September 2008


Problems Solved

In just a few short weeks, a great number of us will experience a homecoming of sorts, an opportunity to engage with colleagues and friends,many of whom we haven’t seen since this same time last year. I’m referring, of course, to the annual NRPA Congress & Exposition, Oct. 14-18 in Baltimore, where nearly 10,000 park and recreation professionals,citizen advocates, industry vendors, and others will meet for a week of professional development, inspiring keynote messages, networking, and shared growth.

It’s this last benefit—the collaborative growth—which is perhaps the most important but oftentimes the least recognized outcome emerging from this invaluable time we spend with others who share our work and passion. The creative solution to a nagging problem that is floated by a fellow professional over coffee.

The shared sense of satisfaction over a mutually engineered resolution that stems from a post-session conversation. From a dollar figure, we all know the price of attending Congress. But it’s far more difficult to put a price tag on the shared sense of involvement and productivity that we gain from being there.

We’re hoping that our special section on Baltimore, which begins on page 42, will help set the stage for a productive—and fun-filled—week for you. Just don’t forget to bring your cooperative spirit. It will be in high demand.

E-mail us your insights, feedback, and experiences at

:: In This Month's Issue ::

September20mag20small1_2 On the Cover
Welcome to Baltimore!
The 2008 NRPA Congress & Exposition promises to thrill


The Man Who Would Save the World
By Douglas Vaira
This year’s NRPA Congress & Exposition keynoter brings the environment to the forefront..

Got Wine?
By Jan Walsh
Uncorking wine events at public park and recreation facilities.

Rolling Out the Red Carpet
By John Greenfield
Two cities share their big bike event experiences.

Working Toward a Common Goal
By Laura Payne, Ph.D.; Andrew Mowen, Ph.D.;Geoffrey Godbey, Ph.D.; and Elizabeth Orsega-Smith, Ph.D.
Park and recreation partnerships are vital to community health

Farewell, Foul Fowl
By Sharon Steed
Don’t let birds feel at home in your park.

On Location and Out of the Box
By D. Stuart Miller
Arts programming is popping up in places you’d neverimagine.


Perspectives: Sights Set on Baltimore
By Lois Finkelman
Baltimore holds great promise for NRPA members and the Congress & Exposition.

Advocacy Update: Vying for the Vote

By Ashley Futrell
Park and recreation policies vary among the two major presidential candidates.

Research Update: The Candid Camera

By Charles Alston, Ed.D.
Physical education students can learn through recorded observation.

Law Review: Family Medical Leave Request Contested
By James C. Kozlowski, J.D., Ph.D.
Employee leave is questioned by a park employer.

In Every Issue

UpFront  I  P&R Contributors  I  Leave It Better  I  Playbook  I How I Did It I  Tip-Off  I FirstPerson I Sound Off I  NRPA in Action I  Product Roundup  I  Picture This  I Index to Advertisers  I  Views From the Park Bench

Coming Up in Next Month's Parks & Recreation

>> We chat with the keynote speaker for the 2008 NRPA Congree & Exposition in Baltimore. Get some insight from this nationally recognized political figure ad parks advocate.

>> When Johnny comes marching home, what role do parks play?  Find out how returning war veterans use parks and recreation to get back on their feet after being on the front lines.

>> Tiptoe through the tulips-and tomatoes.  Community gardens bring camaraderie and comfort to citizens.