
Appendix 1: Resource Requirements and Key Capabilities
Appendix 2: Summary and Relationship of Mission, Long-Term Goals, and Metrics
Appendix 3: Related Documents

Resource Requirements and Key Capabilities

For the first year of this Strategic Plan, fiscal year 1998, the President has included more than
$13.5 billion in his budget for NASA. As stated in our key assumptions, NASA's outyear budget will be consistent with the President's 5-year plan and must remain stable thereafter. Significant decreases in our budget will cause the Agency to reassess its current complement of programs in all four Enterprises.

The current Full Time Equivalent (FTE) Civil Service workforce of the Agency is approximately 19,700. In support of the Administration's National Performance Review (NPR) goals to reduce the size of the Federal Government, NASA has streamlined our workforce from 25,000 FTE's in 1992. This has been accomplished through the effective use of early-outs, buyouts, and natural attrition. It is anticipated that the NASA workforce will be further reduced to less than 18,000 FTE's to comply with the Agency's NPR goal. This FTE level is required to achieve the goals and objectives contained in this Plan.

The success of this Plan also relies on the Agency's ability to maintain its Center of Excellence capabilities, which are presented on page 15. Each Center of Excellence must maintain or increase the Agency's preeminent position in the assigned area in line with the program requirements of the Strategic Enterprises and the long-term goals of the Agency. Failure to maintain all of the Centers of Excellence would require a reevaluation of the goals and objectives of the Agency and the four Strategic Enterprises.

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Summary and Relationship of Mission, Long-Term Goals, and Metrics

This section provides a summary of NASA's long-term goals identified in the 2010­2023 timeframe of the Strategic Roadmap and how they relate to NASA's three-part mission statement. It also summarizes metrics at the Enterprise and Crosscutting Process level that will be used to assess our performance and ability to deliver on commitments to our customer and stakeholders. These metrics provide the basis for the NASA Performance Plan that is being submitted to the Office of Management and Budget along with the Strategic Plan and the Fiscal Year 1999 budget submit. More detailed information on the metrics is provided in the NASA Performance Plan, available as indicated in Appendix 3.

NASA Mission

Advance and communicate scientific knowledge and understanding of the Earth, the solar system, and the universe, and use the environment of space for research

Associated Agency and Enterprise Long-Term Goals

  • Create an international capability to forecast and assess the health of the Earth system
    • Expand scientific knowledge of the Earth system using NASA's unique vantage points of space, aircraft, and in situ platforms by forecasting and assessing the state of the Earth (MTPE)

  • Create a virtual presence throughout our solar system and probe deeper into the mysteries of the universe and life on Earth and beyond (Agency and SSE)

  • Use our understanding of nature's processes in space to support research endeavors in space and on Earth
    • Use the environment of space to expand scientific knowledge (HEDS)
    • Expand science knowledge through the use of human capabilities in the space environment (HEDS)

  • Share our understanding of the Earth system and the mysteries of the universe with our customers and contribute to the achievement of the Nation's educational goals
    • Disseminate information about the Earth system (MTPE)
    • Contribute measurably to achieving the science, mathematics, and technology education goals of our Nation, and share widely the excitement and inspiration of our missions and discoveries (SSE)

NASA Mission

Explore, use, and enable the development of space for human enterprise

Associated Agency and Enterprise Long-Term Goals

  • Conduct international and/or U.S. human and robotic missions to planets and other bodies in our solar system to enable human expansion
    • Pursue space science programs that enable and are enabled by future human exploration beyond low-Earth orbit (SSE)
    • Prepare to conduct human missions of exploration to planetary and other bodies in the solar system (HEDS)

  • Provide safe and affordable space access, orbital transfer, and interplanetary transportation capabilities to enable research, human exploration, and the commercial development of space
    • Provide safe and affordable human access to space, establish a human presence in space, and share the human experience of being in space (HEDS)
    • Enable the full commercial potential of space and expansion of space research and exploration (ASTT)

NASA Mission

Research, develop, verify, and transfer advanced aeronautics, space, and related technologies

Associated Agency and Enterprise Long-Term Goals

  • Develop cutting-edge aeronautics and space systems technologies to support highways in the sky, smart aircraft, and revolutionary space vehicles that will provide faster, safer, more affordable air and space travel with less impact on the environment and enable expanded research of our planet and the universe
    • Develop and utilize revolutionary technologies for missions impossible in prior decades (SSE)
    • Enable U.S. leadership in global civil aviation through safer, cleaner, quieter, and more affordable air travel (ASTT)
    • Revolutionize air travel and the way in which aircraft are designed, built, and operated (ASTT)

  • Support the maturation of aerospace industries and the development of new high-tech industries such as space-based commerce through proactive technology transfer
    • Enable the productive use of MTPE science and technology in the public and private sectors (MTPE)
    • Promote the commercial development of space and share HEDS knowledge, technologies, and assets that promise to enhance the quality of life on Earth (HEDS)
    • Enable, and as appropriate provide, on a national basis, world-class aerospace R&D services, including facilities and expertise, and proactively transfer cutting-edge technologies in support of industry and U.S. Government R&D programs.

