Bringing people together to improve the lives of individuals, families, and communities  

2009 AAFCS Awards Program

AAFCS is proud to offer a variety of awards to recognize outstanding family and consumer sciences professionals and to honor other individuals or organizations for their work to improve the lives of individuals, families, and communities. Award winners are recognized each year during the AAFCS Annual Conference.

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Don't see the award for which you want to nominate someone? Maybe it will be offered in 2010.

Questions? Take a look at our frequently asked questions page.

Leaders Award

The Leaders Award began with the AAFCS 75th anniversary in 1984 when it was established to identify and honor family and consumer sciences professionals who have made significant contributions to the field through their involvement with AAFCS.

  • Deadline for postmark of nomination packages for the Leaders Award is January 16, 2009.
  • The guidelines and nomination form below should be consulted for details.

Leaders Award Guidelines
Leaders Award Nomination Form

National Teacher of the Year Award

The National Teacher of the Year Award identifies and recognizes exemplary family and consumer sciences teachers who exhibit a deep commitment to the profession and to the Association. These teachers have outstanding educational programs that utilize methods, techniques, and activities integrated into the curriculum to provide the stimulus for and give visibility to family and consumer sciences elementary and secondary education.

  • Deadline for postmark of nomination packages for the National Teacher of the Year Award is January 16, 2009.
  • The guidelines and nomination form below should be consulted for details.

National Teacher of the Year Award Guidelines
National Teacher of the Year Detailed Evaluation Criteria
National Teacher of the Year Award Nomination Form

New Achievers Award

The New Achievers Award was introduced in 1984 to recognize emerging professionals who have shown potential for making significant contributions in the field of family and consumer sciences.

  • Deadline for postmark of nomination packages for the New Achievers Award is January 16, 2009.
  • The guidelines and nomination form below should be consulted for details.

New Achievers Award Guidelines
New Achievers Award Nomination Form

Wiley-Berger Award for Volunteer Service

This award honors an outstanding volunteer whose work has enhanced the well-being of others. It posthumously honors Davis R. Wiley, D. Reid, and Agnes Miller Berger for their outstanding contributions to family and consumer sciences.

  • Deadline for receipt of nomination forms for the Wiley-Berger Award for Volunteer Service is January 16, 2009.
  • The guidelines and nomination form below should be consulted for details.

Wiley-Berger Award for Volunteer Service Guidelines
Wiley-Berger Award for Volunteer Service Nomination Form

Please note:
  • An award is defined as a merit honor based on performance and on contributions to the field of family and consumer sciences.
  • A grant is defined as financial support given for research studies in family and consumer sciences.
  • A fellowship is financial support from an endowment given to a student for graduate study in family and consumer sciences.
  • A scholarship is financial support from an endowment given to a student for undergraduate study in family and consumer sciences.
  • If a particular award, grant, fellowship, or scholarship is not listed in the 2009 programs section of the website as being offered in 2009, it is not being offered in 2009 (even if it was offered in the past!)
  • An award, grant, fellowship, or scholarship that is not offered in 2009 will be offered again in the future.
  • If no qualified candidate is identified for a particular award, grant, fellowship, or scholarship offered in 2009, it will not be awarded in 2009.
  • AAFCS reserves the first right of refusal to publish any developed materials resulting from AAFCS awards, grants, fellowships, or scholarships.


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[ Last Updated · October 20, 2008 ]