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Farmers in 2002 earned their lowest real net cash income since 1940. Meanwhile corporate agribusiness profits have nearly doubled since 1990
–USDA, 2002

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FoodRoutes Network Announcements

Our Mission

The FoodRoutes Web site is a project of FoodRoutes Network (FRN). FRN is a national nonprofit organization that provides communications tools, technical support, networking and information resources to organizations nationwide that are working to rebuild local, community-based food systems. FRN is dedicated to reintroducing Americans to their food – the seeds it grows from, the farmers who produce it, and the routes that carry it from the fields to their tables. Our strategic communications programs include:

  • The FoodRoutes Web site
  • National polling research
  • "Buy Fresh Buy Local" (our trademarked program) chapter development to support??sustainable food and farming systems
  • Communications tools--including our Communicator's and Buy Local Tools
  • Implementation strategies for re-building state and local food systems
  • Conservancy of our food heritage while working to re-build the ever eroding loss of farms, food processors and food producers in the United States as well as Internationally.

The goal of this Web site is to provide timely information, resources and market opportunities for the food and farming community, community-based nonprofits, the food concerned public, policy makers and the media.

National polling research and message development is generating valuable information on food buyer attitudes and insight into the thinking and opinions of two groups vital to the success of sustainable farming and local food systems: the farmers who produce our food and those who buy it.

FRN works in partnership with community-based organizations across the country to help these groups increase their capacity to design, launch, and implement successful "buy local" food campaigns and market education initiatives. Specifically, this assistance is targeted toward strengthening partner organizations' ability to plan effective campaigns by drawing on innovative message research and communications tools. Evaluation of the effectiveness of these campaigns will provide valuable lessons and tools for other organizations interested in launching similar campaigns.

Another objective of FRN is to communicate with the general public about the "multiple benefits" beyond food production which sustainable agriculture contributes to communities and the environment. FRN is collaborating on "multiple benefits" research and will work with other NGOs to educate the public about these benefits and develop state and local policies which support sustainable farming systems.

For more information about our work please feel free to contact us.


  Copyright © 2003 FoodRoutes Network