Youth Development

July 17, 2008

"Nature Deficit Disorder" Gets National Airtime

Richard Louv, author of Last Child In The Woods and the originator of the phrase "Nature Deficit Disorder," was featured in a segment on NBC's The Today Show (Tuesday, July 16th) that addressed the topic.  It's impressive to see the family in the segment that took it upon itself to create a nature adventure club. How can parks and recreation professionals and advocates learn from this?

February 04, 2008

Coaching With Class

When it comes to coaching and youth sports, Lori Brown knows her stuff. Brown, a youth sports program coordinator at American Sport Education Program, a division of publisher Human Kinetics, is an expert on the topic of youth sports. You can read a brief Q+A with her in the February 2008 issue of P&R magazine (p.66). Her recommendation: Agency professionals should expect a program that puts volunteer coaches and their agencies in a position for success.

When asked what parents should look for when seeking a quality local youth sports organization, she responded:

"Everything starts with a philosophy, mission, and goal, no matter what choices we make in life. Parents should first talk with their young athletes and ask, 'What do I hope to gain out of this program,' or 'Why am I encouraging my child to participate in athletics?' By answering these key questions, parents can then look for a sport program that shares a similar mission and philosophy."

For more extensive information, parents can download the free “SportParent Survival Guide” from the ASEP Web site.

January 17, 2008

Sajai: Wise Choices for Health and Nutrition

Do you Sajai? If not, take a look at the March 2008 issue of P&R, and get up to speed on the innovative Wise Kids program, an after-school wellness program that teaches children ages 6 to 11 the importance of a healthy, lifelong approach to staying in balance for good health. The program’s multi-faceted approach involves children, families, schools and communities in promoting smart nutrition and activity choices.

On this original NRPA podcast (below), we talk to Sajai Foundation staff and professionals from the St. Paul Parks & Recreation Dept., a program pilot agency, about an issue that is top-of-mind for millions of Americans, including many park and recreation professionals: combating childhood obesity and inspiring wise health and nutrition choices for youth.