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Los Alamos National Security selected to operate Laboratory

December 21, 2005

Updated at 1:45 p.m.

Los Alamos National Security LLC will be the new operator of the Laboratory. The Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration announced the contract award earlier today.

Los Alamos National Security is the University of California-Bechtel National led team.

"This is an historic time, not unlike the period exactly 60 years ago when Los Alamos moved on from being a single project to becoming a much broader, world-class scientific laboratory. I believe we are now making a similar transition to the next level of excellence in providing science in support of the national interest," Laboratory Director Bob Kuckuck said in a all-employee memo to the work force.

Kuckuck noted that NNSA Administrator Linton Brooks is scheduled to speak to Laboratory employees at 9:30 Thursday morning.

To read the director's all-employee message, click here (Adobe Acrobat Reader required).

Editor's Note: University of California President Robert Dynes today released the following message to Laboratory employees.

Dear Colleagues:

Earlier today, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced that our team, Los Alamos National Security (LANS LLC), made up of the University of California, Bechtel National, BWX Technologies and Washington Group International, was chosen as the future manager of Los Alamos National Laboratory. Clearly, the leadership of the University of California, your future cirector, Michael Anastasio, and the entire Los Alamos National Security LLC team are very pleased with this decision.

I am proud of all of our employees - current and former - who have contributed their talent and dedication to the mission of Los Alamos, and I am grateful to those who worked tirelessly in recent months on our team's contract proposal. I truly believe that LANS' strong proposal and leadership team will provide [Los Alamos] with the tools to make even greater contributions to national security and scientific discovery in the future.

Since the final days of the Second World War, together, we have served this nation, providing unparalleled scientific and technological excellence while ensuring the safety, security and reliability of our nation's nuclear stockpile. The tremendous hard work and dedication of all of our employees at Los Alamos and throughout the university system allows us to stand tall today.

The decision today by the Department of Energy begins a new era for Los Alamos and all of us. Our team will now commence the transition to a new management team at the Laboratory. This will take some time - change is never easy. Having worked with many of you and having seen the great work that emerges from the Laboratory, I know that you will rise to the challenge of change and continue to meet the mission goals set by DOE and Congress. I also know that you will continue to provide our country with the cutting-edge scientific and technological excellence that keeps our nation on the frontiers of science.

As you are aware, Michael Anastasio has been designated the director of the Los Alamos National Laboratory. He did a tremendous job leading our team in the competition and his leadership expertise will be invaluable to the future of the Laboratory. I know many of you have worked with him in his current role as director of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Director Anastasio, a nuclear physicist, has more than 25 years of experience in national security and nuclear weapons. He is expected to move to Los Alamos shortly as part of the transition team efforts.

While we are particularly pleased with the [Department of Energy's] decision today, a significant amount of work awaits all of us to ensure that the new Los Alamos National Security LLC (LANS) team is properly in place on June 1. In the coming weeks, you will receive a variety of communications from LANS outlining its transition plans and its benefits. UC also will provide you with information about the transition so that you can take the necessary steps to ensure a seamless continuation of your benefits and employment. The LANS transition plan, as well as the university's efforts to close out the current contract, are designed to minimize disruption for you, your families and the work of the Laboratory.

Again, thank you for your hard work and dedicated service to our nation. Just as the great scientific minds of an earlier generation did when they first came to Los Alamos in the midst of a terrible global conflict, I know you will continue to chart new frontiers and help solve some of the greatest problems of our time. All of us at the University of California look forward to being a part of the great science yet to come at Los Alamos.


Robert C. Dynes

To read a DOE news release, click here.

To read a UCOP news release, click here (Adobe Acrobat required).

To read a LANS news release, click here (Adobe Acrobat required).

Operated by Los Alamos National Security, LLC for the U.S. Department of Energy's NNSA

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