December 2008


Ahead: Unlimited Possibilities
By Doug Vaira,

The dawning of a new year introduces great potential for NRPA and its members.

2008 was not an unkind year to NRPA. Membership growth was steady, a new CEO was introduced, and strides were made in advocacy, education, and strategic partnerships. Add to that a wildly successful NRPA Congress & Exposition in Baltimore, and you’re looking at one banner year.

Still, the organization finds itself poised to enjoy even greater success in 2009, and here’s why. In the midst of an ongoing global economic crisis, the issues of health and community livability sometimes take a backseat to unemployment rates, downwardly spiraling stocks, and corporate collapses. Not that these issues are unimportant-it’s just that perhaps at no other time is healthy and livability more crucial than when we find ourselves stressed to the brink with such dour news.

Consider the mental and physical strength of your own community. Has it been affected by massive lay-offs and negative economic news? What could your agency possibly do to change the outlook for even one day? We think you have considerable influence over the well-being of the citizens who call your town home. In fact, we believe that public parks and recreation could be one of the most critical antidotes to families beleaguered with bad news on the financial front, who find themselves asked to do more with less. Isn’t that part of our mission as public agencies?

As you head into the new year, we hope you will remember that you have a powerful ally and friend in NRPA. It’s a partnership that can benefit all of us, and that can truly see us through to a better day.

E-mail us your insights, feedback, and experiences at

 :: In This Month's Issue ::


On the Cover 

Welcome Home, Soldier
Local agencies team up to help wounded war veterans heal.
By Roxanne Hawn




Defending Open Space and Recreation
Partnering with the military.
By Girair Simon, Jonathan Weiss,and Stephen Bonner

Forest Findings:Bridging the Gap Between Children and Nature
Bowen Park engages children in nature-based play.
By Eric F.Hornig, ASLA, LEED AP

The Sound of Music
Public park and recreation directors sing the praises of outdoor concerts.
By Becky Mollenkam

Baltimore Revisited
The 2008 NRPA Congress & Exposition was a celebration of people, practices, and principles.
By NRPA Staff

NRPA Annual Report
NRPA emerges as a powerful,force for advancing the goals of park and recreation professionals and citizens.


Perspectives:Our Future Lies in Our Relevance
The joint successes of NRPA and its members lie not in celebrating our past, but in preparing for our future.
By Barbara Tulipane,CAE

Advocacy Update:For LWCF, a New Opportunity

With a new Congress and administration,NRPA members must continue the fight for a fully funded LWCF.
By Richard J. Dolesh

Research Update:If I Knew Then What I Know Now
Helping visitors make a connection to your parks is the name of the game.
By Doug Knapp,Ph.D.


Views from the Park Bench

In Every Issue

UpFront  I  P&R Contributors  I  Leave It Better  I  Playbook  I How I Did It I  Tip-Off  I FirstPerson I Sound Off I  NRPA in Action I  Product Roundup  I  Picture This  I Index to Advertisers  I  Views From the Park Bench

Coming Up in Next Month's Parks & Recreation

>> With operation and fuel costs on the rise, we provide some much-needed tips for municipal golf course operators who are looking to offer an exceptional playing experience while still minding the bottom line.

>> Author Peter Harnik celebrates the nation's Top 9 City Parks. From trails to open space to recreation hot-spots, this list will offer something for everyone.

>> While large, magnificent rolling parks receive most of the press, we examine the life of the nation's small public spaces, from pocket parks to small, impromptu green spaces that often go unnoticed.


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