Accelerating Clean Energy Markets in India

Accelerating Clean Energy Markets in India builds investment capacity to grow clean energy business. This initiative leverages the power of markets to expand the supply of and demand for clean energy to benefit sustainable development in India.

BELL (Business-Environment Learning and Leadership)

Ensuring tomorrow’s business leaders have the skills to make companies more competitive by viewing social and environmental challenges as unmet market needs that can provide business growth through innovation, entrepreneurship, and organizational change.

Beyond Grey Pinstripes: Preparing MBAs for Social and Environmental Leadership

Beyond Grey Pinstripes is the recognized leading publication that goes beyond the traditional business school rankings by benchmarking the integration of sustainability into MBA programs.

Biofuels Production and Policy: Implications for Climate Change, Water Quality, and Agriculture

Biofuels have huge potential for renewable energy development. This project assesses the impact of biofuel production on the environment and agricultural structure, and how policy influences feedstock production, technology change and the environment.

Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS)

WRI’s Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) project works with policymakers and the private sector to develop solutions to the policy, regulatory, investment, environmental and social challenges associated with CCS demonstration and deployment.

Climate Analysis Indicators Tool (CAIT)

WRI’s CAIT project provides comprehensive and comparable databases of greenhouse gas inventories and other climate-relevant data, analysis tools, and dynamic maps.

Coral Reefs

Pioneering efforts to quantify the risks posed to reefs and the value they provide to people and nature.

Demystifying Fisheries

Documenting—in easy-to-understand terms—how global fishing trends are affecting global fish stocks and fishers, and how consumer choices can make a difference.

Deploying Climate-Friendly Technologies: A Wedges Approach to Clean InvestmentAddressing climate change means meeting rising energy demand while reducing emissions at an unprecedented scale. Based on the Socolow "wedge" model, this project looks at how policies, investments, international markets, and financial flows can accelerate clean technology deployment.
Development Through Enterprise/

Development Through Enterprise catalyzes sustainable economic growth by identifying market opportunities and business models that meet the needs of underserved communities in emerging economies.

EarthTrends: Environmental Information

EarthTrends influences policy and research with a comprehensive on-line collection of data and analysis about the environmental, social, and economic trends that shape our world.

Economic Valuation of Coral Reefs in the Caribbean

Supporting the sustainable management of coral reefs and mangroves by quantifying their economic value.

Ecosystem Services Approach for the Public Sector

The goal of this project is to change how decision makers think about ecosystem services: from protecting ecosystems from development to investing in ecosystems for development.

Ecosystem Services Review

The Corporate Ecosystem Services Review (ESR) is a structured methodology for corporate managers to proactively develop strategies for managing business risks and opportunities arising from their company’s dependence and impact on ecosystems.

Electricity Governance InitiativeThe Electricity Governance Initiative works with sector decision-makers and civil society to promote transparency, accountability, and public participation in the electricity sector.
EMBARQ: The WRI Center for Sustainable TransportThe EMBARQ global network catalyzes environmentally and financially sustainable transport solutions to improve quality of life in cities.
Emissions MarketsThis project facilitates the development of globally consistent markets for greenhouse gas emission reductions, which will form a critical component of both U.S. policies and international agreements on climate change.
Energy Security and Climate Change

This project investigates ways to address the twin challenges of climate change and energy security within an integrated policy framework, and improve the understanding of these two issues in current legislation.

ENVEST: Environmental Intelligence for Tomorrow's Markets

Ensures that the financial implications of environmental opportunities and risk are properly understood by financial institutions, investors and issuers and are appropriately reflected in the world’s capital markets.

Environmental Accountability in Africa (EAA): Eminent DomainThis WRI initiative examines the law and practice of eminent domain and seeks to identify ways to ensure that this process is democratic.