FDA Data Element Number.  Not yet assigned.

CDER Data Element Number.  C-DRG-00924

Version Number.  002

Data Element Name.  Plant Part

Description.  This standard provides for all common plant parts and some fungi parts.  These common plant and fungi parts are used in the CDER Special Products On-line Tracking System, and in the FDA Substance Registration System.

Source.  CDER Botanical Review Committee


FDA Specifications.  See CDER Specifications.

CDER Specifications.  Plant Part shall consist of an alphabetic term which has a maximum length restricted to 100 characters, with the comma and hyphen being the only punctuation permissible.  Codes representing these plant and fungi parts shall consist of up to three numbers. A column for the Latin equivalent plant and fungi part has been added to the list of terms.  This column will help non-botanists differentiate plant and fungi parts that are written in Latin from the Latin binomial for the genus and species.  It will also help users select the correct English translation of that term when only the Latin term is present.  However, the plant and fungi part names that are expressed herein in Latin will not become part of either the SPOTS or SRS databases.

FDA Approved Date.  April 19, 2005.

CDER Approved Date.  April 19, 2005

FDA Revised Date.

CDER Revised Date. March 29, 2006

Data Values.

Anther Anthera The pollen bearing portion of a stamen. 001
Bark Cortex A non-technical term applied to all tissues outside the vascular cambium in woody root, stem, or branch. 002
Bark, root Cortex Radix A non-technical term applied to all tissues outside the vascular cambium in a woody root. 060
Bark, stem Cortex Caulis A non-technical term applied to all tissues outside the vascular cambium in a woody stem. 061
Berry Bacca A simple fleshy fruit that includes a fleshy ovary wall and one or more carpels and seeds. 003
Blade Lamina The expanded, thin structure on either side of the midrib of a leaf.  The blade is usually the largest and most conspicuous part; excludes the petiole and the stalk, which see elsewhere. 004
Bract Bractea A specialized leaf or leaf-like part usually situated at the base of a flower or inflorescence. 005
Branch Ramus A stem which is more than one year old and typically has lateral stems. 006
Bud Gemma An undeveloped shoot from which embryonic leaves or flower parts arise. 007
Bulb Bulbus A short, underground bud-like stem covered by enlarged and fleshy scales containing stored food. 008
Callus Callus Undifferentiated tissue; a term used in tissue culture, grafting, and wound healing. 009
Calyx Calyx The outermost part of the flower, usually green and formed of several divisions (sepals) that protect the bud. 010
Cane Caulis medullosus A long, hollow or pithy, jointed woody stem that usually lives only one or two years. 011
Corm Cormus A solid, swollen stem whose scales have been reduced to a dry, leaf-like covering. 012
Corolla Corolla The petals collectively; usually the conspicuously colored flower whorl. 013
Crown Truncus ad basim A region of compressed stem tissue from which new shoots are produced, generally found near the surface of the soil where the root of a seed plant joins the stem. 015
Cuticle Cuticula Waxy or fatty layer on outer wall of epidermal cells formed of cutin and wax. 016
Endocarp Endocarpium The innermost layer of the mature ovary wall. 017
Exocarp Exocarpium The outermost layer of the mature ovary wall. 018
Fascicle Fasciculus A close cluster, as of flowers or leaves. 019
Fiber Fibra An elongated, tapering, generally thick-walled sclerenchyma cell of vascular plants; its walls may or may not be lignified. 020
Flower Flos The reproductive structure of a tree or other plant, consisting of at least one pistil or stamen, and often including petals and sepals. 022
Flower bud Alabastrum A short stem with embryonic flower parts. 021
Fruit Fructus A structure consisting of the fertilized and mature ovules ("seeds") and the ovary wall, which may be fleshy (as in the apple) or dry and hard (as in a maple fruit. 023
Fruit, immature Fructus immaturus A structure consisting of the fertilized and immature ovules ("seeds") and the ovary wall, which may be fleshy (as in the apple) or dry and hard (as in a maple fruit). 062
Gall Galla The swelling of plant tissue due to parasitic fungi, insect parasites, or other biological, chemical or mechanical injuries. 024
Inflorescence Inflorescentia A flower or flower cluster with a definite arrangement, including the  bracts, when present. 025
Leaf bud Folium A structure composed of a short stem with embryonic leaves, with bud primordial in the axils and at the apex. 026
Mesocarp Mesocarpium The middle layer of the fruit wall that develops from the mature ovary wall. 027
Mycelium Mycelium The mass of interwoven filamentous hyphae that forms especially the vegetative portion of the thallus of a fungus. 028
