On this page you will find timely and useful educational resources, featured updates, and featured information. They may be seasonal items or topics of national or state interest.

Educational Resources

Your Money Matters! - Here you'll find information on holiday spending, getting by on less, and achieving your financial goals in the current economic situation.

Your Money Matters!

Purdue Extension Means Business - This site includes economic development publications, programs, partners throughout the state and other resources offered by Purdue Extension.

Purdue Extension Means Business

New Ventures - Find the answers and information you need to decide whether you should start a new agriculture - or food - related business.

New Ventures

AICC - Helping entrepreneurs assess the potential of new value-added ventures.


CAFOs - A wide range of experts to address and research different concerns surrounding Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs).


Community Development and Public Issues Program - Helps Indiana's communities improve economic development.

Community Development and Public Issues Program

BioEnergy - Find Purdue resources and answer your questions about bioenergy.


EDEN - Reducing the impact of disasters through education.


Avian Influenza - Find educational resources from Purdue and around the nation.

Avian Influenza

Plant & Pest Diagnostic Laboratory - A source of unbiased, quality diagnostics to identify insects, plants and plant diseases as well as diagnosis of plant and pest problems.

Plant & Pest Diagnostic Laboratory

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Featured Updates

Ag Answers provides timely agricultural problem-solving advice, strategies, and reminders to help Indiana and Ohio farmers better manage their crops, livestock and marketplace transactions.

Ag Answers

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Featured Information

MyPyramid - The government's new symbol to encourage healthy eating and adequate physical activity, and Purdue Extension is selling printed materials in bulk.


Methamphetamine: Rural Indiana's Challenge (PDF)

Methamphetamine: Rural Indiana's Challenge

News Columns - From Purdue on gardening, insects and economics..

News Columns

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