From: Jeannie Zandi [] Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2001 5:16 PM To: '' Subject: Dockets #00D-1598 and 00N-1396 Dear Commissioner: As a mother and consumer, I am concerned about the quality of the food my family eats--and how it impacts overall human and environmental health. I have read a great deal, pro and con, about genetically engineered foods and think there is a basis for concern. Therefore, I intently request that you seriously rethink your position on genetically engineered "foods", and require both pre-market safety testing and labeling of these new "foods". I feel I am being denied the basic human right of choosing what I put into my body and that of my 2 year old daughter, and so look to you as the official regulator of our food supply to do your job in a safe and conscious manner on behalf of the families in our fine country. Thank you for your serious consideration of these issues Sincerely Jeannie Zandi PO Box 2807 Taos, NM 87571 (505) 751-4827 Jeannie