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Koslowski wins Postdoctoral Publication Prize in Theoretical Physics

August 15, 2006

Koslowski wins Postdoctoral Publication Prize in Theoretical Physics

Marisol Koslowski, previously of Theoretical Chemistry and Molecular Physics (T-12), received the Leon Heller Postdoctoral Publication Prize in Theoretical Physics.

Her paper, "Avalanches and Scaling in Plastic Deformation," published in Physical Review Letters in September 2004. Richard LeSar of T-12 nominated Koslowski for the prize.

Hank Ashbaugh, also previously of T-12, received honorable mention for his paper "Scaling-particle theory and the length scales of hydrophobicity," which published as a colloquium in the Reviews of Modern Physics in January 2006. Lawrence Pratt of T-12 nominated Ashbaugh for the prize.

This biennial prize, jointly sponsored by the Laboratory and retired staff member Leon Heller, is awarded for the best article in theoretical physics, published or accepted for publication after January 1, 2004. The article must describe work performed primarily during the tenure of the postdoctoral appointment. Heller, who created the prize in 1976, provides the prize money. He has paid the cash award since the inception of the program.

Koslowski was a postdoc in T-12 until February 2005 when she converted to a technical staff member position. She holds an assistant professor position in the Mechanical Engineering Department at Purdue University. She received her doctoral degree in aeronautics from the California Institute of Technology in 2002.

Ashbaugh was a postdoc in T-12 until July 2004. He is an assistant professor in the Chemical Engineering Department at Tulane University. He received his doctoral degree in chemical engineering from the University of Delaware in 1998.
Koslowski and Ashbaugh will speak about their research at a Physics/Theoretical Division colloquium this fall at the Lab. At the colloquium, Koslowski will be presented with a monetary award and certificate and Ashbaugh will receive a certificate.

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