
Feedback survey

A. About the RUAF Website

1. Since when do you visit the RUAF website?

2. How did you come to the RUAF website this time?
Recommendation from colleague
Link from other website, please specify
Search engine
Typed in website address or used favourites
Other, please specify

3. How often do you visit the RUAF website? DailyWeekly    Monthly    Every few months    Less

4. For what use do you visit the website?

5. Please rate the sections of the RUAF website (1 = poor, 5 = excellent). Only rate those sections you visit(ed)

News page
Urban Agriculture what & why?
RUAF Partner Cities
Themes section
Information Resources
Highlighted publications
RUAF Foundation
RUAF CFF Programme
RUAF Publications
Regional RUAF activities

6. What other features would you be interested in seeing on the RUAF website?

7. Overall, how do you rate the site for each of the following (1 = poor, 5 = excellent)?
Ease of use

8. Do you have any other comments about the content, design or ease of use of the site?

B. About you
We would like to get to know our visitors, so we would appreciate to know from you:

9) Which of the following best describes your profession?

Private Sector   
Development practitioner    
If none of the above accurately describes your profession, please use this space to provide more details.

10. In which country are you based?

11. You are    Male   Female

C) Contact

We would like to do a follow up with some of the respondents. If we can contact you, please supply us with your email address, and we will contact you in November 2007.

Thank you for your time

Thank you for taking the time to give us your feedback and opinions on the RUAF website. Your answers will help us in continuing to meet the needs of our visitors.