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From Test Tube To Patient

A Special Report from FDA Consumer Magazine


The Impact of Direct-to-Consumer Advertising

When it comes to advertising prescription drugs on radio and television and in magazines, doctors say that, for the most part, the ads have both positive and negative effects on their patients and practices. Results of a Food and Drug Administration survey, released in 2004, also indicate that most physicians view direct-to-consumer (DTC) ads as one of many factors that affect their medical practices and their interactions with patients.

For decades, prescription drug makers promoted their products exclusively to health care professionals, who were expected to interpret drug information for their patients. Beginning in the early 1990s, some drug manufacturers began targeting consumers due, in part, to the aging baby boomers and to an increase in the number of patients participating in their own health care decisions. Since then, DTC advertising has become a popular promotional tool.

The FDA oversees the advertising of prescription drug products under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act and related regulations. That means the agency must ensure that prescription drug information provided by drug firms is truthful, balanced, and accurately communicated. This is accomplished through a comprehensive surveillance, enforcement, and education program, and by fostering better communication of labeling and promotional information to both health professionals and consumers.

The 500-physician survey, released in November 2004, is the third in a series of evaluations that the FDA is using to understand better how DTC prescription drug promotion affects the patient-doctor relationship.

The physician survey and two previous consumer surveys indicate that awareness of DTC ads is increasing. For example, 81 percent of consumer respondents in 2002 reported seeing or hearing an ad for a prescription drug. This figure is up from 72 percent in 1999. But 58 percent agreed strongly that DTC ads make the drugs seem better than they really are.

The results of all three surveys will help the agency decide whether advertising rules need to be changed to ensure better consumer understanding of a prescription drug's risks and benefits.

"Much of our compliance and enforcement activity is spent trying to ensure that companies don't low-ball risks in the ad and provide inflated expectations of benefit," says Janet Woodcock, M.D., deputy FDA commissioner for operations.

Other highlights of the surveys include:

For More Information

View the final report summarizing the three direct-to-consumer advertising surveys at

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