Node Nodus An area of great cellular activity and growth, where auxiliary buds develop into leaves or flowers. 029
Nodule Nodulus An enlargement or swelling on the roots of legumes and certain other plants inhabited by symbiotic nitrogen-fixing bacteria. 030
Nut Nux A dry, indehiscent, hard, one-seeded simple fruit, generally produced from a gynoecium of more than one fused carpel. 031
Oil Oleum The organic compounds constituting the esters of glycerol and fatty acids and their associated organic groups that are produced by a plant, or any of its component parts, that are generally slippery, combustible, liquid or liquefiable at room temperatures, soluble in various organic solvents such as ether but not in water. 068
Peduncle Pedunculus The stalk of an inflorescence or of a solitary flower. 032
Pericarp Pericarpium The fruit wall which develops from the mature ovary wall. 033
Petal Petalum The highly colored portion of the flower. It may contain perfume as well as nectar glands. The petals collectively are called the corolla. 034
Petiole Petiolus The stalk which supports the leaf blade. 035
Pistil Pistillum The centrally-located (usually) female portion (gyneceum) of a flower. 036
Pith Medulla The ground tissue occupying the center of the stem or root within the vascular cylinder; usually consists of parenchyma. 037
Pith, root Medulla Radix The ground tissue occupying the center of the root within the vascular cylinder; usually consists of parenchyma. 064
Pith, stem Medulla Caulis The ground tissue occupying the center of the stem within the vascular cylinder; usually consists of parenchyma. 063
Plant, aerial part Planta (Herba) absque Radix All the component parts of a plant that appear above the roots. 067
Plant, whole Planta (Herba) All of the component parts of a plant, whether above or below the roots. 066
Pollen Pollen The male genetic material of a seed plant contained in the anther, usually appearing as fine grains or dust. 038
Receptacle Receptaculum That part of the axis of a flower stalk that bears the floral organs. 039
Resin Resina Any of various solid or semisolid, amorphous, fusible, flammable, natural organic plant secretions that are usually transparent or translucent.  It is typically colored yellowish to brown and is soluble in organic solvents (as ether) but not in water. 040
Rhizome Rhizoma A specialized stem which grows horizontally at or just below the soil surface. 041
Root Radix The underground (typically) part of a seed plant body that usually originates from the hypocotyl, functions as an organ of absorption, aeration, and food storage as well as a means of anchor and support.  It differs from a stem by lacking nodes, buds, and leaves. 042
Sap Secretio The fluid contents of the xylem or the sieve elements of the phloem. 043
Sclerotium Sclerotium A compact mass of hardened mycelium stored with reserve food material that in some higher fungi becomes detached and remains dormant until a favorable opportunity for growth occurs. 044
Seed Semen The fertilized ovule of a gymnosperm or angiosperm. 045
Seed, without shell Semen absque Testa The fertilized ovule of a gymnosperm or angiosperm, without the shell. 065
Sepal Sepalum Small green, leaf-like structures on the base of the flower, which protect the flower bud. 046
Shoot Surculus A young stem with leaves present. 047
Silk Stylus Sericeus The styles (the filamentous structure of a flower that supports the pollen-containing anthers) on an ear of corn. 048
Spore Spora A reproductive cell (usually unicellular) capable of developing into an adult without fusion with another cell. 049
Spur Ramulus Fructiferus A compressed fruiting branch.  Spurs are short, stubby, side stems that arise from the main stem where they may bear fruit; they are common on fruit (pear, apple, cherry) trees. 050
Stalk Caulis Principalis The main stem of an herbaceous plant often with its dependent parts. 051
Stamen Stamen The male reproductive organ. It consists of a pollen sac (anther) and a long supporting filament. 052
Stem Caulis A structure, whether above or below ground, that supports buds and leaves and serves as a conduit for carrying water, minerals, and sugars. 053
Stem, woody Lignum A structure that contains relatively large amounts of hardened xylem tissue in its core. 054
Stolon Stolo A horizontal stem that is fleshy or semi-woody and lies along the top of the ground. 055
Thallus Thallus A simple vegetative plant body undifferentiated into true root, stem and leaves; commonly used in reference to nonvascular plants, algae, lichens, and liverworts. 056
Trunk Truncus The main stem of a woody plant. 057
Tuber Tuber An enlarged portion of an underground stem (e.g., potato tubers, tulip bulbs, and iris rhizomes) that store food for the plant. 058
Twig Ramunculus The end subdivision of a branch; a young, leafless shoot, generally applied to the growth of the past season. 059

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