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 Wilderness Research

Research Institutions
Aldo Leopold Wilderness Research Institute
While many scientists conduct research relevant to wilderness, the Leopold Institute is the only Federal research group entirely focused on wilderness. The Institute is dedicated to developing the knowledge needed to protect and preserve wilderness and the ecological and social values derived from Wilderness and similarly managed lands, and to communicate and apply this knowledge to the Wilderness management agencies and other user groups.

Forest Service Southern Research Station: Recreation, Wilderness, Urban Forest, and Demographic Trend Research
The station provides up-to-date information on public demands, perceptions, values, and benefits from outdoor recreation, wilderness, and urban forests and describes how local community conditions and demographic shifts will affect these resources.

University of Idaho, College of Natural Resources, Wilderness Research Center
The mission of the Wilderness Research Center is to study the human dimensions of wilderness ecosystems. The Center conducts research and teaches courses on the use of wilderness for personal growth, therapy, education, and leadership development.

University of Minnesota, Wilderness Research Center
The Wilderness Research Center operates from Ely, Minnesota, as an interdisciplinary facility focused on social and biophysical values associated with wilderness and wildland areas. It has been financed by the Wilderness Research Foundation and a private donor for more than 30 years, and it is closely involved with The College of Natural Resources.

University of Montana, College of Forestry and Conservation, Wilderness Institute
In the past 28 years the Wilderness Institute has initiated numerous wildlands related projects and programs. During the 1970's, WI performed field research at the request of Senator Lee Metcalf that led to the designation of nine critical wilderness study areas and developed methodology and organized field studies for the first wilderness inventory of BLM lands. WI also worked with the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes on the establishment and of the Mission Mountain Tribal Wilderness, and hosted the 1978 National RARE II Conference for several thousand participants. WI has continued to play a role in bringing people together by co-sponsoring the 1993 Limits of Acceptable Change Conference, the 1999 National Wilderness Science Conference, and the 2000 Visitor Use Density and Wilderness Experience Workshop. In 2005, WI partnered with four NGOs in Western Montana to study volunteers and their experiences on volunteer trips with hopes of better understanding the motivations for and outcomes of volunteering for wilderness.
Aldo Leopold Wilderness Research Institute Publications
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Aldo Leopold Wilderness Research Institute Projects
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Graduate Research
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International Journal of Wilderness, selected articles
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Wilderness Research
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Wilderness.net is a partnership project of the Wilderness Institute at The University of Montana's College of Forestry and Conservation,
the Arthur Carhart National Wilderness Training Center, and the Aldo Leopold Wilderness Research Institute.
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