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Enterprise Performance Metrics

SSE Performance Metrics

  • Qualitative assessment of the Enterprise's progress in meeting the near-term science objectives is outlined in the Space Science Enterprise Strategic Roadmap. The assessment, to be performed by the Space Science Advisory Committee, an external body, considers each stated science objective individually and provides a summary qualitative assessment (Green/Yellow/Red) of overall progress for each objective.

  • Implementing the Agency's reinvention initiative to deliver "faster, better, and cheaper" programs. To assess its progress in reinvention, the Enterprise uses a triad of metrics that address the annual number of launches, spacecraft development time, and spacecraft development costs.

  • Percentage of world-class science attributable to the Space Science Enterprise. This is based on Science News magazine's end-of-year summary of the 150 "most important stories" from all fields of science. Stories in science magazines indicate the creation of scientific knowledge over time, and Science News serves as one independent, popular source to reflect the contributions specific scientific discoveries make to society.

  • Percentage of the NASA contribution to a leading college space science textbook (Astronomy: From the Earth to the Universe by Jay Pasachoff) over time (1975 to 1996). This metric provides an independent assessment of the fundamental contributions of NASA to our understanding of the universe, as judged by those who serve the educational needs of our students.

MTPE Performance Metrics

  • Qualitative assessment of the Enterprise's progress in meeting near-term objectives outlined in the MTPE Strategic Roadmap. The assessment considers each objective individually and provides a summary evaluation (Green/Yellow/Red) of overall progress. "Green" indicates that the objective is being met as planned. "Yellow" indicates concern that an objective cannot be fully accomplished as planned. "Red" signifies that events have occurred (such as the failure of a mission critical to an objective) that would prevent or severely hinder the accomplishment of the objective as planned.

  • Implementing the Agency's reinvention initiative to deliver "faster, better, and cheaper" programs. To assess its progress in reinvention, the Enterprise uses a triad of metrics that address the annual number of launches, spacecraft development time, and spacecraft development costs.

  • MTPE data and information products have utility to research, applications, and commercial users. MTPE makes these products available through the Earth Observing System Data and Information System's (EOSDIS) Distributed Active Archive Centers (DAAC's). EOSDIS can be accessed by anyone via the World Wide Web. Measures of users' interactions with the DAAC's provide a picture of the utility of MTPE data products to the world at large.

HEDS Performance Metrics

  • International Space Station development. Complete development of the International Space Station within budget. Achieve First Element Launch in 1998; Permanent Human Presence Capability for three crew in 1999; and Permanent Human Presence Capability for seven crew at end of 2003.

  • Space Shuttle safety, reliability, and cost. Achieve seven or less flight anomalies per mission and an on-time launch success rate of 85 percent, and reduce manifest flight preparation and cargo integration duration by 20 percent in FY 1999 and 40 percent in FY 2001.

  • Effectiveness of microgravity countermeasures. Reduce risks to the health of space travelers due to the deleterious effects of exposure to microgravity through improved countermeasure effectiveness.

  • Peer-reviewed publications and science community participation. The peer review process is the most widely accepted method for evaluating the merit of scientific research. HEDS tracks peer-reviewed publications and the selection rate of our peer review process for evaluating research proposals.

  • Mass requirements for life support. The mass requirements of life support systems serve as a good aggregate indicator of life support system performance, which is critical in determining the cost of human space flight. The HEDS life support system metric displays both a gradual reduction in mass resupply requirements for the ISS and an index of the performance of an extrapolated life support system, which would incorporate advanced technology options available in a given year.

ASTT Performance Metrics

  • Deliverables completed as a percentage of those planned. Each Enterprise program uses defined and measurable customer-negotiated product and service deliverables to track performance against plans. This includes specific quantitative and/or qualitative success/exit criteria for assessing milestones and overall program goals achievement. This Enterprise metric aggregates performance from all individual program milestones and measures accomplishments toward ASTT's technology and service goals.

  • Facility utilization satisfaction. This metric aggregates overall customer satisfaction with facility capabilities and services at the four Research Centers. Facility-by-facility data are available and used to improve customer satisfaction.

  • Percentage of the dollar value of the total NASA R&D program involved in partnerships. Cooperative programs typically feature collaborative research with facility, capability, or other contributions by all parties. Such programs indicate that Enterprise research and other services is both of value to the customer and aligned with overall national requirements. Cooperative programs are one of several mechanisms for indicating or achieving such alignment of public/private-sector goals and resources. Others include cost-sharing, no-fee contracts, and joint programs with other Government agencies.

