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Wilderness.net Site Map
Wilderness.net is an Internet-based tool connecting the natural resource workforce, scientists, educators, and the public to their wilderness heritage through ready access to wilderness information. In addition to this sitemap, you can also use our document map to find documents (listed by file name) found in our various libraries. The Arthur Carhart National Wilderness Training Center, a Wilderness.net partner, is a leader in the development and implementation of wilderness training, information, and education programs.

Visit the Carhart website for information on:

The Aldo Leopold Wilderness Research Institute, a Wilderness.net partner, is the only Federal research group in the United States dedicated to the development and dissemination of knowledge needed to improve management of wilderness, parks, and similarly protected areas.

Visit the Leopold Insitute website for information on:

The University of Montana, College of Foresty and Conservation, Wilderness Institute, a Wilderness.net partner, provides students, agencies, and the public with information, education, and an understanding of the issues and social and ecological values of wilderness.

Visit the Wilderness Institute website for information on:

Other associated organizations

Wilderness.net is a partnership project of the Wilderness Institute at The University of Montana's College of Forestry and Conservation,
the Arthur Carhart National Wilderness Training Center, and the Aldo Leopold Wilderness Research Institute.
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