FDA Data Element Number. Pending.

CDER Data Element Number. C-DRG-0929

Data Element Name. SPLSHAPE

Data Element OID: 2.16.840.1.113883.

Data Element NCI ConceptID: C48557

Version Number: 1.0

Description. A characteristic of an oral solid dosage form of a medicinal product, specifying the two dimensional representation of the solid dose form, in terms of the outside perimeter of a solid dosage form when the dosage form, resting on a flat surface, is viewed from directly above, including slight rounding of corners. SPLSHAPE does not include embossing, scoring, debossing, or internal cut-outs. SPLSHAPE is independent of the orientation of the imprint and logo. Data values are selected from the list below. Silhouette examples of SPL SHAPEs are included, but these are only examples, and there may be other valid silhouettes.

Source. SPL


FDA Specifications. No further specifications.

CDER Specifications. No further specifications.

FDA Approved Date. 30-JUN-2005

CDER Approved Date. 30-JUN-2005

FDA Revised Date.

CDER Revised Date.

Data Values.

SPL Shapes
BULLET The shape of a cylinder when viewing the capsule from a point perpendicular to its longest side, with a point at one end. The bullet shape is synonymous with torpedo shape bullet C48335
CAPSULE The shape of a capsule when viewing the capsule from a point perpendicular to its longest side. The capsule shape is reserved for two-part capsules and banded two-part capsules. Tablets with a capsule shape or a one part capsules (e.g., soft gelatin capsules that are filled with a liquid) should be classified under OVAL. capsule C48336
CLOVER The stylized shape, of clover, having three or four leaves with or without the stem. clover C48337
DIAMOND The shape has four distinct sides making a parallelogram with two inner obtuse angles and two inner acute angles. A square with diagonal imprinting is not a diamond, but rather, a square. See also SQUARE. diamond C48338
DOUBLE CIRCLE The shape of two circles joined together, and usually overlapping. double circle C48339
FREEFORM The shape does not have 3 or more distinct sides and is not one of the listed shapes. Examples include, but are not limited to, airplane, apple, cartoon characters, heart, kidney, shield, and train shapes.   C48340
GEAR The two dimensional shape of a toothed wheel of a machine part. gear C48341
HEPTAGON (7 sided) The shape has seven distinct sides. The sides may be straight or slightly curved. It can either be regular (interior angles are equal and its sides are equal in length) or irregular (interior angles are not equal and/or its sides are not equal in length). heptagon C48342
HEXAGON (6 sided) The shape has six distinct sides. The sides may be straight or slightly curved. It can either be regular (interior angles are equal and its sides are equal in length) or irregular (interior angles are not equal and/or its sides are not equal in length). hexagon C48343
OCTAGON (8 sided) The shape has eight distinct sides. The sides may be straight or slightly curved. It can either be regular (interior angles are equal and its sides are equal in length) or irregular (interior angles are not equal and/or its sides are not equal in length). octagon C48344
OVAL The shape of either an oval or an ellipse. See also TEAR. oval C48345
PENTAGON (5 sided) The shape has five distinct sides. The sides may be straight or slightly curved. It can either be regular (interior angles are equal and its sides are equal in length) or irregular (interior angles are not equal and/or its sides are not equal in length). pentagon C48346
RECTANGLE The shape has four distinct sides and four right angles but is not a square. rectangle C48347
ROUND The shape of a circle.  Spherical shapes are called round because their two dimensional projections are round. round C48348
SEMI-CIRCLE The shape of half of a circle or half of an oval. This shape is also used for shapes similar to the letter D or the letter U. Any letter D or U that is either embossed or debossed onto the surface of a dosage form is not used in determining the shape of that dosage form. semi-circle C48349
SQUARE The shape has four distinct and equal sides with four right angles. The sides may be straight or slightly curved. A square tilted at a 45 degree angle so that the diagonals run vertical and horizontal is not a diamond, but rather, a square. See also DIAMOND. square C48350
TEAR The stylized shape of a tear or drop of water. It differs from an oval because one end is clearly larger than the other. It is synonymous with the shapes egg, pear, and almond. See also oval. tear or drop of water C48351
TRAPEZOID The shape has four distinct sides. The sides may be straight or slightly curved. Only two of the sides are parallel. trapezoid C48352
TRIANGLE The shape has three distinct sides. The sides may be straight or slightly curved. It can either be regular (interior angles are equal and its sides are equal in length) or irregular (interior angles are not equal and/or its sides are not equal in length). triangle C48353

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