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Multimedia Center on Wilderness.net

About Audio and Video

Media Players
Audio files are now available in both Window Media Audio and MP3 file formats. WMA audio files are generally smaller in size, approximately 2-3 MB, while MP3 files are larger, approximately 8-13 MB.

To listen to MP3 files on your iPod or other MP3 player, download the file and sync your device according to the device's directions. To listen to MP3 files on your computer, you can use iTunes or a variety of other media player software. If you don't have media player software, click here for a comparison of different media players.

To listen to WMA files on your computer, you must have Windows Media Player Version 7.1 (or later), or another player capable of playing Windows Media files.
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Wilderness.net is a partnership project of the Wilderness Institute at The University of Montana's College of Forestry and Conservation,
the Arthur Carhart National Wilderness Training Center, and the Aldo Leopold Wilderness Research Institute.
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