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Volcanic Activity Reports   »  Publications 

The following publications have contributed information to the Volcanic Activity Reports posted on this site.

Smithsonian Institution

CSLP (event number)

Center for Short-Lived Phenomena Event Report (1968-75).

SEAN (volume:issue)

Natural Science Event Bulletin (1975-77).

Scientific Event Alert Network Bulletin (1978-89).

GV 1975

Global Volcanism 1975-1985. Material published with other reports that was not in a previous SEAN Bulletin (1989).

BGVN (volume:issue)

Bulletin of the Global Volcanism Network (1990-present).

Other Sources

BVE (volume)

Bulletin of Volcanic Eruptions. Report of activity not included in an SI publication.


NASA Space Shuttle Photograph.

Ref (year)

Reference given following report text.

Unpub (year)

Information Contact given following report text.

Global Volcanism ProgramDepartment of Mineral SciencesNational Museum of Natural HistorySmithsonian Institution

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