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KSL’s taxi service to change

By Kathy Delucas

May 23, 2005

The Laboratory has conducted a traffic and usage study to determine how to reduce the costs of the KSL taxi service and make it more economically feasible.

The study indicates that traffic into and out of Technical Area 3 was the principle use for the taxi service, followed by trips to and from the town site and up and down the Pajarito Road corridor. A new service plan calls for establishing regular routes for these high-density areas, with dispatch service continuing for remote areas.

The study, using GPS mapping technology linked up with drivers’ logs on rider usage, pickup locations and destinations, revealed peak usage times and key facilities visited. This data provided insight for designing a more efficient service model, according to Rick Nelson of the Support Services Contract Office.

Nelson said details of the new service are still being developed, but the changes should save the Laboratory more than $1million annually in operating costs. The model will be rolled out in the late June early July timeframe and will be more like a traditional bus service with timed regular routes, he added.

The taxi program has existed in one form or another over the history of the Laboratory. General shortages of government vehicles, in addition to the scarcity of parking make the taxi service a necessity for many Lab employees, Nelson noted.

Support for the regional park and ride commuter bus service will continue and every effort is being made to actually improve service while streamlining the overall operation, Nelson said.

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