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Topics handled by WTO committees and agreements
Issues covered by the WTO’s committees and agreements


Further Information

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Information and documents on the WTO Website

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The WTO website contains useful news and information, as well as all WTO documents that are not restricted. Information on the listed topics can be found as follows:

The WTO in general, current issues, news
The SPS Agreement, selected documents
Links to governments’ SPS related websites
Update and overview of disputes


The WTO’s Documents Online database allows users to search for all WTO documents. You can search for documents using their documents symbols, key words, or by date. You can also combine searching methods, e.g. if you are looking for SPS notifications issued during the last month. A regularly updated list of all SPS documents can be found at

To find: Search for:
Decisions taken by the SPS Committee G/SPS
A list of SPS Enquiry Points G/SPS/ENQ (the highest number will be the most recent)
A list of Notification Authorities G/SPS/NNA (the highest number will be the most recent)
Notifications G/SPS/N (can be combined with key word, for example products or countries)
Background papers, submissions and statements by Members G/SPS/GEN and G/SPS/W
Reports of SPS Committee
meetings (once de-restricted)
Annual Reports on Monitoring
the Process of Harmonization
G/SPS (combine with subject search on “harmonization”)


Electronic mailing list  back to top

All unrestricted SPS documents including notifications are regularly sent by e-mail to an electronic mailing list. To be included on this list, follow the instructions:

Electronic transmission of SPS notifications

***************** HOW TO SUBSCRIBE *****************

To subscribe to the list, send an e-mail message to “” with the following in the body of the message (leave the subject line blank):

SUBSCRIBE SPS your full name

Example: SUBSCRIBE SPS mickey mouse

Your e-mail address will be automatically registered.

************ HOW TO GET OFF THE LIST ************

To unsubscribe from the list, send an e-mail message to “” with the following in the body of the message (leave the subject line blank)

UNSUBSCRIBE SPS your full name

Example: UNSUBSCRIBE SPS mickey mouse

Your e-mail address will be automatically removed from the list.


To amend your address on the list you will have to unsubscribe the previous address from the list and to subscribe the new one (as explained above).


Contacting the WTO Secretariat  back to top

At the WTO Secretariat, the Agriculture and Commodities Division is responsible for the SPS Agreement. The Agriculture and Commodities Division can be reached as follows.

By phone: (41 22) 739 5369
By fax: (41 22) 739 5760

The mailing address of the WTO is:

154 rue de Lausanne
CH-1211 Geneva 21



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contact us : World Trade Organization, rue de Lausanne 154, CH-1211 Geneva 21, Switzerland