cozy relationship with the industries it purports to be regulating. People have been allowed to work for a biotech company, then work for the FDA writing the regulatory rules on that company's product, then go back to working for the company. 92% of FDA advisory committee meetings had at least one conflict of interest. Don't let $$$$ and Power ruin our food supply. This is very serious business. The decisions you make will affect not only our generation but all of humanity for generations to come. Thank you very much for this opportunity to speak my thoughts. Sincerely, Sue Haarala