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Dedication ceremony today for UC, San Diego-Los Alamos engineering institute

May 19, 2005

Laboratory and University of California, San Diego officials today are dedicating a new engineering institute to be located in the Los Alamos Research Park.

Interim Laboratory Director Robert Kuckuck will join UC Board of Regents member Peter Preuss, Marye Anne Fox, UC, San Diego chancellor, and others, in the dedication ceremony scheduled to begin at about 1:30 p.m.

The research-focused collaboration with UC, San Diego's Jacobs School of Engineering will help train potential future employees for the Laboratory, while also creating education and research opportunities for UC, San Diego students.

"This partnership strengthens our comprehensive approach to recruiting, training, retention and research in an effort to better meet future engineering needs relevant to the Lab's mission of enhancing global security," said Chuck Farrar of the Engineering Sciences and Applications (ESA) Division, director of the Engineering Institute at Los Alamos.

"We see this collaboration as a model for how UC, San Diego can work with our University of California colleagues to expand the national presence and service of the university," said UC, San Diego Chancellor Fox. "UCSD depends on partners like Los Alamos to ensure the relevance of our education and research by focusing on real-world needs and challenges."

The Research Park is located on West Jemez Road across from the Otowi Building at Technical Area 3.

For more information, see the news release (Adobe Acrobat Reader required).

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