  • Overall customer satisfaction. The Enterprise serves customers from the aviation industries, the academic community, nonaviation industries, and other Government agencies. On a triennial basis, the Enterprise surveys its customers to get their input on a wide range of issues, including overall customer satisfaction.

  • Specific examples of products/services used by the customers where NASA technology was either enabling or on the critical path. This metric will demonstrate, through examples, the application and impact of NASA-developed products and services.

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Crosscutting Process Performance Metrics

Manage Strategically Performance Metrics

  • External alignment. The degree of satisfaction (Outstanding, Satisfactory, Unsatisfactory) of alignment of strategic plans with the National Space Policy, Goals for a National Partnership in Aeronautics Research and Technology, Executive Orders, and congressional legislation will be based on interviews and briefings.

  • Internal alignment. The NASA Strategic Plan is provided to all Agency employees, key customers, and stakeholders and is available on the World Wide Web. Awareness of the Agency, applicable Strategic Plans, and how their work supports NASA's goals will be measured through employee surveys.

  • Human resources. This metric will measure the ability of the Agency to meet personnel targets established by the National Performance Review.

  • Workforce diversity. This measures the extent to which nonminority males, nonminority females, African Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans, Asian/Pacific Islanders, and individuals with targeted disabilities participate in NASA's workforce. It compares their current and projected participation in NASA's workforce to their population levels in America and measures compliance with applicable statutes and regulations.

  • Physical resources. Our physical resource metric contains three interdependent elements:
    • The annual value of physical asset. This element includes Government and contractor-held real and personal property.
    • Costs avoided through alternative investment strategies. This element captures the costs saved or avoided by using alternative investment strategies other than new Agency acquisitions. Examples of these strategies include outsourcing, consolidations, alliances with other agencies, just-in-time inventories, and reengineering processes.
    • The extent to which customer requirements are met. This element is measured through a determination of whether cost, schedule, and performance goals were met and through customer satisfaction survey tools.

  • Percentage of resource authority costed within performance period. This measures the extent to which NASA uses/costs available resource authority during the performance period.

  • Percentage of vendor billing paid on time. The increase in the payment of vendors' invoices in a timely and accurate manner will be measured.

  • Percentage of contract effort that is based on Performance Based Contracting. The measure will be based on funds obligated for performance-based-type statements of work, as a percentage of funds available for such effort. (Grants, cooperative agreements, procurements under $100,000, and certain other categories are excluded from the base.)

  • Compliance with Public Law 101­144, as amended by Public Law 101­507, which requires that NASA annually award at least 8 percent of its total prime and subcontract dollars to small disadvantaged businesses, including small women-owned businesses, Historically Black Colleges and Universities, and other minority educational institutions.

  • Safety and mission assurance. This measure will assess NASA's ability to reduce the number of fatalities, injury/illness rate, Office of Workers' Compensation Program chargebacks, and material losses.

  • Information Technology (IT) return on investment relative to customer satisfaction. The metric will provide an assessment of the return on IT investment based on customer satisfaction with Agency capabilities, services, and processes.

  • Leadership. This measures the degree to which employees believe that NASA programs are being implemented and the actions of senior management are consistent with the goals, objectives, and values defined in the Strategic Plan. The NASA Employee Survey will assess employees' perceptions for this metric.

Provide Aerospace Products and Capabilities Performance Metrics

  • Reduced cost and development time to deliver high-quality products. This metric shows NASA's transition to a process that produces faster, better, and cheaper programs.

  • Leverage of NASA R&D budget in commercial partnerships with industry. This metric will assess the quality of NASA technology development by the level of industry partnering with NASA.

  • Application of effective mission design and risk assessment capability for space systems design and mission trade studies. The intent of this metric is to show that advances in technological capability, combined with new ways of doing business, will enhance the program/project management process.

Generate Knowledge Performance Metrics

  • Cycle time from selection of researchers to receipt of funds at research institution. This metric will measure the elapsed time from the selection of winning research and analysis proposals to receipt of funds at the respective research institution.

  • Provide data to researchers and information to the public. This metric will assess the time from receipt/creation of data and information to general availability to researchers and the public.

Communicate Knowledge Performance Metrics

  • Participation in the NEWEST/NEWMAST programs. The metric will measure the number of kindergarten through 12 teachers who participate in this educational outreach program and the number of students effectively reached through those teachers within 1 year.

  • NASA contributions to selected journals. The metric will survey a selected number of key, independent journals, noting the number of NASA contributions. Journals surveyed include Science, Physics Today, Journal of the American Medical Association, Scientific American, and others.

  • Citations in journals. The metric will survey a collection of independent journals, noting the number of citations of NASA contributions. Journals surveyed include Science, Physics Today, Journal of the American Medical Association, Scientific American, and others.

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Last Updated: October 30, 1997
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