Coming Soon

March 20, 2008

What's in Store for April?

Wondering what to expect from the April issue of Parks & Recreation magazine? Here's what we're working on:

>> Our "Go Green" series of feature articles, leading up to the NRPA National Summit on Environmental Stewardship (May 4-7 in Portland, Ore.) continues with a story that examines how “green” programs and facilities delivered by public park and recreation agencies are influencing the next wave of environmentally conscious citizens.

>> Park and recreation agencies have an obligation to keep staff and customers safe from overexposure to the sun’s harmful rays. Beat the burn and get the facts surrounding sun safety with our sun protection story.

>> And, finally, April is our "playground focus" issue, and this one won't disappoint. Our special playgrounds section explores everything from playground themes to accessibility and safety.

In addition, you'll find an engaging question-and-answer (FirstPerson) that gets up close and personal with our three environmental summit keynote speakers: author Richard Louv, Conservation Fund CEO Larry Selzer, and Connecticut's Department of Environmental Protection chief, Gina McCarthy. We think you'll find it a lively discussion on the importance of reconnecting kids with nature, and American's passionate connection to parks and public lands.

Look for it in your mailbox in early April. And, as always, please drop us an e-mail at if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions for our editors.